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Will Bob Barr take votes away from McCain?

Or is he just too much of a lightweight to even become a factor in the voting totals?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think Barr, as a former Republican attack dog, will pull more votes from right-leaning libertarians than left-leaning libertarians, and will appeal more to the Pat Buchanan pitchfork brigade than the legalize-marijuana types. He'll also get many of the Ron Paul supporters, but most of those guys won't vote for McCain....or Obama...or Hillary.

    I also suspect he will draw more votes than past Libertarian candidates, because he is less of a "who???" than most of the previous Libertarians have been. In other words, will not be as much of a lightweight. He might do better in the South than Paul did. Paul did not do well in the South, he did well in Washington, Oregon, Montana, Nevada, and oddly, Pennsylvania.

    If you look at recent primaries, you see 15-25% of Republicans voting against McCain, even though he already won the nomination. This is a sign of disgruntlement among some Republicans. However, at least half of this disgruntlement is coming from pro-Huckabee religious conservatives, and I'm not sure if Barr is their kind of guy. Maybe, maybe not.

  • 1 decade ago

    There has been a libertarian candidate in the race every election year.

    The media is making a bigger deal out of this because that's the only way it will hurt McCain--if they give Barr more attention than he deserves and more attention than they've ever given to a Libertarian candidate before.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i think of Barr is getting vote from McCain based on the hot polling comments. it rather is one greater reason we could constantly not stay abode. we could vote for McCain. usa of america does not p.c. a guinea pig this time

  • 1 decade ago

    He (& Ron Paul) will take SOME votes from McCain. But I don;t know how many.

    And whether it makes a difference will depend on whether it is a close race of not.

    Remember in 2000, Nader got about 2%. If it wasn't for Nader, there would be no examinations of hanging chads in Florida!

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  • 1 decade ago

    N O ! ! ! ... Not as many as he will take away from the Socialist / Communist / Liberal Democrats !!!

    John F. Kennedy, a DEMOCRAT, was sworn in as the 35th President of THE United States of America, at noon on January 20, 1961. In his inaugural address he spoke of the NEED for ALL Americans to be ACTIVE CITIZENS, famously saying, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."

    Please NOTICE that it said DEMOCRAT - NOT Socialist and / or Communist Democrat !!

    It means this country is only as strong as the people in it. It means get off your *** and do something!!!

    04/13/08 -

    President Bush Job Approval

    RCP Average

    Approve 31.0%

    Disapprove 65.5%

    Spread -34.5%

    Congressional Job Approval (DEMOCRATICALLY CONTROLLED) **********

    RCP Average

    Approve 22.0%

    DISAPPROVE 70.0% **********

    Spread -48.0%


    Democrats have to recognize that since the 73rd Congress in 1933, for a MAJORITY of THE LAST 65 YEARS, Democratic Houses of Representatives and Democratic Senates have CONTROLLED the nation and the President.

    A TOTAL of 38 Sessions with Democrats in CONTROL for 28 of those!

    WE need to inform/TELL our political representatives that WE NEED TO PASS a Constitutional Amendment for the LINE ITEM VETO.

    This will keep the SPECIAL INTEREST GARBAGE from being attached to valuable legislation.

    If Congress wants to give the president that power, they will have to pass a constitutional amendment, Supreme Justice John Paul Stevens said. "If there is to be a new procedure in which the president will play a different role in determining the text of what may become a law, such change must come not by legislation but through the amendment procedures set forth in Article V of the Constitution," Stevens said, on June 25th, 1998.

    IF your special interest is SO valuable, why do you have to HIDE it in valuable legislation?

    So, with them REFUSING to PASS the Line Item Veto, in reality, the House and Senate have REALLY been controlling the country!!

    AND, with the CURRENT Senate and Congress having the WORST approval rating in HISTORY, hopefully we will see a LOT of changes after the general elections.

    A recent Reuters poll is out and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have pulled an upset: They have managed to make George Walker Bush twice as popular as CONGRESS.

    RECENTLY - - JUST 13% of Likely Voters now say the DEMOCRATICALLY CONTROLLED Congress is doing a good or excellent job. A recent Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 43% give Congress a poor rating.

    Those results represent a slight decrease from the previous month, when 15% gave Congress a good or excellent rating.

    Democrats generally believe in heavy fines for honest work, while rewarding sloth and indulgence.

    Do YOU think that people should be able to do absolutely nothing productive and get government hand-outs for sloth and indulgence - healthcare, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, STDs, etc. ??

    Do YOU want to have YOUR MONEY TAKEN from YOU and YOUR FAMILY to FINANCE these people ???


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We can only hope.

    What evidence do you have that Barr is a lightweight? Do you know anything about him?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    McCain doesn't deserve any votes. He's not grown as a politician. Barr has.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hopefully, yes. We'll take all the help we can get. At least Barr (who is suspiciously a bit mixed race himself) is against the "Patriot" Act that spies on innocent AMERICANS.

  • j h
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    anyone under the age of 72 will take votes away from mccain

  • 1 decade ago

    Libertarians can take votes from both republicans and democrats.

    Democrats believe in minimal government intrusion on personal liberty. But want government to regulate the economy. (i.e. regulate trade, bust monopolies, etc.)

    Republicans believe in minimal government intrusion on the economy. But want government to regulate personal liberty. (i.e. gay marriage, abortion, etc.)

    Libertarians believe in minimal govt intrusion in ALL things.

    Therefore, they are appealing to both Democrats and Republicans, yet there are also things BOTH don't like about them.

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