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  • Once i start working how long will i have to wait to qualify for a home loan?

    I lost my previous employment because the company had to close, i worked there for 2 years and before that i had a steady employment history, how are my homebuying plans effected?

    8 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • i don't know what to do about my brother in-law coming over?

    my husband and i have been together for over 6 years and his brother has been the same way since i met him, he is homeless, everyone and i mean everyone has tried to help him and he keeps messing up. he stayed with us for about 6 months and he had a job for about a month, we found burnt spoons from him using crack under my roof where my children live, he peed in our water pitcher, he had people come over looking for him (not nice people) we tried and it didn't work, i don't even want him to come over and spend the night anymore but i feel so bad, like if I'm being a bad person, i don't know what to do, every now and then my hubby will just randomly say that he wont have him over anymore and now he says he's having him spend the night on saturday, i don't know what to do. please help :(

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • do u think my 6 month old has allergies or something else?

    ok well the dr said he probably just has allergies and told me to get zyrtec, i've been trying it for about 4 day and nothing has changed. he has coughing, congestion, stuffy nose, lots of mucus, he's not eating like he used to and he wakes up at night very upset. he has an appointment again tomorrow but i just want to know if anyone has been through this before please share your stories or input.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • what do you think about my dr's instructions on feeding my baby?

    he is almost 6 months but already weighs 23 pounds he is about 30 inches long, he was eating about 32 to 40 oz of formula a day and a jar of gerber, she told me to give him one bottle and then on the next feeding give him gerber then a bottle and so on so that it lowers his formula intake, iam just worried that he is now having 3 meals and about 20 oz of formula is this going to give him enough nutrition. i think he's just a big boy, he doesnt look obese or anything. thanks in advance

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What is this vaginal pain? its more like my bones are hurting.?

    I'm 34 weeks pregnant, I had pelvic pain a few weeks ago, now its just around my vagina. its kind of like when you go ride a bike for a long time and then you have that pain between your legs and you cant hardly walk. I tried searching online but cant find anything that describes it, anyone out there know about this.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • i try going to and i get an error, can u try and tell me if you get it too?

    i know it sounds silly but i don't know if their website is down or its just the way that these computers are acting.

    thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerCredit1 decade ago
  • My blood sugar test results came out high, now my Dr wants me to eat donuts before the next test??

    it was 180, now she wants me to eat a donut after each meal and before bed for 3 days and then come in on the 4th day fasting to get my 3 hour blood test. Did anyone else do this? problem is now iam constipated and i havent had that problem before so i dont know what to eat to help.

    1. have you heard of this test before?

    2. what do you do to help constipation?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • i found out about my "surprise" babyshower!?!?!?

    my husband told me, u know men.!! he didnt know it was a surprise at first and he was so happy for me, he told me, then he finds out its supposed to be a surprise.

    ne way my friends are doing it this Sunday. I want to make sure that i still act surprise without exagerating. I am a really bad liar so iam worried, i really am so happy they are doing this for me i dont want to disapoint anyone. any suggestions.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • pregnant lady's, Am I being hormonal or would this bother you too?

    I went to my co workers office this morning before the begining of our day just to chat and another one of my coworkers(male) came in there to talk too. we were just chatting and i was rubbing my belly since how you know how sometimes the baby gets in certain postions that are not so comfortable. well this guy that had walked in to our conversation looks at me and says " would you stop rubbing your stomach i cant stand it" i just looked at him and kept rubbing i didnt even know what to say but iam so mad i think he could tell cause then he said "well u make think u may be going in labor" to what i said "no, believe me if that was to happen you would know it" wish i would of had a good comeback for his first comment. I'm 28 weeks and i heard that hormones start messing with you more now so n e way what do u think.

    24 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Can i do anything about my health insurance?(pregnant)?

    I am 27 weeks pregnant, i have blue cross blushield solutions and it has covered all my Dr's visits, my Dr sent me to get an ultrasound at a different floor in the hospital (which is listed on my insurance) i now have a bill from them, it says the insurance wont cover because its out of network the bill is not coming from the hospital is coming from the technitians. Can i appeal this or something, I've never had insurance before please help me.

