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ebosgramma asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Not cleaning dog feces?

My daughter moved into an apartment building over the Winter. The neighbor living downstairs let her 2 dogs out the front door to poop and never cleaned it all Winter. Now that the snow has melted there is seriously a deep layer of feces covering the entire front lawn area. My question is this:

Does this pose any danger to my 2 and 4 year old Grandchildren? Hopefully they will not walk in it or eat it but how can you be sure with toddlers. I am expecting that it will attract bugs once it gets warm which could be another problem?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As everyone else has answered, definately call the landlord and explain the situation to him. The children are in danger, feces of any type hold thousands of strands of bacteria. There are thousands of types of infections a child can get from feces. (tape worms, ring worms, etc.). To an adult these things are not that dangerous but to a young child without a fully active immune system (which tottlers do not have) these viruses can be deadly. If the landlord does nothing, then I would contact animal control.

  • 1 decade ago

    The neighbor should pick up after her dog no matter what! It's common courtesy, but some people don't care. It will attract flys and other bugs. I can also cause other dogs or animals to poop and pee there because of the poop left over.

    If the dog has any diseases like ringworm or worms in general. Your grandchildren can get it if they walk pass it barefoot or step in it and play with some and transfer it up to their mouth (knowingly or unknowingly)

    My friend lived at these apartments and people complained about her 7 pound chihuahua pooping in the grass in front of their apartment. Keep in mind that the geese around there poop bigger than she. We cleaned up after her each time, but the neighbors across from them had a great dane and a retriever that would poop on the sidewalk. A little strange they didn't pick up after their dogs.

    Talk to the people in charge of your building or the in charge of the apartments. Hopefully they can get the lady to clean up the mess and clean up after her dogs from now .

    Good Luck

    Source(s): Dog Owner for 20 years
  • Anama
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It is just gross, it should be dealt with. Just have your daughter leave a note on your neighbor's door asking her to please be a good neighbor and clean up the mess (you don't even have to sign it).

    If the neighbor will not, or she has no desire to leave a note, this is what the apt. manager is for. I am sure there is some agreement in the pet contract that states she must clean up after her dog.

    I think it is an issue for anyone who wants to walk or even just be in that area, not just your grandkids. It smells and it is messy and it attracts flies. Good luck. She should call the manager if the neighbor won't do it on her own.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would have her call the landlord. The landlord will hopefully have the downstairs tenant clean it up, or hire someone to clean it up.

    Not only does it cause a hazard, it is against the law in every state to have tenants living in unhealthy conditions.

    Please have your daughter keep your grandchildren out of the dog feces. She will have to take the children elsewhere to play until the conditions are improved.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Several things - in order:

    1 - have your daughter speak nicely to the neighbor and ask her to pick up the feces in the yard so her children can play.

    2 - if she doesn't pick it up within a week, go to the apartment manager and ask her nicely to ask the neighbors to pick up the feces in the yard so the children can play.

    3. If she doesn't pick it up in one week, go to the landlord and ask her nicely to ask the neighbor to pick up the feces in the yard so the children can play.

    4 - if she doesn't pick it up within one week, go to the health department and ask them nicely if there's any way they can make the neighbor pick up the dog feces.

    5. If that doesn't work, call your local newspaper and tell them to bring a photographer. Tell them the story - how you've asked you're neighbor, your manager, you're landlord, and the health department, and no one wants to make the neighbor clean up her dog's messes. Ask them to come out and photograph the yard and talk to the neighbor and ask her nicely why she won't pick up the mess.

    And that should do it. If not, escalate - there's radio, television, city manager, city council, mayor... as high as you have to go. Always be calm, always be nice, and never back down. If they start arguing with you, pause, then repeat your point.

    Good luck!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    My son has a 30 pound puppy and she poops alot. So I keep a 5 gallon bucket and a shovel and I make a pass every other day and pick it up. Then I pour it in the woods. You can also bag it to throw it away.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your daughter needs to call the landlord. Pet owners like this give the rest of us a bad name. This is the reason why it's impossible for many pet owners to rent. Yes the mess will attract bgs and other vermin plus it's just disgusting.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    my my there are some disgusting folk in the world. Best thing you can do love is tell your daughter to get on to the manager of the apartment building and environmental health and express her concerns to the neighbour. If she is too shy or intimidated to tell them to their face- tell her to write a letter to them and post it by hand through their door. Your grandkids are very young and wouldnt know any better so try and prevent them from playing in the garden by taking them to the park of whatever

    Good luck, i sincerely hope the conditions improve.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am a dog lover (3) but I would call the health dept. on her, it is certainly is a health problem, I always walk mine with a plastic bag in my pocket, and my back yard is picked up every day, she should have picked it up even in the snow she must have to walk right by it to get out.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Feces can blind a child if they get it in their eyes.

    That pig that lives below your daughter needs to give live in a barn with the rest of the animals.

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