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Iraq Bush bad president terrorist opinions needed!!!?

Ok, here’s the deal. I’m gonna make the war in Iraq simple, and see if there’s a reason for you to still disagree with why the US forces are there.


Parents=presidents/prime ministers

School principal=United Nations

Say you’re a kid, playing on the playground at school. There’s a bigger kid there, picking on small kids like you. You go home at the end of the school day, and tell your parents what happened. Your parents talk to their parents and the bully’s parents say they don’t have to listen to what you say, it’s their kid.

So….then the bullied kids’ parents go to the school principal to let him know what’s going on, and the principal gets in touch with the bully’s parents.

The principal tells the bully’s parents their child will have to follow the school’s rules, or their child will be punished (i.e., sanctions).

Their child still does whatever he likes. Children at school are still being hurt. What would you, as the children’s parents, do?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, considering school principals are as useless as the UN. I think you are right!

  • Dani
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    There are a couple flaws in your reasoning. First Iraq is a sovereign country that was no threat to us. They had just endures eight years of a futile war with Iran, repelled by the coalition put together by the Elder Bush when they attacked Kuwait and spent the last ten years before we invaded them. Second we are part of the UN. We are among the framers and one of the five permanent members of the Security Council. We are bound to UN rules by the sixth article of the Constitution.

    The bully was being punished and had not hit anyone for over ten years so why do parents of the once bullied child want harsher punishments?

    Did I put it simple enough.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'd complain to the school board and find a lawyer ready to sue the socks off of them if they didn't get a resolution from this nonsense, and then take my kid to a different school. I'm not sure how that fits with your war story, but, that's what I'd do. As far as Iraq and others are concerned, I'd keep our troops, one of which has been my son, in there till somebody, not us, gets tired of the nonsense, or they're moved back to the Stone Age. God Bless you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    thats a pretty big chunk of it. the other peice of it is another example like the weird kid walking arround school hateing everyone just because they are popular, jocks or something to that effect and they shoot up the school saying that others are picking on them and makeing them feel bad but they really shot up the school because they are the weird kid who hates evertone for no reason

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  • Ezz
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Actually it doesn't really work. Cause the countries always follow the President in most cases. Its the same thing. Sorry.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think a better analogy would be

    Countries/presidents= Siblings

    UN= mom

    Siblings bother each other and go complain to the mom, but sometimes the mom doesn't side with you and so you, being a sibling, decide to take it into your own hands and beat up your brother in the yard when your mom isn't looking... then you get caught and get in trouble, but it's already done and you can't take it back.

    you, as the sibling, should grow up and realize maybe it was your fault he broke your toy in the first place.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Steal the Bully's oil.

  • 1 decade ago

    Click the link and lets go down memory lane, some of you must of been too young to remember what really happened.

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