    6 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • anyone else bothered by the government helping people with their home loans?

    i am so upset, i havent bought a house yet because i know what i can and can not afford, all these people went and got a loan that they couldnt pay and now they get to get help. iam so upset, the lender told me i was approved for up to 200,000 but i knew i couldnt afford it so i didnt take it, these people obviously did. they are dumb and should not get any free anything.

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • how do i ensure i stay angry so i can confront my husband?

    he made me soooo mad last night, he gets off of work at 8 and gets home by 8:30 but not last night i had to call around looking for him at 10:00. He was out with his boss drinking and never bothered calling me, he said he had left his phone in the car and he didnt get home till after midnight, iam so mad i could scream, he was so inconsiderate,. i just wanna make sure that i can confront him about this after i get home from work and be able to remember all the things iam thinking right now. i didnt talk to him last night because he had been drinking and i rather not argue with a drunk

    18 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • 1st time fight over $$$, if you have experience PLEASE HELP ME!!!?

    We both work, i pay most of the bills(rent,utilitys, ins, ect), he's only responsible for 2 credit cards and his car. i always pay until i have no money in my account and then i ask him to give me $$ so i dont overdraft, hes only given me money 2 times this year and when i ask him for it he seems upset. now he upped our cable bill from 65 to 110 because he says he needs it and then he said he wants to go buy a PS3,(he has an xbox 360)he said he wants the PS3 for the blue ray, we have a baby on the way so i just said no, he got mad and said he was not a child that i couldnt tell him no and that he was going to buy it with HIS $$ that he busted his *** to earn. we've never fought over $$ before and i want to fix this but i think he's already spending too much and i am very hurt he said HIS money i always ran out of $$ with bills and just assumed WE had $$ in his account. I dont know how to go about this, i keep crying when i think about it.

    19 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • my 8 yr old had a blackhead on her nose?

    shes only 8, well it wasnt black but none the less we had to squeeze it out and it was long. why would she get that at 8 yrs old?

    11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • pregnant and both our sex drives disappeared after 20 week ultrasound?!?!?

    we used to have sex at least 3 times a week. iam going on 23 weeks now and we only had sex twice since then?! the baby was awake and moving alot when we saw him and we loved it but i think it psycologically effected us. my b/f says he doesnt want to because its just weird with the baby but he also said that this didnt happen before with his previous marriage/baby i dont know whats happening he's very thrilled we are having a baby and so am i but i also lost my sex drive. he also said he would never leave me but he also has this feeling that he is trapped but he says he doesnt know how to explain it because at the same time he is so thrilled, i know he's happy because he does all of the nesting thing, buying stuff, getting the air vents cleaned and what not (i dont do any yet) i think i lost mine because i saw the baby be so active i dont know. please tell me someone else has had this happen to them?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • my boyfriend and his ex? kid involved, i know she just wants him.?

    my b/f lived with this girl 12 years ago, they had a son and when they split up she took the baby out of state, he let go of them, she got married and her husband adopted this kid. about a year ago she comes around and says shes getting divorced and wants to tell the kid that my b/f is the real dad. month passed, she interveened in our relationship but never told the boy anything. my b/f met the boy as a friend maybe 2 times. she tried to get my b/f to sleep w/ her and would call after 2 am saying she need to talk to him, she would say she needed to see him and when he went to her it was all about her not the kid. my b/f and i broke up over this, then we got back together he said he would step away and kinda keep her at a distance so he always kept track of his kid. now he's trying to meet with her. he says its part of keeping her as some kind of aquaintance. iam not comfortable with that after the way she's acted should i be ok with it, i know he wants to keep his kid around?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • i just read that Angelina stated " I love being pregnant" do alot of women feel this way? i dont?

    this is my second pregnancy and the first one i didnt really care too much and now i cant wait till i am done with this one. its not a confortable state to be in. anyone else feel this way.

    oh and by the way in both pregnancy i couldnt wait to have my baby because i love them but i cant stand being pregnant anymore. iam 5 months

    26 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • You know those 3D/4D ultrasounds? (medical specialist people)?

    we are thinking about doing it after we have our regular ultrasound with our Dr. but i read an article on msnbc saying that the FDA is trying to stop that, they say they dont know the long term effects and what not, it sounds like they are more concern about people that do it and not go to the Dr. none the less has anyone heard or know of anything bad that may happen?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago