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'94 Chrysler LHS transmission troubles??

'94 Chrysler LHS transmission is stuck in first gear and will not shift at all and the rear passenger side brake is locked up! The right rear brake locks up in reverse but allows free forward movement still the trans is stuck in first gear!

What could be possible problems,thank you Injun!

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A lot of these new Chrysler products have 2 ecms (which are computers that control all of you cars functions) there is 1 for the engine and 1 for the transmission. Don't pay a ton of money to get the transmission rebilt, start out with the ecm for the transmission. A local salvage yard will most likely have one for about 25-50 dollars. The ecm is sometimes located on the transmission itself or in the engine compartment usually on the drivers side near the headlights.

  • 5 years ago

    There's no need for a suggestion. Your transmission is shifted by a Computer. You probably knew that already. The computer, and all the shifting, have shut down. Any transmission shop can tell you why it shut down. There's nothing mysterious about it. The computer does it, and the computer will reveal all to the man. It may be something that's easy to fix. If either of the speed sensors goes out, for instance, it'll limp, but they are easily repaired. Some of the answers in this thread were pretty ignorant. Sprinkle did good, but you should ignore the earlier ones.

  • 1 decade ago

    you are going to have to have your transmission rebuit and an overhaul on you entire brake system sounds like your 1st gear is stripped and i had the same problem with my brakes but i had a truck so i put it in reverse and floored it and something popped and ever since its worked fine all my friends still make fun of me cause they say i got stuck on pavement lol good luck with yours

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