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What can I do while on SSI!?

Can I use my SSI money to travel and live in my old RV?

I have been told by certain ppl that my SSI money cant be used for me to enjoy what I have left in life.That it is just for me to live in an apartment pay bills and just live!!

I see and know many ppl on SSDI that travel and do things so why not do it on SSI?

Is it allowed?Can I go on vacations anything or just live alone and die!


No moocher dont drink alcohol or do drugs just disabled!

And the RV is my only vehicle and is a 1975 camper van it was valued at 100 dollars!

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Hey, those monies are for anything you want to use them for! Trust me I've been with Social Security Benefits since 1985. Whomever told ya' differently has been "reading from the wrong book "!! Why shouldn't they (monies) be, you've earned them and it's been withdrawn from your paychecks through all the years of employment!! Link below is for Social Security site. This link has a tendency of confusion one, but take the time and read up on it! The confusion begins w/ the fact that it is from the Federal Government and I'm sure ya' know how that goes ie., 100 words and clauses just ta' answer one simple question. May want ta' place this link in your computer

    bookmarks for future reference. One other thing I might add is, I receive my checks through direct deposit into my bank account (notify your bank and SSI - very easy process), it simplifies things for me and I don't have the worry of it gettin' lost in the postal system (happened to me twice until I made the change over to direct deposit!). Hope this helps ya' out ;)...

    Edit : By the way Social Security does NOT look at the fact that one may own an RV (as far as that goes any vehicles!!), their own home, land or anything of the sort!! Let me reiterate, those monies are what you've earned over the years and is not like, say Welfare, etc.!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Once you cash your check you can do anything you want with it. It is your money.

    But the truth is, an SSI check is not very much so for a lot of people it means all they can do is pay rent and their bills.

    If you want to travel and live in an RV - go for it, BUT keep a permanent address. You will need it to get your check and also to vote. I suggest you get a checking account with a debit card and have your SSI check automatically go into that account. Then you do not have to worry about someone else getting your check.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are certain requirements you must meet to remain on SSI but none that I know that would restrict you from living in an RV or traveling around. SS has to be able to write and contact you, you must keep up your medical care, etc.... but that you could do while doing what you are talking about wanting to do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As far as I understand the rules, all you need to do is reside in the state that granted your claim. I'm on SSDI for a physical disabilty in California & although I live in a low income government assisted housing unit for less than 40% of my monthly benefits (income), it would be better if I lived in an RV! Most of the tenants are so mental that it just isn't safe to be around them. The drug & alcohol abuse amoung these people is astounding & no one is monitoring their abuse of the system! Get yourself a Post Office Box for mail & a direct deposit account for your check with an ATM card & stay away from the people who will just ruin whatever good times you want to have by getting out into the world before you die! The money is yours to spend on yourself. You paid into the system, now you are getting back! Call or go into an ss office to make sure. Check it out for the telephone# on

    Source(s): If your have your check mailed to a PO BOX address, you can cash the check at the post office & convert the funds into money orders to pay your bills or keep with you to use as cash. A USPS (United States Postal Service) Money Order can be cashed in at any US Post Office with valid photo ID when you need cash. Just make them out to yourself! If they are lost or stolen, you don't have to wait for weeks to have them replaced. Keep a copy of your purchase receipt for easy claims if they do get lost. No other money orders offer this service!
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  • 1 decade ago

    You are never alone buddy! I think you can do what you want with the money. Go here go there,go anywhere! it`s your money. It all depends

    on your state of mind! You may want go to the SSI site and check if there are any Babylonian rules first!.... you know (small print rules)Go and enjoy your life buddy! And if you can help someone along the will be blessed!

    Source(s): My Father
  • lily
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You can go on vacations or live anywhere you want, just don't leave the state where you receive the SSI for more than 30 day (I think that is the limit). You can not receive any clothing/food/shelter from anyone with out declaring it (yea right, like who is going to be checking on that.. your mom can't cook you a home cooked meat!)

    Live it up, what you can with the limited funds. However if you are one of those moochers that got it because you are disabled from being a drunk or on drugs.. shame on you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a feeling an RV comes under their recreational vehicle part, which is what RV means right?

    You are not allowed to own a recretational vehicle or property that could be converted into cash for you to live on. Thats how I understand it. You are allowed to own only one vehicle regardless of value, if it is used for transportation for you or a member of your household;

    IF someone else owned the RV and lent it you that would be a different story -- then they cant object IMO

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Party it up!

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