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About the Tower of Babel?

If God will never intervene on earth, why did he feel the need to intervene in the construction of a building that brought all nations together and closer, physically to god?

And why can't he intervene now when the world so needs an all powerful deity?


I dunno, something about the whole "free will" thing, and that whole thing about how whenever us atheists ask why god never proves himself to exist nowadays, you play the free will card.

And also, how about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah? Was that caused by bad foundations? And Lot's wife?

It seems to me that you can't have it both ways.

Update 2:

@ Jessie Rae, I didn't say it was meant to bring people together, but seeing as people of many nations worked together to build it, it seems to me that it did.

I suppose now, as well, you'll tell me that the "increased numbers of natural disasters" are god's intervention too, not quite as discretely divine wrath as Sodom and Gomorrah though, is it?

Update 3:

Does anyone else here notice that the only truly "Divine Interventions" happened in scripture, with no way to prove them one way or the other?

All modern day "miracles" are interpretable as accidents or good luck, but scripture ones would have been a sight to behold.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why do you think that God will never intervene on earth?

    While you are getting some thoughtful answers, I would still like to know why you are operating under the assumption that God "will never" intervene on earth. If you are referring to His promise, following the flood written about in Genesis, in Gen. 9:11, God says," I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth."

    His promise is not to "never intervene" but to never cut off "all life" and never use a flood to "destroy the earth".

    But since you haven't given us reference to your premise that He will "never intervene", I am afraid you won't get more accurate answers to your questions.

    Can you help us out with a little more information?

    Edit - your "free will" note - great point! Unfortunately, this is a widely debated subject (Free Will vs. Predestination). We all have Free Will to make the decisions that we are going to make in our lives and therefore, we are "in charge of our own destiny" - God gave us freedom and choices, right from the very beginning (Adam and Eve) when He told us NOT to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge - not only did He put it there, but He pointed it out to us, letting us know that there was something that He did NOT want us to mess with. It was up to us whether or not we would obey Him (by "we", I mean Adam and Eve, but I believe He continues to give me choices in life - but I digress and that doesn't have much to do with your original question about His intervention on earth.)

    You are talking about God's intervention vs. Man's actions. I firmly believe that He does intervene, and we have come to a point in time when we no longer look for the signs - we no longer seek - REALLY seek - the Kingdom of God. Jesus told us that if we FIRST seek God's kingdom, then He will give us EVERYTHING we need (Matt 6:33) - and that would include showing us when to do and when not to do things like trying to build a tower to Heaven.

    I'm not sure I've answered your question, but I've tried to help - I hope I've put a new spin on things for you!


  • tim
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    God intervenes all the time, He just does not usually do it on a big a scale as the Tower of Babel.

    The last big thing could have been keeping the Jews as a people for 2000 years while being dispersed around the world, and then bringing them back to the promised land.

    On a personal level, God is doing things for millions of people today. Millions are filled with His spirit (as promised in the Bible), many get healed (do a web search with the key words "Jesus miracles healing documented" for more info).

    The next big thing will probably be the greatest out pouring of His Spirit and power, followed by the rapture.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you read God's instructions to Noah and his family immediately after the flood, they were told to multiple and spread out and reclaim the whole earth. Instead they choose to stay together, and rebuild a single city. Direct violation of what he said to do.

    Plus the tower they were attempting to build was not designed to bring the nations together and close to God. Rather it was a place, according to the traditions from that time, where human sacrifces were offered and man was worshipping the stars rather than God. Again, a direct violation of God's laws.

    So he intervened and spread man across the world as was His intent. Where you get the idea that God "will never intervene on earth", I have no clue. There are hundreds of such intervention listed in the scriptures. And millions more over the course of history since. He intervenes on a daily basis in the affairs of man. They are called "miracles" and happen all the time.

  • 1 decade ago

    First off as a society we keep pushing God away. Gone are the days where the Bible was the text book of the classroom. Gone are the days of the Lords prayer in school. Disappearing are the days to wear a tee shirt to school that says "Jesus Loves Me."

    Jesus is the Lord and He is personally involved in my life!

    The building of the Tower of Babel was after the flood. Enough time had lapsed that those people forgot the promise of the rainbow. Babel was not in God's will at all. He didn't want them to trust in them self, just like God doesn't want us to trust in ourselves! The Tower of Babel was people looking to them self for an answer to a non existent problem, and not to God for guidance! God used that to confuse the language of the people to get there attention!

    I need an all knowing and powerful Deity in my life!

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    think of what is going to take place if in the process the internet, interior of 50 years anybody would be conversing one language and which will final for a pair of generations till the old languages are forgotten. then comes a cataclysm and destroyes the internet, besides as present day transport. human beings become remoted back and reinvent their languages :) it truly is form of like the tower of babel.

  • papa G
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    He will intervene when He, God will set up his kingdom or government.......Daniel 2:44.....44 “And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite;

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mankind became proud. They weren't building the tower to get closer to God, but to exclude him from their lives. Like the scientists of today wanting to prove the world was formed by 'the big bang'. Not for God's glory, but to glorify themselves.

    God has intervened in my life many times. The thing to remember is - God is God. He chooses when to do things and how to do them. You cannot put God in a box and say he will do it this way or that. The Bible distinctly tells us "His ways or not our ways, neither are his thoughts our thoughts. As far as the east is from the west so much higher are his ways from our ways and his thoughts from our thoughts." Problem is, we just cannot see the big picture. One day, he'll explain it all to us. Jesus said "If you cannot understand earthly things, how will you be able to understand heavenly things."If you were God, you too would do as you wish, not so?

    Source(s): The Holy Bible
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    he didn't intervene then, aint gonna now! the bible is one of the best selling fiction books of all time. god don't exist, never did. the redundancy and hypocritical stories that contradict each other make you wonder how anyone with enough intelligence to open a book and turn a page could fall for such rubbish. maybe the same folk want to make me an offer sight unseen on some ocean front property i got in arizona? first 10 bidders get a genuine Sasketchewan seal skin rug!!

  • 1 decade ago

    From the story, God created confusion amongst the children of man by confusing their languages. As if this was not enough He "chose" the children of Israel to be His people and blessed them but not others. He gave them an inhabitat area but did not tell the original inhabitants to move. He instead preferred the children of Israel to KILL these people.

    The God of the Old Testament is strange and the Christians says He is also Jesus. God lets man eat the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil but he protects the Tree of Life?? Why not protect the tree of Good and Evil and let people eat from the Tree of Life?

  • 1 decade ago

    The fall of the tower of Babel is not an intervention of God. The cause of the fall is wrong foundation that put in when they started the construction. They started with a wrong intentions. Its a lesson for to begin with. God has nothing to about it. Its purely a human mistake. So, begin the work with a good intention to make it successful.

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