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Is this what we have come down too??? OMG in USA... God Help us all!!?

An Oregon couple who fought to keep there home until things turned for the worst the couple committed suicide. A woman who lost her full time employment is now working part-time cannot afford an apt is living in car and it is so bad they have special parking lots now for homeless employed people where they can park their cars and sleep at night.. WTF .. there should be no arguement that things have to change... I guess we don't care about our neighbors or people anymore.. Thoughts, concerns,... wow.. this is bad..


These are stories be reported on CNN perhaps they have the articles/stories there as they are reporting on them today...

Update 2:

The lady living in her car is about 60 years old anglo woman who is single. Who had to go through her entire savings to maintain and now is having problems keeping her car..Some of you are heartless.. GOD HELP YOU!

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Recession to a Depression. That is were we are headed even if the Gov. won't emit it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Got a link to the special parking lots for homeless employed people story? Never heard of it...

    The housing situation is going to get worse and no candidate can stop it, some seem to think so but NONE of the candidates can stop the bursting of the housing bubble. We made this mess (both consumers and banks) now we have to suffer it out until it passes.

  • 1 decade ago

    What would you have responsible people do for those who irresponsibly bought homes they cannot afford? I feel bad but OMG have you ever heard of personal responsibility? You present 2 examples and try to make it sound like a full blown depression. Tell ya what how about YOU do something about it. Oh yeah and the "They" you were talking about providing parking for homeless workers, sounds like they are doing something. You heart is bleeding all over the place. Try to control yourself.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, things are bad for some, that will never change. However giving them free money in the form of welfare will not help. If things are so bad they can get unemployment benefits and a find a new job. Secondary jobs are still plentiful in this country, they may not pay great, but they pay enough to live off of. The US is fine.

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    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    ....and Bush signs a bill into law that is a gift to the

    CC/ banking industry making it more difficult for those in trouble to get a fresh start.

    Hopefully, under an Obama adminstration amendments to the Bankruptcy Law will take effect.

    For those who give me a thumbs down on this I will only say:

    You don't know what the future holds. Someday you may need bankruptcy protection!

    There but for the grace of God go I ......

    OBAMA 08 !!

  • 1 decade ago

    Okay just because Bush and McCain both have the same opinions on things does not mean that they are the same person. I think that McCain would make a very good president and so would Obama

  • 1 decade ago

    That really isn't a question and my answer will be as superficial, yes that is what we have came down to. Electing a man based soley on the color of his skin. Martin preached against that you know?

  • 1 decade ago

    I've been there done that and now I own a business. If others can't do that then they don't need to be spending outside of their income. Sorry.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Certainly a product of the passionate conservatives that think no-one but the rich and large corporations need any help !!

  • 1 decade ago

    A link will confirm this

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