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Religion/Christianity Exam..?

Below is a link to an "exam", of course it's not actually an exam and I don't expect you to answer the questions!

Some Christians do not comprehend how absurd their religion can appear to those outside looking in. I think this exam does a good job of showing some of the many problems atheists have with the faith.

Atheists, do you think this is an accurate portrayal of Christian absurdity? Or is it way off the mark?

Christians, does this article help you understand some of the objections you hear? Or does it simply offend you?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think you should ask each of these questions separately on R&S, and then be prepared for the barrage of non-answers and the cut and paste crowd's vilification....

  • 1 decade ago

    There are thing that can be observed and understanding that come from reading the questions. But sadly most of what it does is point our just how little the author of the questions seems to understand what it means to be a Christian. But then again we would not expect someone who has grown up in the old Soviet system to understand life as and American. They are a foriegner who knows what they have seen from a distance and heard others say, but the are not a citizen who has lived here. Why should we expect someone who is not a Christian to understand what it means to be a Christian when that is not the place the reside. They are just looking in from a distance and relying on what others say. So this is not offensive or greatly enlightening, it just shows an ignorance of the author on a topic he believe he has insight.

  • It didn't offend me, but I do think a lot of it was stupid. For example, on question 12:

    1. Romulus was not born of a virgin. Rhea Silvia was a "Vestal Virgin", but the god Mars raped her in the forest. So therefore, not a virgin birth, even though the sex wasn't consensual.

    2. There is no record of Dionysus turning water into wine.

    3. All records of the divinity of Apollonius of Tyana are POST-Christian, not PRE-Christian.

    Some of these "objections" are pretty silly. The Trinity was not "invented" in 400 A.D. Early Christians believed in it. On question 5, this assumes that there's nothing after this life. If after we die, nothing happens, then yeah, choice A, B, or C would have been best. But if there's something ELSE after life, then what Jesus did actually do would be best. Even if cancer was cured, the world was united in one language with naturally renewable crops everywhere, and poverty was ended permanently, guess what. We'd STILL die!

    I could go on and on...but I'm not going to.

    It's cute for what it is, but a lot of the arguments are fallacious.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry, but these questions don't even offend -- they are just plain stupid. And you wonder why Christians pity atheists? Even Our Lord figuratively shook his head as He hung on the cross, saying, "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do." How many times, and how else can we explain better, to these poor souls that:

    -- God EXISTS. We all know it. It's built into us.

    -- God is a good God, and a just God, who rewards the good... and permits the incorrigible to fall into you-know-where if they choose to persist in stupidity.

    -- Jesus did NOT swoop into this world 2000+ years ago to fix everything, kiss the boo-boo and make all evil go away. He wants better for us. He wants us to grow better from the INSIDE and change the world that WE ruined (aka the Adam and Eve event). Any idiot can swing into a primitive native camp (more or less what the world was in those days) and do some neat tricks and have everyone oohing and aahing and falling on his face to "adore". Jesus performed some miracles to catch the people's attention, then explain to them what His Father desires: What God wants is for us to grow on our own, with His help (we grow WAY faster and WAY better if we keep improving our connection with Him, by the way)..... and then we both better the world, AND earn a fantastic place in heaven.

    Pity the person who took precious minutes from his God-given life to compose such pathetic jabs at Him and His Son.

    Pity people like him. As they say about atheists as they lie in their coffins: "Poor guy.... all dressed up and nowhere to go!"

    PS. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.... I think! :-)

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    those questions are too skewed to be considered any real points of view or they are just a sadistic point of view...its like me asking about the absurdities of the atheist views...

    If house was on fire and a child was at each window waiting for a rescue and an atheists walked by would they...

    A. light a cigarette

    B. have a BBQ

    C. pass by

    D. take a picture

  • annice
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Um, wow. it particularly is unquestionably unfair, and not even precise. Christianity isn't a "close-minded faith". it particularly is a techniques too enormous to stereotype like that. And atheism isn't even a faith for gosh sakes. And what makes Wicca or Buddhism open-minded? And by whose standards? Kick your professor interior the crotch.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    G'day Wooeee !,.,.,.Auzziegob's fairdinkum falling about in merriment Wooeee ! You've mightily pissed off a huge stream of whinging wailing wowser godgobbers mate !

    Well done with the info that's led to the Ebon Musing stuff !

    Auzziegob is trawling through Adam Marczyk's fantastic efforts !

    eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerz cheeeeeeeeeeeerz to your Atheistic ears my friend !

    Auzziegob's off to noddy ! II=IIIIIIIIIIIII=>--- ------> :-0) <------

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    wow thats the most bias thing i have ever read

    i dont look down on religious people for their beliefs like you do. lots of religious people are very charitable people. most of the time its small gestures that wont help humanity in the long run maybe just brighten up someone day a little like volunteering at a soup kitchen for the poor stuff like that. so what im saying is judge people by what they do instead of what they believe.

    some of them may be a little pushy and try to force their religon on other people but hey in every group of people theres going to be a few *** holes

    Source(s): atheist
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well, I took the offense taken at all..but, it does clear up something for me....according to what you are saying...atheists really dont understand christianity at all....the questions were impossible to answer with one only as we do more than one thing....for instance: the old man clutching his chest....pray while giving CPR. and yelling to someone to dial 911 in between breaths.

    my daughter got choked two days ago, as I am tearing her out of the highchair, throwing her over my arm and beating her back, I am praying Please God,,,help me to help next move was to stick my finger down her throat...where we live it takes 35 mins at least to get an it was up to me and God....I wasnt expecting him to do anything FOR me....just to help me to have the wisdom and calmness to take care of the problem....

    she is fine BTW!

  • 1 decade ago

    -1 Corinthians 2:14

    The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.

    Source(s): (NIV) Study BIble
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