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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Canada has French Prime Ministers most of the time, so why not black Presidents for the U.S.? Presidents from-

minority groups are usually fair in a democracy.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because ... HE IS ANTI-American !!!

    Obama will let the UNITED NATIONS invade our homes and ignore America's RIGHTS !!!!

    OBAMA wants to END WORLD POVERTY on YOUR NICKEL AND SURRENDER THE United States to THE United Nations.

    Please, SEARCH the phrase above !!!! ... OR the Actual Senate Bill Number - S.2433 !!!


    Hillary is TRYING to SAVE the Democratic Party AND America from the ANTI-American - Obama !!!

    I ... have no problem voting for a person - black, female, white, etc. - as long as that person is the BEST candidate for the position of THE President of THE United States of America !!!

    HOWEVER ... Obama is NOT the Best person to be THE President of THE United States of America.

    Hillary is Pro-American enough to try to do what is best for the country.

    Obama is ANTI-American enough to TAX US to HELP the REST OF THE WORLD ... BEFORE he takes care of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA !!!


    IF ... OBAMA was a WHITE man WITH the SAME LACK of Qualifications, HE would have been - LAUGHED - out of the Nomination process in the BEGINNING !!!!

    The Followers of the Socialist / Communist / Liberal ... AND ... ANTI-American Nominee will NEVER accept that HE AND THEY CAN actually make mistakes and CAN be wrong !!!

    Obama Supporters do not want to see, hear, and / or understand the TRULY Intelligent Answers and / or Questions that are NOT - FOR - Obama !!!

    Governors have a hell of a lot more experience "managing" than ANY - JUNIOR - Senator.

    Obama did NOT even finish his FIRST TERM in office !!!

    I am for OUR America AND OUR Children's Future !!!!

    That is WHY ... WE ... NEED to make sure that EVERY American KNOWS about Senate Bill S.2433


    I am AGAINST the Socialist / Communist / Liberal ANTI-American - OBAMA !!!!

    Democrats generally believe in heavy fines for honest work, while rewarding sloth and indulgence.

    Do YOU think that people should be able to do absolutely nothing productive and get government hand-outs for sloth and indulgence - healthcare, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, STDs, etc. ??

    Do YOU want to have YOUR MONEY TAKEN from YOU and YOUR FAMILY to FINANCE these people ???


    I have NOTHING against helping the elderly and the young.

    I DO have a problem SUPPORTING the able-bodied people that do NOT want to get off of their butts and EARN an honest living - instead of "FEEDING" off of hard working citizens.

    AND they teach their children, and their children's children HOW to FEED off of government programs !!

    Just realize ... that those of us that ACTUALLY have to work for a living, are getting tired of PAYING for the Democrats idea of HELPING.

    Shouldn't MANDATORY Urine Tests be REQUIRED of people that are requesting "government handouts"?

    IF you are on LEGAL prescription drugs, then you will not have a problem proving it !!


    CHANGE is ALL that you will get back from the Socialist/Communist/Liberal Democrats, when they TAKE your hard earned paycheck from you to give it to able bodied people, "FEEDERS", who do NOT want to get off of their butts and actually get a job !! Our wonderful government hand-out programs !!

    Please, TRY to HOPE in one hand and SPIT in the other hand!

    Which one is filling up the fastest ??


    We need to make sure that the person that represents AMERICA is PRO-AMERICA !!!

    WE NEED to make sure that EVERY man, woman, and child, KNOW how ANTI-AMERICAN Obama and his Reverend(S) ARE !!!

    Would a CONTINUAL 20 years of "second hand smoke" have a negative affect on the other people in the area ??

    Would a CONTINUAL 20 years of "Anti-American Preachings" have a negative affect on the other people in the area ??

    John F. Kennedy, a Democrat, was sworn in as the 35th President of THE United States of America, at noon on January 20, 1961. In his inaugural address he spoke of the NEED for ALL Americans to be ACTIVE CITIZENS, famously saying, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."

    Please NOTICE that it said DEMOCRAT - NOT Socialist and / or Communist Democrat !!

    It means this country is only as strong as the people in it. It means get off your a$$ and do something!!!


    The Democratic Elite make the rules and then they change them for their convenience !!

    The Elite Democrats feel like THEY know better than YOU who would be the best person to run the country !!!

    By the People and For the People !!!


  • 1 decade ago

    Most of Canada's Prime Minister's haven't been French.

    The only French ones I can bring to mind is: Laurier, St Laurent, Trudeau, Chretien

  • 1 decade ago

    Based off of Canada's elections you are saying there would be a good chance Obama would be a fair Prez? What about experience & social behaviors? Should that not take presidence over rolling the dice he will be fair? And fair with whom? Terrorist countries?

    If this is your sole purpose for voting our and others like you, God help us all.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most of Canada's population is in Ontario and Quebec... hence the French. But true, why not a black president? What does color have to do with it?

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  • 1 decade ago

    Your not trying to say that the french are a minority in Canada..

    but yea why not a black man in America .than we could hope for an Algerian in France !

    Obama 2008!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree. But it doesn’t matter anymore.

    Check this out:

    Bush is = Pro War, Pro Gas Price increase

    Republican Party = Rich People’s Profit Protector

    Bush’s rating is = 30%

    McCain is = Bush

    Hillary is = Already loosing

    Obama is = Next President


    Hillary is already loosing. Even if she wins 60% of the delegates in all remaining states, and wins 60% of the remaining super delegates’ endorsements, she can not gain anything close to 2000 scores. But Obama with only 40% of the remaining delegates and super delegates can score up to 2054 which is well above needed 2025 scores.

    Do the math. She is out!


    My fear is that Hillary, out of revenge, runs as an Independent and fractures the Democrat votes. In this case McCain gets the White House.

  • 1 decade ago

    Agreed...why not...just as long as the American's can vote their candidate of choice and not necessarily party...that is my feeling.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For me it is more about his platform and his alliances. If a fiscal and social conservative ran who happened to be black he would get my vote.

  • 1 decade ago

    i agree........if we had the right african american candidate

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