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Florida hunters and fisher ppl check! Hey it has been a while since I have been on see the best answer levels have gone up and now I am no longer on the list.Oh WELL had to give the rest of you a chance,lol. I do miss Y/A !!

  • Can a person buy a house boat to live on while on SSI not SSDI?

    He has a house but was damaged by hurricane Michael and cannot afford to repair the house. So he asked me if I knew could he sell out and buy a house boat to live on. Supplemental security income! 

    He has a personal loan payment to family that loaned him money for repairs and cannot keep up with the cost. 

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 year ago
  • Do you top fishing answerers here think you have what it takes to even compare to ME!?

    The past few years I have journeyed all over trying to challenge myself but alas all has failed I have conquered it all.My travels start back in the days of the wild Seamonkey trade with wild battles asea to the ever trying Chicken of the Sea fishing tourneys I won.On one of my wilder travels I even met up with the famed Captain Jack Daniel and Captain MORGAN.These are two of the most feared Captains asea and our paths crossed a few times and I the mariner that I am came out ahead.They pursued me through out the isles in the South Seas but I purged them when I made for open waters.I could go on for hours telling the tales but I shall stop here for now...or you can look for my book at the local bookstores.

    10 AnswersFishing9 years ago
  • fish taste good or do they?

    Hey friends I am back just because someone flagged my post they think I will not post again,ha!

    6 AnswersFishing1 decade ago
  • What happened to all my old fishing answer friends?

    Just checked back in after a long time away and did not see the old group as before.If you changed ID's give me a holler back!

    4 AnswersFishing1 decade ago
  • I am being hit for back sales tax from my business that has been closed!?

    I just found I have 18 tax warrants for back sales tax from a business I did own but has been closed.The taxes are for the years I was not in business and the Indiana dept of revenue says they never got my BC100.I did resend all info back through my tax agency and now I am being hit up by collection agency using strong arm tactic's.The tax debt is over $20000 for the years I was closed and my tax preparer said this should be taken care of when they(In dept of rev) get my information.

    The collection agency says you are refusing to pay and we can garnish you pay(I am on SSI) and I cannot afford any trouble.They also claim I am free loading and just wont pay my bills is all.The intimidation is getting to me!

    I dont owe this money but the paper work must have not been processed yet what can I do!

    1 AnswerUnited States1 decade ago
  • Buying a home family loaning money I am on SSI?

    My parents want to loan me the money to buy a home BUT I am on SSI.Can this be done? I don't want to lose my benefits by owning but this rent thing is drowning me in debt.

    my father would loan me the money to purchase a home and has set up a loan for 30 years at 5.25% interest.The loan amount would be $30 to $40 thousand and with a monthly payment I can afford.

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Can a person on SSI buy a house?

    Can a person on SSI but a house or are they stuck renting for the rest of thier lives.I have found that owning is less costly per month vers renting and living on SSI monies.The reasons I ask is HUD or sect 8 the waiting list is so very long.

    4 AnswersPeople with Disabilities1 decade ago
  • Disabiled living the cheapest way!?

    This is just an idea and not meant to be a cure all but just an idea.

    I have a friend that lives in florida that owns 5.5 acres of land zoned to be recreational use ie:campground! Now my thoughts are to see if he would allow it to be a campground for disabled users as in permanent campertrailer site living.Yes I know it will take money and time to make it into a good livable area but if enough ppl would have interst in their site in time full hook ups as in water sewer and electric would be added better.The land did have 3 house trailers on it but gone now.But it still has 3 septics and 2 wells on the land and electric for each trailer area.

    My point is do you all think this could be a good thing or not all I ask is for honest opinions.This way I can talk with him and let him know there is something good he can do we his land and still make a small fee from the users.He says if he could do something with it that can make a small return for the value of the land he may think about it

    5 AnswersPeople with Disabilities1 decade ago
  • Can I qualify my shared home for HUD?

    I am looking into buying a home that has an added on studio apartment BUT they are linked together with an open wall into a living room.There was a doorway and it can be put back in!

    What I would like to know is what does it take to qualify a studio apt to be HUD or section 8?

