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Potty training my 2 year old...any advice??

I have started to potty train my 2 year old today. He has been using the potty with no problems when he has no clothes on, he has been telling me when he has done a wee or poo etc etc but today as soon as I said that we was going to wear big boy pants he has become terrified of the potty! Do I give up or just keep trying. At the moment I have been sitting him on it every 30 mins and he has done a wee every time. Is this a normal reaction or is he not quite ready yet?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    make sure that you praise him in ridiculous amounts, i have three children of my own two of who i potty trained at this age the other being only 7mths. what i found was to get rid of the nappies altogether and dont give up if he is not keen on wearing underwear at the minute dont force him. explain in the simplest terms that it what big grown up boys do that sort of thing. the point is to keep going be prepared for accidents and if your going out take a spare set of clothes (and shoes, trust me) it may be an idea to keep a mop handy also.

    Remember he is not the only one learning to do something you are to take it slowly. (when i potty trained my yougest boy i used the potty myself to show him, i made it into a game which he found hilarious) making it fun and rewarding is the best way. (never tell them off if they have an accident, its best to just explain that its not good and always put them on the potty straight away afterwards and say that that is the correct place to do their business) its also a good idea to take them to the toilet with you and show them how great it is.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is nornal reaction. Just be consistant until he gets it. Give it 3 weeks or more, then he will get into the routine (maybe sooner) but he has to NEVER go back to diaper changes or else he will always go back to it. Consistency is the best way, Never start potty training and then stop. It may be hard at first, but every 30 minutes is a bit much. Every morning, before you leave the house, etc.... but every 30 minutes.. Do you have to pee every 30 minutes? Asking him every thirty minutes is ok, but putting him on the potty every thirty minutes will make him hate the potty! You must make him realize it a part of life, but not every thirty minutes of life! just be consistant and continue to ask and help him every time. And show encouragement and praise when he does. He'll get the picture.

  • 5 years ago

    Does your youngster complain about moist or dirty diapers? Can your kid pull down his or her pants and pull them up again? Then start off the potty training and for a fast good results you want to use this strategy so that you can potty train your youngster in only 3 days.

    This plan is extremely useful plan, it outlines an array of proven methods designed to support your youngster obtain potty training achievement in record time!

    By ordering Begin Potty Training, you and your little one will get pleasure from the enjoyable side of teaching and obtaining this crucial ability. As such, potty training can even be exciting employing this broad assortment of tactics that have been properly honed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Persistance, and Patience, and more persistance.....and stay with it..... don't let down your guard for a second, or you'll be changing messy pants !!!! He is ready.

    When my daughter took her first steps we started potty training. And when she was 17 months, she was into a big bed with her 10 yr. old sister......and no diapers.....she didn't like the diapers. And with my son ,,, I wasn't as on top of it and stay with it as good.....and he continued to wet the bed clear up to about 10th grade.....and even then the kids at school made such fun of him and his smelly clothes, that he finally did quit. Boys are soooo much harder to train too !!

    Today my kids are 41 ,, 35,,, and 33.....all are parents, and the oldest is a grandma. sooooo keep on it, and remain firm, but consistant....... you'll be glad you did.

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  • 1 decade ago

    my sister has a two year old and he's fully toilet trained and he doesn't use the potty and he can stand up to do his wee's. i think the most important thing is encouragement. let him know how proud of him you are and give him cuddles after he's done a wee in the potty.

    you could ask him if he want to sit on the big persons toilet, you can get rims to fit on so they can sit comfortably. leave the nappy on a little while longer until he's able to alert you when he needs to go, he might forget to tell you so ask him regulary. make it a fun experience, my little nephew is so proud of himself every time he goes to the toilet and he gets lots of praise and encouragement.

    goodluck! =)

  • 1 decade ago

    Lol i had the same issue he would only use it when he had no clothes on.. But just keep trying..dont give up. Just get down to his level and explain to him he cant be naked all the time and that when he has his clothes on to tell mommy he has to go potty, instead of going in his clothes becouse if he goes in his cool big boy undies then they will be ucky and he cant wear them any more. You can use something he likes as a reward to help encourage him to go aswell. my son liked picking a piece of candy out of a jar for his reward. Good Luck

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Toilet Training Guide
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It sounds like you both are doing great! He goes wee every time and you are keeping him to a schedule. One tip that helped my boys was allowing them to pee standing up. They loved this because it was fun for them and it helped them develop control because they were watching what was happening. I found a sturdy stool on amazon that enabled them to stand over the toilet and hang on to the stool's sides.

    This stool was well worth it and definitely sped up the training as well as teaching them to do it all on their own so I was not carrying the burden.

    Hope this helps.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This might sound weird, but it worked for my 4 year old son....

    we'd put cheerios in the toilet and tell him to "shoot them". It was a game and he enjoyed it so much. Just like a new toy, once the novelty of it wore off, we didn't need the cheerios and he just went.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Each child takes things differently a lot of them fear change. Little steps mom, sounds like you are doing everythign just right.

    Source(s): mother of 1.5
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