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Do you agree with this about the Republic Party?

The fact that the least conservative, least divisive Republican in the 2008 race is the last one standing—despite being despised by significant voices on the right—shows how little life is left in the movement that Goldwater began, Nixon brought into power, Ronald Reagan gave mass appeal, Newt Gingrich radicalized, Tom DeLay criminalized, and Bush allowed to break into pieces.


Arlene- No and I think you're supposed to answer my question. That's how this works.

Update 2:

H-town - It's not confusing and your is you're.

Update 3:

Staten- and where did I say the GOP was bad. This is a question not an opinion.

Update 4:

ooo- Republican and some missing punctuation. I guess if I am going to correct someone's writing . . . Ah, the lessons to be humble are everywhere.

Update 5:

Bwana- Bravo. You clearly have respect for your own opinion as well as those of others. Very dignified.

Update 6:

Gene- I am not a liberal. I am a lifelong Libertarian voter. I have an unexplainable attraction to Obama but I don't think that I'll actually be able to bring myself to vote for him. I do not like McCain or Hillary on any level.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    One answer...

    Ron Paul.

    The only true conservative left.

    The rest are neo-cons who might as well be democrats.

  • GeneL
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Jesse, first of all to answer your original question

    (if I understand the question's point at all because,

    forgive me, I'm not sure the direction it's pointing to): no

    Secondly, I appreciate your ranting for your liberal Party but

    you seem to be blinded by the fact that your Democrats now

    in Congress are bringing this country down faster than the

    Titanic sunk.

    Democrats pledged to take Congress in a new direction when it

    won control in November 2006, but less than six months

    after taking the reins, Americans weren't pleased with the

    results, and have since given them an all-time low public

    confidence rating as a failure.

    My fear, and that of many Americans, is if all these Democratic

    Congressional members can't right the ship, then what can

    ONE Democrat (man or woman) do as President?

    At least with John McCain, who has shown clear differences

    between his way and Bush's way, has the experience and

    maturity to recognize what is best for our Country and able

    to put forth concrete plans and solutions to it's many problems

    to put us back on track as the greatest country in the world.


    Ok Jesse, I understand and thanks for your clarification.

    And that's why we go to the polls in November to vote for

    the candidate of our choice since we all have our own opinions.

  • 1 decade ago

    I hope it means that at least and at last there is one party that is trying to reach the fiscally responsible but socially (mildly) liberal population of this country. That would be the normal, everyday, working-for-a-living, tax-paying, child-rearing, homeowning, middle class citizen. You know, the ones who get to pay for all these "gimme" programs that the left liberals like to bestow upon people so they won't feel so bad that they are shiftless, lazy, ambitionless, freeloaders. Not talking about people with legitimate needs, here, folks....talking about the riffraff that clutter up government programs, living off others.

    I am an old school Democrat, born and raised in the Democratic party of the deep South that believed in taking care of your own and not inviting the government into your life, home, bed, or back pocket. The Democratic party as it represents itself is a caricature of what I believe in and it no longer represents me, who I am, and/or what I believe.

    John McCain is probably the most bipartisan of all officials this country has ever elected. He constantly works across party lines to enact legislation and solve problems. It has often put him at odds with the Republican party. (You may contrast that with Obama, who has voted a hard left liberal party line 97% of his short time in office.) BTW, you may not be aware that McCain actually has co-sponsored legislation with Obama?

    So I do hope that the Republican party is evolving. At this point in my life, it seems that the Republican candidate is more in tune with middle America than the Democratic party may ever be again.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Conservative movement in the Republican party has been destroyed by the likes of G.W. and Tom McCann. The blue-blood RINOs have taken control of the party. That is why many of us conservatives feel we have no place to turn and are now Independents. The left-wingerzzzz love hearing this, but it is the truth.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, actually, the more the Republicans act like Democrats, the worse they do.

    Reagan's strong conservatism was very popular.

    The conservatism embodied in Gingrich's Contract with America gained them Republican majorities in both houses of Congress for the first time in decades.

    It was the failure to adhere to these conservative ideas and values that has resulted in such tepid support for the Democrat-Lite Republicans.

    Bush is only a half-assed conservative, as seen by his increases in entitlement programs and his expansions of the federal government.

    DeLay pissed off conservatives by not supporting a strongly conservative agenda, topped off with his "No fat left to cut" regarding a heavily earmarked bill.

    No, it was not their conservatism that harmed them, but instead it was their failure to act conservatively.

    Nixon was NOT a conservative, by the way, not at all.

  • 1 decade ago

    no, it has been around since abe lincoln. i think it is just like how the dem party has been hijacked by the far left, the same thing has happened to the right. it may be the internet or the mass amount of input radicals like code pink have on the dem process and all parties have them in their midst and the media tends to focus on them. plus, the rep[ party is still strong enough that national polls have mccain tied or ahead of clinton or obama in the generals. just that the ship is being righted now.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agrre that Bush is no conservative, but he destroyed only the image of the GOP. I think, if elected, McCain will help the party to shine once more.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I disagree...this was not a year for a Conservative candidate...the truth is the Republicans are giving the US people a candidate that can win the election and that is opposite from our President....another brilliant the Republicans...the Republicans understand the people...and they know what the people wants....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hopefully the Republican Party is changing, I know the Democratic Party is...

    So no, there is life left...but it isn't like it was in 1963

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you agree that the last Democrat standing is a far left-wing racist anti-American, who has absolutly no chance in November when McCain will beat him by a landslide?

    McCain = war hero

    Obama = racist zero

    McCain will be our 44th President.

    Mccain 08!

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