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Lv 6
Injun asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationFishing · 9 years ago

Do you top fishing answerers here think you have what it takes to even compare to ME!?

The past few years I have journeyed all over trying to challenge myself but alas all has failed I have conquered it all.My travels start back in the days of the wild Seamonkey trade with wild battles asea to the ever trying Chicken of the Sea fishing tourneys I won.On one of my wilder travels I even met up with the famed Captain Jack Daniel and Captain MORGAN.These are two of the most feared Captains asea and our paths crossed a few times and I the mariner that I am came out ahead.They pursued me through out the isles in the South Seas but I purged them when I made for open waters.I could go on for hours telling the tales but I shall stop here for now...or you can look for my book at the local bookstores.


I just stopped by top see if any of the old peeps were still around!

Update 2:

Sweet I see a few oldies and maybe a few newbies too for the friends list! I hate to say all me stories are true to lies well slight improvements maybe..!I have been layin on the white sand beaches of me new home area sunnin me specials.Plus with all the travels I needed the rest and for those long hard battles with the Captians.....I still be battlin one shot at a time!Peace to all of you and Happy New Years to you too!!

10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    (In his best pirate talk) Argh!!!!!!!! Ya'll better give this man due credit. This here be Rion of old! He owned a B & T and has fished from Florida to the Outer Rim!

    Hey bud! It's "Fisher King" (Know known as Ole Fisherman)

    I'm still around............miss your answer's bud!

    How are you feeling???? Hows your new digs?

    UPDATE: Bruce- The Fisher King was one of the knights in Arthurian Legend to keep and hold the Grail. (As the older answer group began disappearing/leaving I felt like the only one left to keep the fishing section alive- like I was "holding the Grail". Plus, Fisher King just sounds cool. Before I was The Fisher King I took the moniker of "Stop_Makin_Cents"- a play on words and a great Talking Heads CD. Along with 'Ole Fisherman, these are the three names I've had here.)

    Injun was/is one of the more knowledgeable answerer's that ever came here. Obviously, anyone who has owned a B & T would know a large quantity about fishing..............

  • Bruce
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    So this is one of the older answerers?... Dude weird and creative story but abit over the top

    Anyway I'm one of the newer guys here, Started fishing (and answering in the forum) about 7-9 months ago.

    Ole fisherman... F-K??? O o

    Why should that sound familar... I'm trying to think about it but I just can't delve deep enough into my mind to remember where I think I heard that... Should I look it up? Nah that would ruin all the fun! But assuming from all the other answers preveious responds and your own to other questions and the like... I can detail out that perhaps your a world renowned angler like Mark Davis??? O o

    Or is that all in my strange twisted little head.

    Well later guys, it's good too see an older answerer come back. Seeing as how you seem to have een gone awhile...

    "Fishin influenced games... Games influenced me"

    EDIT: Wait... Was that story actually true?! Cause somehow I don't doubt it...

    EDIT2: Ole fisherman

    Thanks for the explanation, I appriciate you taking the time to respond to it. Man... If only could see the old Y-A for one time... Oh well, we can only hope ALL the older answerers may come back and recover and restore Yahoo Answers to it's former awesomeness.

    Hah, the trolls would be so scared they would run to hell. Then alongside all the old answerers will be the newbies running about and trying to help out just the same (while they will also be getting help from all the oldies too!) Sounds like a distant fantacy... But time will tell right?

    Read ya later Ole fisherman!

    EDIT3: Happy new years injun! That goes for everyone else too! Hope you guys get the big ol fish as a end run fishing memory that will last a life-time!

    To all who angle!!!! Happy New years! And celebrate a coming year of even more fishing!

    Source(s): Relativly "New"V-Game Bass Amature Angler... Why am I outta the loop here... Got here too late, damn I hate myself right now. I can imagine a world (Y-A) With great answerers abundant! And the trolls paling in the shadows of these amazing Angling figures! Where are all you old'ehs Now!? Everyone seems to know but me. I guess I deserve it for being a "newbie" I wish I was here back then...
  • 9 years ago

    F_K! I never thought I'd see the day when you referred to yourself as that again! You made my day.

    My story tellin' don't compare none too good to Injun's.

    Source(s): -B
  • 9 years ago

    well i see you are doing well now Injun...last i saw you were affriad of your SSi not being enough. If i were you i would go bow thats an adventure...: )

    Source(s): the outernet...dont get caught in the web...and something smells fishy in here
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  • zipper
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Any one can blow a hot wind, as for Morgan and Danial I have drink both; ain't no biggie!

  • 9 years ago

    But i'm not a top fishing answer-er so HA

  • Erik
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    lmao, I always love seeing these.

  • 9 years ago

    ...asea where you're going with this.

  • 9 years ago

    Are you a doo doo pirate?

  • Andrew
    Lv 6
    9 years ago


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