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Would like opinions on the use of a Cell Phone while operatin'/DRIVING a Motor Vehicle?

My ONLY opinion be ~ "Drive now, TALK LATER"!!!! < ' ( (( > <

Note: Aaaaagain, yes I'm quite aware that this be solely for fishin', however as I've stated before ~ "Just feel I can relate a bit better with Answers ppl in this category" ;)...


I thank you all very much for your opinions :) :) :), however my feelings are still the same, "Drive now and talk later". Yes, I realize that there are items on the market which permits one to talk while drivin' but, what about all those that do not have such devices? I just feel that a line should be drawn ie., no Cell phones used while operating a motor vehicle ~ period... Granted they are a GREAT emergency source but, this can be done from the side of the road and not while driving.

Yup', we all be livin' in one H _ _ l'uva' technical world but, the prevention of the loss of lives is far more important.

Update 2:

This be a slight off my subject postin' and apologies are in order but, this old cowpoke fart raised some HE double L with em' and my monies was returned! Ha', got the identically same .45 grips (minus the Chip name) outta' a different place annnnd they be 20 bucks CHEAPER :) :) :)!!

Note: For Yahoo's sake: "Drive Now and Talk Later" ;)... < ' ( (( > <

Update 3:

Anyone heard the phrase, "Walkin' and chewin' gum at the same time"? Well in a LOT of cases there be quite a number of ppl that cannot do this ~ that be an analogy...

13 Answers

  • MR. T.
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    absolutly not!

    It's dangerous, I myself have almost done something stupid while trying to dial and drive! NO MORE though.

    side note: Texting and driving is even worse!

  • 1 decade ago

    Not only do idiots with phones cause more than their share of accidents, they're also the ones who are stopped at green lights while they dial, idling along well below the speed limit while they talk, etc. -- that is, they're a major cause of traffic jams.

    By the way, have you ever listened to what these people say on the phone while driving? "Yeah, I'm just driving home, I'll be there at the usual time. Anything new with you? Nope, same old same old..." Then they hang up and call someone else and say the same thing.

    Save the phones for important stuff. And if it's more important than driving safely, then park before you dial.

  • 1 decade ago

    Scientifically, the part of your brain that is used to concentrate on your driving is the same part of your brain that is used to concentrate on a phone conversation. Therefore, if you are concentrated on a phone conversation you CAN NOT be concentrated on your driving. Ever been talking, have to do some slightly tricky driving maneuver, then have to ask the person on the phone...."what was that?" because you heard but didn't register what they said? This is why. If you are concentrating on your phone call, what are you missing on the road? It's more dangerous for a person to be driving while trying to concentrate on a phone call than for them to be driving just over the legal alcohol limit. And btw...hands free doesn't matter, it's in how your brain works, it can only do one of the two jobs efficiently at a time.

  • 1 decade ago


    The problem isn't when a person is talking on the cell while driving. The problem starts when a person is trying to make a call or starts texting while driving. The keys on the phone are small and you have to divert your eyes downward to look. It's during this moment that most accidents happen. With todays technology and the Blue Tooth, talking while driving is alot easier. Calls can now be made by use of a simple voice command to leave your hands free to drive. I do this all the time and haven't had an accident ( knock on cyber wood) yet.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with you. No one is that important that they need to be on the phone while they are driving. If you must talk, get a hands free device or pull over or call them when you get to your destination.

    Even the hands free devices don't really help much. It is the person with their head up their butt not paying attention to the traffic because they are making plans or ordering dinner or tying to close a sale etc.

    I have been in two serious accidents in the past 3 years (the last one my car was totaled) because of people on the phone not paying attention.

  • 1 decade ago

    A friend of mine is a state police officer - he states that driving and talking on a cell phone is the equivalent of driving under the influence.

    You just shouldn't do it.

    I now have been in 2 accidents because of drivers talking on their cell phone. One rear-ended me at a red light, the other

    smashed my rear quarter because they failed to stop at a red light while I was turning left under a green courtesy arrow.

    Pull over and talk.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have a device in my car and truck called a Parrot, basically its hands free, its wireless, just leave the cell phone on blue-tooth, then this is attached to my dashboard, i can scroll through and on the devices LCD screen it has callers numbers and my telephone address book, it works through the car radio speakers and needs no wires, just press call and it works simple.

    However if someone is holding cell phone up against their ear think its very dangerous and can and has killed. I really recommend the Parrot hands free device, once connected its very small and doesn't need to switched on and there are no wires connecting it to your cell phone, you also don't need to wear one of the headsets designed for blue-tooth, just talk out loud. This is my device

    If i didn't have it then you can guarantee i wouldn't talk whilst driving, i urge every one if you have to take a call please stop at the side of the road whilst you have your conversation.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe you should not be allowed to use a cell phone while driving cause it increase the risk of a crash by atleast 3 times and the drivers are a danger to the road!

  • 1 decade ago

    "Scientifically, the part of your brain that is used to concentrate on your driving is the same part of your brain that is used to concentrate on a phone conversation. Therefore, if you are concentrated on a phone conversation you CAN NOT be concentrated on your driving".

    So does that mean it's dangerous to have a conversation with a person inside your vehicle while you drive!!??

    Source(s): I'm proud to not own a cellphone. How annoying it must be to have people calling you wherever you might be. Too short of a leash for me!
  • 1 decade ago

    You are not allowed to use a cell phone while driving in NY. It's a $50 fine, they have really cracked down

  • Injun
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hand held cell phones and driving r the cause of many accidents wish it was made illegal everywhere!

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