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Lv 620,929 points

Guess who's going to Hell?

Favorite Answers4%

Godless. Geordie Has a runner-up name. It's grim up North.

  • What's the best blogging software/host?

    There seem to be quite a few different blogging sites. Does anyone have any experience with them? Could you recommend some good ones?

    2 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago
  • Are believers called believers...?

    ...because they believe something, or because they'll believe anything?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Would theists sit through these videos?

    A talk by Christopher Hitchens entitled "The Moral Necessity of Atheism".

    This really should be required viewing for anyone engaged in this debate.

    If you sit through it I hope you enjoy it. Can any reasonable objection be raised to Mr Hitchen's points?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Name-an-atheist competition?

    Ok I'm bored of my handle, so I'm throwing myself at your mercy.

    Please suggest a new name for this account. Try and keep it within the community guidelines.

    Result will be decided by popular vote. I'll keep it for a good 12 month, even if it's completely derogatory.

    Now's your chance...

    Hit me.


    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How to make sure I am using ethernet not wireless?

    I have both a wireless and ethernet cable connection to the net. I want to make sure I am using the ethernet as the wireless card is slower. My computer still shows as being connected to the wireless network even with the cable plugged in. How do I switch the connection over to the cable or check which I am using? I have Vista.

    5 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Why are humans better than God?

    Why are humans better than God at stuff?

    Let's face it we don't demand sacrifices, can forgive unconditionally, generally recognise that genocide is bad and frown upon killing, have long since abandoned "might makes right" in favour of democracy and take responsibility for our actions and the results of our actions.

    In the history of the human race many individual humans have made greater sacrifices than this God.

    Could he learn a little from us do you think?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Calculating the wages of sin?

    So some 2000 years ago a man-god (or god, or man, or something) died on a cross in order to pay the debt for the worlds sin. This payment covered the people living at the time and future generations (and possibly past generations according to who you speak to).

    This man-god was sent to hell for three days before being reborn. This gives us a baseline to determine exactly how what a a life's sin is worth.

    Let's pretend that Jesus' sacrifice was only for the people living on the planet at the time. According to wiki that's around 300,000 people. Three days for 300,000 people equates to 0.864 seconds per person, in hell.

    So here is your figure for the approximate value of a whole life's sin ;

    0.864 seconds in hell.

    Obviously if you count all the people that have ever lived, even just from the sacrifice onwards, this number becomes even more vanishingly small.

    So, do we party on? Or are my calculations out of whack? Did Jesus/God get a discount?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If Christianity isn't a religion (it's a relationship)?

    Why are there all these Christians in the R&S section?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Children raised in bi-lingual homes.?

    Do children raised in bi-lingual homes learn both languages? Is it confusing for them?

    6 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • When the rapture happens...?

    1) How many Christians are going to stay behind to help the less fortunate?

    2) Would this be the Christian thing to do?

    3) What would Jesus do?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Which is greater?

    Or which would make one the "bigger person"?

    1) Granting forgiveness.

    2) Refusing to grant forgiveness unless they ask for it.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why is the Christian God incapable of forgiveness?

    It seems to me that God will condemn people for things that most human beings are perfectly capable of forgiving them for.

    If a human being can forgive someone for not recognising them, why can't God?

    In fact we seem to trump most versions of God in all respects.

    (Please, no "people condemn themselves" answers as that is simply dishonest).

    37 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Religion/Christianity Exam..?

    Below is a link to an "exam", of course it's not actually an exam and I don't expect you to answer the questions!

    Some Christians do not comprehend how absurd their religion can appear to those outside looking in. I think this exam does a good job of showing some of the many problems atheists have with the faith.

    Atheists, do you think this is an accurate portrayal of Christian absurdity? Or is it way off the mark?

    Christians, does this article help you understand some of the objections you hear? Or does it simply offend you?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does Christianity blind you to right and wrong?

    It seems to me that Christians often seem to come down on the wrong side on issues of morality. It also seems that they must do so in order to be a Christian.

    Take for example the furor they have created over sexuality, which is clearly a non-issue to anyone free to think about it without restrictions.

    Also the different actions of God in the Bible, the various genocides, including various tribes that opposed the Hebrews and not to mention the entire population of Earth at one point.

    The doctrine of eternal punishment, salvation by faith, all these things must be accepted by Christians as right. Yet they are morally ugly.

    So my questions is, does Christianity blind you to right and wrong?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians, does creationism harm the faith?

    St Augustine wrote this;

    "Usually, even a non-Christian knows something about the earth, [..] and this knowledge he holds as being certain from reason and experience. Now, it is a disgraceful and dangerous thing for an infidel to hear a Christian, presumably giving the meaning of Holy Scripture, talking nonsense on these topics; and we should take all means to prevent such an embarrassing situation, in which people show up vast ignorance in a Christian and laugh it to scorn. The shame is not so much that an ignorant individual is derided, but that people outside the household of faith think our sacred writers held such opinions, and, to the great loss of those for whose salvation we toil, the writers of our Scripture are criticized and rejected as unlearned men. If they find a Christian mistaken in a field which they themselves know well and hear him maintaining his foolish opinions about our books, how are they going to believe...

    What do you think?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why are creationists always wrong?

    Astoundingly, in almost a decade that I've been following the creationism/evolution debate they have rarely, if ever, scored a point.

    The formula seems to be the same, a creationist will post an objection which will then be show to be incorrect in some way. Either based on a faulty premise, or faulty reasoning, or an outright falsehood.

    How is it that these people who apparently believe they hold God in their hands when they read their Bible can be so wrong all the time?

    Why is it that with most Christians being "evolutionists" and most "evolutionists" being Christians these guys stand out from the rest and suffer such an epic fail?

    Why are creationists points always soundly rebutted?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Would you give up your place in heaven...?

    ... to save a sinner? Say you're standing at the pearly gates and can see the long line of miserable sinners waiting to go to hell, would you volunteer your place to one of them (If it was possible)?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago