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What is the current Watchtower position on the mansion built on Coronado Island in CA named 'Beth Sharim' ?

I heard that prior to Brother ("Judge") Rutherford taking up residence there that some key characters from the Bible were prophesied by the Watchtower to return (sometime around 1925), and this was the house they were going to reside in.

When that prophecy failed, Brother Rutherford moved in, but in asking JW's about this, they seem to change the story. First some deny he lived there, then when confronted with details from WT's own materials that admit he lived there at least 2 winters, then they say it's no big deal, and likewise the failed prophecy of these Bible characters returning.

WT materials state it was built on a "small" piece of land, and no WT funds were used. Don't know how that could be, since it was built during the Great Depression.

Does anyone know what the 'official' position of the WBTS ?


To the individuals who suggested I write a letter, I say: "Why when there's Yahoo! Answers !!!!"

Have you ever met a person in the history of mankind that didn't take the path of least resistance, unless there was a specific, logical reason to do so ? Huh ? Hmmm ? Yeah.....

Update 2:



Are you kidding ?? Is there a shred of evidence on this ?

And what Apostles experienced misplaced hope ? Were they wrong about something ? Was Jesus wrong ? About what ?

Update 3:

oops my bad ... I should've typed "misplaced expectations"

BTW, I think I will tell my wife I "confidentally expect" the house will get painted this year <g>

Update 4:


Yes, 1925 came and 83 years ago - what's the explanation ? Why would you build a house unless you were confident this event was very likely to happen, based on intense study ? Isn't WT Jehovah's spirit-led organization ? Did He make a mistake, or did men make a mistake ?

Update 5:


First of all, where's the evidence of the persecution ?

Second of all, you said "It was not their business because his coming again would not be in their lifetime but a long time away. "

You are WAY, WAY OFF !!! Show me one verse in the NT (I read the passage you quoted, wasn't there) that said it (the 2nd coming) was to be a long way off ?

Clue: It's not when Jesus said in Mt 24: 34 "This generation shall not pass..." or when he said "In a very little while," or when he told Caiphus he (Caiphus) would see it - The sign of his coming, that it. The apostles were not looking for a 6 foot tall Jewish carpenter surfing on a cloud. He (Jesus) said his coming would be accompanied by signs in the sky....

Update 6:


Going to prision for refusing to go to battle, which is a requirement of citizenship, like serving on Jury Duty, is much, much different than "MOB VIOLENCE"

Update 7:


You said: "The US and Christians are well known for mob violence not only against JWs..."

When ? Where ? How ?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It says in the Proclaimers Book that the house was sold in the 1940s.

    It also says that the house was built with funds that were donated specifically for the purpose of obtaining the house for Brother Rutherford, after he was advised to spend winters in a warmer climate for health reasons. Why could not some wealthy WT supporters have donated towards this, or more likely, many less-wealthy ones donate small amounts?

    If you look a the Salvation book on page 311 (made me get up...) it explains more about it, but does not say that the resurrected ancient ones would definitely live there or that it was built just for them and taken over by Rutherford, as some possibly imply. Why build and maintain an empty house?

    So, the current position of the WTS on Beth Sarim was published in the 1947 WT magazine, which stated that the Society had decided to sell the house as it had served its purpose and was too expensive to keep. It said that our faith in the return of men of old time whom the king Christ Jesus will make princes in all the earth is based, not upon a house, but on God's promise. So the house has long since been sold.

    ETA: Just to add a thought about the comments on mob violence against JWs... It was asserted that there is not a shred of evidence to support this. I read a well-researched book from the library "Judging Jehovah's Witnesses" written by a Catholic college professor whose name is Shawn Peters. This book documents a LOT of mob violence against JWs in the U.S. during the 20th century. I am not just talking about men going to jail for being conscientious objectors, I am talking about stuff I never even read in any of the WTS literature- including men being castrated for refusing to salute the flag.

    The book is absolutely NOT all glowingly in support of JWs, so the original questioner might actually enjoy it, but since you were disputing another answerer's claims, I thought I would offer the suggestion.

    Source(s): Judging Jehovah's Witnesses Religious Persecution and the Dawn of the Rights Revolution Shawn Francis Peters New in Paperback: February 2002 April 2000 352 pages, 24 photographs, 6 x 9 Paper ISBN 978-0-7006-1182-9, $17.95
  • 1 decade ago

    Honestly, I don't know what you're talking about - but I'll look around -

    I wasn't alive in 1925. But I do know that Rutherford used his own funds to start the publicizing of the Watchtower - so if he felt like buying a mansion/building a mansion - he might have done so.

    And just so the CanadianAtheist knows, we don't sell the literature.

    Go Debbie.

    And the apostles misplaced hopes were in Jesus himself - they thought that he was going to become an earthly king over all the nations - and were trying to crown him- he wouldn't let them. Jesus didn't have misplaced hope - he knew what was going on and he was perfect. The reference there is to the apostles.

  • 1 decade ago

    "Beth-Sarim" meaning "House of the Princes"

    'The New World'...written by Fred Franz(GB) states that this house was held in trust for the princes in their return...he say's that 'the return of these 'Men of old' would cast judgment over the people and will not show any pleasure.'He also stated 'that these would be returning any day now.'

    It was built with the aid of the San Diego Organization.

    Yes Rutherford did live there and before his death he instructed Franz and Knorr to oversee his work and that they should stick together(thus began the view that God's mouthpiece was not just one person but many).

    A few years after this book was published(1942) the house was sold.At a 1950 assembly in Yankee stadium,Fred Franz gave a talk in which this false prophecy was abandoned,replaced with the view that the society's appointees in the congregations had already filled this princely role.

    Rutherford had also stated at the release of the book 'Children' that these 'men of old' would on their return direct the young people as to who they should marry.

    False Prophets indeed!

  • 1 decade ago

    It seems like you asked several people but why not go directly to the source. The WBTS welcomes questions ...write them a letter.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I was raised JW, out since dads an elder and I'm wondering how come I never heard about this!

  • 1 decade ago

    Millions then living have died since then his prophecy did not come true open your eyes and see the truth take the blinders off your tunnel vision is getting really bad.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have no idea what you just have asked..but as excited2bet said...write a letter to the Watchtower and ask them yourself. =]

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are very embarrassed by this Beth Sarim property...

    There is so much wBS trace off of the property that it is hard to tell whether it is owned by the wBS or not.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would think not alot, it was sold after he died

    Source(s): ST
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The people selling the watchtower, not only turn over ALL of the money they collect, they PAY for the rags up front!

    Honestly If I ran a scam like that, I'd be in jail.

    It's a racket, and the guys at the top of the pyramid scheme know it.

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