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sick asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

i just read that Angelina stated " I love being pregnant" do alot of women feel this way? i dont?

this is my second pregnancy and the first one i didnt really care too much and now i cant wait till i am done with this one. its not a confortable state to be in. anyone else feel this way.

oh and by the way in both pregnancy i couldnt wait to have my baby because i love them but i cant stand being pregnant anymore. iam 5 months

26 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I love being pregnant but sadly I will never be again :(

  • 1 decade ago

    I LOVED being pregnant with my daughter!! Yes, towards the end, it was uncomfortable. But there is nothing like your child kicking and moving inside of you. I also enjoyed the extra attention from family! ;)

    Everyone is different. My sister hated being pregnant so much, she has decided to NEVER have another child. Many assume I had a great pregnancy because of my outlook on it, I didn't! I gave birth at 38 weeks, and I had already visited the hospital 7, yes 7 times by then with contractions just 1 minute apart! My daughter was ready to come at 26 weeks! From then up to 38 weeks, I had contraction DAILY, hourly towards the end!So while it wasn't easy, and it was in fact very scary at one point, I still enjoyed being pregnant! I can't wait to be pregnant again.....although I'll pass on the extra hospital visits and the contraction all through the last trimester!! I was asked just minutes after I gave birth to my daughter whether or not I would do it again (by my nurse), and without a doubt, I repleid I would! She was stunned! I had a great labor though, unlike my pregnancy.

    Good luck to you hon! You will have your little one in your arms soon, and it will all be over........actually, it will all just get started! lol


  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I loved being pregnant, though it was a hot summer when I was due and so towards the end I was wishing things would hurry a little. But everyone is different and no two pregnancies are the same.

    Have a good four months and try to make the best of it, I hope you have a happy healthy baby :)

  • Vada83
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I have had the easiest pregnancy aside from the morning sickness and I am 2 weeks away from my due date. I am still working *this is my last week*, waitressing. My doctor keeps on telling me how this is the perfect pregnancy because I havent gained more than 20lbs , I have no swelling, everything is just hunky doory.

    BUT I AM SO SICK OF BEING PREGNANT! I just want to be normal again!!! its nice that I am the only one who can feel our baby move around and such and I love that, but beyond that I want my normal body back. Sure it was alright until you feel like you have been pregnant for years!

    Sorry this got me on a rant and a rave.

    Source(s): Baby boy due June 1st :o)
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  • 1 decade ago

    My first time I was the HAPPIEST pregnant lady possible!! I loved every bit of it! No morning sickness, no pains, nothing to complain about. My second time was soooo not planned and I wasn't ready at all. I was annoyed and my back and feet hurt so badly. I did like the feelings of my baby moving though. There was certain feelings about the second time through that were so awesome too (and still no morning sickness!!). I think it must be a 2nd pregnancy thing.....try to get out as much as you can for fresh air and try to relax.

    Good luck and best wishes!!

    Source(s): happily married mom of 2, hoping for #3!!
  • 1 decade ago

    Nope I hate it I am only 8 weeks and I want this baby out of me already!!! I want a healthy baby but I can honestly say I hated the thought of getting pregnant and now that I am I understand why...I am REALLY happy I am but I don't think you have to love being pregnant to be happy with what you will have in a few months!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am 24 weeks with my first baby and right now I do love being pregnant. It's just an amazing experience. I love feeling her moving. I don't know how to describe it, but I finally understand why friends have said that they miss being pregnant. Before I experienced it, I thought they were crazy!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I hate being pregnant. I have hated every day of it and I can't wait to have this baby!!!!!!! I think people that love being pregnant are crazy! Maybe I am just having a very bad and uncomfortable pregnancy but in my opinion, who would want to be in this state? You are huge and helpless and tired and grumpy and out of breath... I could go on & on.

    Source(s): 33 weeks pregnant with my first (and probably my last!!)
  • 1 decade ago

    There are women out there like that. I had one in my childbirth class when I was pregnant with my first. Me? I had 7 months of morning sickness, 4 months of bedrest. I hate being pregnant! Of course I love having a baby, though.

    Source(s): 14 weeks with #2!
  • 1 decade ago

    It all depends on the person.. I'm 38 weeks with my first and i can't stand being pregnant -- I love my baby and can't wait to see it but i'm not enjoying the pregnancy part at all!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think I had one of the easiest pregnancies ever, so I didn't mind being pregnant. I'm not sure I loved every minute, but it definitely was not an experience that I hated.

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