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More important : Good American? Good Human Being?

I took my rebate check and sent it to a friend who runs a charity in Guatemala...$25.00/mo $300.00yr you can sponsor a school child to get his/her education...I already have one now I have 2 more...the $600,00 I got would not make any noticable change in my life...I know and have worked with this charity (know the person who started it) his expenses are never more than 5% of donations and most can not say my question is: was I wrong for being a bad American (as a friend stated at lunch today)and trying to be a good human(helping two less fortunates get an education and maybe not resort to becoming ilegal aliens)?


Yes I agree Kat....but not going to give money where head of charity makes millions in salary when I can give it to one that the money really goes to help...I work in a place that sees many charity types come plan thier next gala...what good does raising $400,000.00 do when $395,000.00 goes to "overhead" and charity gala costs? Not to mention there is one hell of a safety net here that many other countries do not have.

Update 2:

Actualy I am heritage is Italian(Maternal) and Russian (Paternal)...Spent many years in europe as my father was in diplomatic corps...The main reason I chose this charity is as stated I know the founder and do visit so get to see what the money does,meet the people it helps,and yes the Dollar does go further reason for the question however was not about the charity so much as it was meant to start a discussion about use of "rebate" friends point aboyut being bad American came from giving the money to any charity as opposed to going out in a fit of consumerism and buying something...he would have reacted same if I had used it to pay off debt.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Good American? Good Human Being? I prefer a mix of both.

  • Suze
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Indian Reservation children live like Guatemalans. But of course they certainly wouldn't appreciate your giving as much as someone farther away in a place you probably will never see.

    Why look close by when you can send American Dollars outside the USA and help someone who's not an American.

    In some countries the American dollar goes much further. That's money well spent. Besides, sending money to Guatemala is what any good Guatemalan immigrant would do.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have to agree with Kat too...not all American charities spend all their resources on overhead & have galas.

    Also, working with the disenfranchised here there is not a great safety net in the USA. 1 in 4 children live under the poverty level.

    I believe in being a good human being & I'm glad you're proving Bush's stimulus program a failure.

    Thank you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Isn't there some poor kid somewhere in your neighborhood? One that needs glasses, or shoes, or lunch money? Why not start your own charity so to speak. This way you know and see exactly where your charity goes, because you give it straight to the kid that will use it. They you can monitor the progress and see if it helped. And since you'd have given it to an American, maybe he'll grow up successful and pass the favor on to others...and it was all because of you.

    I've heard charity starts at home, and I never thought that meant my house. I've always viewed it as my neighborhood, surroundings, and or environment that is my daily life.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Nationality shouldn't play a place in determining the fee of a existence. That mentioned, I certainly have a controversy with the wording of your question, by using fact in attempting to analyze the two, there is an implicit assumption that one man or woman's existence or prosperity comes on the rate of the different. No guy is at once entitled to the end results of yet another's hard artwork. As governments are composed of folk, this additionally potential no gov't has an automatic top to a diverse man or woman's prosperity. each human has an intrinsic top to the end results of their hard artwork, and no person is "extra equivalent" than yet another. I deliver this up by using fact international extensive (which contain right here interior the US), peoples' lives and prosperity are impacted by potential of a few distance the main by potential of the strikes of their government. Such strikes variety from nicely-which potential yet defective, to inefficient, corrupt, or malevolent. working example, a gov't will develop taxes, inflicting company to the two flee the region or bypass out of company. the consequence is larger unemployment and extra poverty and violence. Or, a united states of america erects commerce obstacles to "take care of" some industry. the consequence is the shoppers in that united states of america pay greater fees--hence increasing poverty--collectively as human beings in exporting worldwide places additionally are made poorer by potential of having a industry closed off to them. What i'm attempting to declare with all this is that it would not make quite some sense to analyze the existence or prosperity of one man or woman to a diverse except one's comes on the rate of yet another, and in an appropriate international, that would not happen. collectively as our international is lots from appropriate, that does no longer mean we ought to continually no longer try for it.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no reason to choose! You can do both, they are not mutually exclusive. (I really get annoyed at "either/or" questions that ask someone to choose when the two matters aren't even related to begin with....its intellectually lazy).

    Its your money to do with as you wish, and I'm not going to judge you for how you spend it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your friend is a retard. Sending money to needy children in another country is not being a bad American. Granted the government was hoping that the money would go back into the economy but its your money do what you want with it.

  • JOE?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Your friend could take humanitarian lessons from you.You are showing one part of the world,that Americans can and do reach out to those less fortunate.Well done!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I need to know your ethnic background. I suspect you are latin american yourself, and you think its cute to refer to yourself as an "American" while helping others that share your ethnic heritage.

    Actually, Suze nailed it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    what about all the children here who need help of some sort, whether it be food, shelter or medical? It' nice to be a good human being, but charity does begin at home!

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