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Obama recently told the republican party to stop harrasing his wife. Isn't she fair game? She is stumping for him and campaigning, therefore her character should be involved, her ideas, feelings and thoughts..right?


To all who said family should be exempt from attacks....keep them off the campaign trail then!

Update 2:

skii...not talking about the national enquirer here...they don't require facts. Talking about facts here.

Update 3:

Fox..good thoughts and facts...are all those from Obama's book? if you have source..please edit your answere so all can see ..Thank you for such a profound and enlightening answer so far.

Update 4:

Angelica..Bible says judge righteous judgement ..and by their fruits you shall know them...just judging the actions, speech and attitudes...nothing at all wrong with that

Update 5:

Spencer ..get real man it is not smear tactics at mean we can't dissect her speech at all? She is speaking publickly! She is in the limelight. What is wrong with commenting on her attitude and comments?

Update 6:

VERITAS..when is challenging what someone said slinging mud?

Update 7:

Angelica..why would not Chelsea answer about her Dad and Mom..I think that is fair game too since she was speaking on behalf of her Mom ...she chose and her mom and dad chose her to speak on behalf of them..Yes she is fair game too..morality questions are fair game.

Update 8:

It amazes me always to ask questions about what truly was said and someone thinks it is mudslinging....and to speak out against what someone said...WHEN THEY ALREADY SAID IT PUBLICLY..and be ridiculed! What is wrong with some people?

29 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    MEMO to oh bummer:

    Ask not that our country stops trashing your wife

    Ask that your wife stops trashing our country!


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've noticed that this is the Republican party's mode of operation. To sling mud at whomever they feel would be a good target.

    This is probably why the Republican's are in a lot of trouble and about to lose so many seats in the Senate and Congress. Do you receive some sort of enjoyment from bringing someone down? Do you like hearing the so-called dirty little secrets of people?

    If so, you and the GOP can go right ahead and target Mrs. Obama and anyone else for that matter, because it will help the Democrats to get into the White House, the average American is much too intelligent these days to involve themselves with this ignorance. The old style of Republican politics has seen its better days.

    Therefore, your assertion is wrong. It didn't help Hillary and it sure won't help McCain. Because there's much dirt to be found on him and his wife too. If you play in the mud you can't help but get dirty yourself.

  • indy2
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Hey she attacked Hillary, saying "if you can't run your own house how can you run the white house?" She started it. Did he forget that?

    That's OK to say? what was she implying about Hillary?

    Obama and his wife are so damn sexist it's ridiculous

    where are all the young women in this country?

    They don't think there's a problem blaming the women for the husbands philandering?

    You know Obama better be real careful not to find himself in any compromising positions. Other then the ones he's already been in.

    Who does Michelle think she is? She thinks she's so innocent?

    She is fair game, Bill was, I say go for it McCain!

    Hillary is too fair to go there

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama respects and admires his wife. It hurts him to see her dissected that way. He wouldn't be a good, loving husband if he didn't try to protect her. He would rather they go after him, which is highly admirable. What a good, loyal husband he is. Thank you for bringing up that question. People that would do harm to her, should look at themselves and their own character before judging her. Judge not, lest ye be judged accordingly.

    Spencer: You are awesome!

    Everyone says if you are on the campaign trail then you are fair game. Well, why has NO ONE gone after Chelsea? Tell me that?? They are freaking afraid of the political power of the Clintons that's why. Their enemies have dissapeared.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Nope. We're not electing her, we're electing him. This whole politics of personal destruction has to end, and that's the message he's sending. You people keep trying to apply the old paradigms to Obama, then scratch your heads because you don't get it. We're done with the politics of personal destruction.

    It's time for America to regain her strength, and the in order to do so, we have to soundly reject the constant attempts by political radicals and the media to divide us through sleazy politics. McCain and Obama are both good men, and if you don't believe that, you don't know what you're talking about, and don't want to believe it. So let's talk about where we want to take our country, rather than the National Enquirer style sleaze politics.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Excellent, FoxHole, continue spreading the word.

    If Michelle Obama is going to "stump" for her husband, then she, and anything she says relevent to the campaign, is fair game.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Knowing the possible First Lady has only recently been proud of our country and thinks Americans are 'downright mean' says something about the man she married. She's fair game and I have every right in this world to know what the First Lady who might be representing my country and living in our White House is like.

    Obama outed his grandma easily, but made almost threats, really, to protect his wife. Strange man.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ann wrote of these type called them human shields i e ; Cindy Sheehand and the Jersey girls They could say what they well but you can't address it Seem Obama wants to play that game

  • 1 decade ago

    So far none of these ridiculous distractions has worked. I wish they would just give it up.

    I really hope McCain won't get upset when everyone is reminded of his wife drug addiction.

    Michelle is an terrific classy woman. And guess what? America has done some pretty ridiculous things throughout history many of us white or black are not proud of this country at times. Especially when we have a baffoon for President. GWB.

    Money is the only thing that matters to republicans, and if we would realize that poor whites, blacks, and hispanic would unite and regain this country.

  • 1 decade ago

    She'll be a better first lady than Laura Bush.

  • Tracy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Yeah it's dirty politics and they know it. I mean have you heard Obama attack former President Clinton for the things he done during his last few years in office.

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