    The apt is small studio 16 x 25 with seperate bathroom small shower toilet and sink.Threst of the area is one room sleeping area in corner(single bed)a fridge and microwave!The studio has a ceiling fan a/c and fire and smoke detectors also!

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • '94 Chrysler LHS transmission troubles??

    '94 Chrysler LHS transmission is stuck in first gear and will not shift at all and the rear passenger side brake is locked up! The right rear brake locks up in reverse but allows free forward movement still the trans is stuck in first gear!

    What could be possible problems,thank you Injun!

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Making plans to move and am on SSI!?

    I am living in Indiana at this time but because of health issues my doctor has reccomended I move to somewhere warm.Yes a few of you know I have talked about Florida!!

    What I need to know is how to talk with SS about this could I lose my benefits as in my ssi payments? How hard is it to get my medicaid and foodstamps down in florida going again?

    I am not sure if I ask SS office the wrong way or what but they have said I could lose my benefits alltogether and never get them back!But I know ppl have moved and I just need someone with factual information that has delt with this before,thank you putting up with my questions!

    6 AnswersPeople with Disabilities1 decade ago
  • Family buying a house and renting to me while I am on SSI!?

    Family buying a house and renting to me while I am on SSI will I lose any benefits like foodstamps or my pay from SSI?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Can I apply for housing assistance in a state I do not live in but want to move to before I move?

    I would like to move to florida but want to apply for HUD or section 8 housing can I do this before I move!They say there is a waiting list and I do not plan on moving for at least 6 months or until I get accepted for housing.Is this allowed?

    6 AnswersPeople with Disabilities1 decade ago
  • How much will I pay in rent?

    Can anyone give me a good idea of what part I would pay for rent in a HUD approved or section 8 rental.

    The rental is in panama city florida and is $575 per month!

    Also does section 8 cover rental in trailers too?

    4 AnswersPeople with Disabilities1 decade ago
  • I have violated policy again!?

    I posted (merry christmas) in both fishing and hunting and had both removed because they violated policy so here's to being the bad boy of all!

    18 AnswersFishing1 decade ago
  • Antique Bayonet??

    I have a old bayonet and trying to find out info on it any help would be great!

    Spec's - 16" long, bakelite handle, stamped 1907 S A Firebomb on one side the other is stamled U S 202915, it is a canvas case in excellent condition! Thanks and sorry if this is wrong araea to post!

    2 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • rent assistance?

    How do I go about applying for rent assistance when I live in a small cottage home owned by my parents?

    They charge me 350 per month plus I have to pay all utilities and I would like to know how to start the process.Hud?Area 5?

    6 AnswersPeople with Disabilities1 decade ago
  • Living in Florida 6 moths a year!!?

    I would like to live in florida for 6 months per year and have been asking about my medicade and food stamps with the local office with no luck.My question - I am on SSI and the cold winters in Indiana make it almost impossible to function so I would like to move to florida for 6 months per year.So does anyone have any real life knowledge on the process to transfer medicade and food stamps or if I even can do this!!

    My local office says I could lose my benefits all together doing this but I have been told it may be possible.

    Thank you for any advice!

    3 AnswersPeople with Disabilities1 decade ago
  • What is the normal SSI payment per month!?

    It says on my statement that I get 623 per month then minus 207.66(states monthly food or shelter value) = 415.34

    Now I do get food stamps of 155 per month but why the extra money taken out?

    Now 415.34 - 250 rent - 75 util - 45 sewer - 34 phone - 133 for meds(medicade covers most) - 47 gas for home = - 168.66!

    What I would like to know is how they come up with there numbers and can I drop the foodstamps to get more money on check if anyone knows please answer!

    7 AnswersPeople with Disabilities1 decade ago
  • What can I do while on SSI!?

    Can I use my SSI money to travel and live in my old RV?

    I have been told by certain ppl that my SSI money cant be used for me to enjoy what I have left in life.That it is just for me to live in an apartment pay bills and just live!!

    I see and know many ppl on SSDI that travel and do things so why not do it on SSI?

    Is it allowed?Can I go on vacations anything or just live alone and die!

    7 AnswersPeople with Disabilities1 decade ago