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Continue restraining order?

My fiance has been struggling with alcoholism. He wasn't drinking when we met, dated, or became engaged. He has just recently begun to drink again. I couldn't get him to moderate. Thursday night, he became violent, although I gave back just as violently. Friends insisted I get the restraining order for the weekend. It's going to run out tomorrow, although now friends, relatives are insisting that I renew it. I feel like I will never get passed any of this if I don't just let it go. Suggestions?


I know that he has returned to AA. I have never been afraid of him, after all of this, I'm still not afraid of him.

Update 2:

thinker--that is exactly the path I've been considering. Counselling is happening, on wednesday actually. Thanks for your thoughts.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A weekend isn't going to get you passed anything anyway. Get it for a while longer and then let it run out and go on with your life without him!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    if you love him, support him through this, although not putting yourself at risk. he is in AA, so good start, now how about some couselling as a couple and individuals?

    if you dont love him or cant trust him again not to hurt you (in any way) then i would be moving on and letting yourself start afresh somewhere else!

    restraining orders are for people who feel they are in imidiate danger of someone posing physical harm on them. if you are not afraid of him when he is sober (indicates he is) then there is no need for an order.

    dont listen to family and friends too much, hear what they have to say then make your own decisions about your life. good luck and i hope he has some support also as alcoholism is a disease as you are probably aware and while i am in NO WAY defending what he hs done, we all need support to make the change and give that second chance a go!


  • 1 decade ago

    Oh definatly. You said he has just began to drink AGAIN. If he becomes violent when drinking this is a sign of what will be for the rest of your life if you choose to stay and marry him. Your life will be like walking on eggshells living with an alcoholic. Keep the restraining order and stay completely away from him. It only gets worse.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try going to counseling, also I would let him wait until he admits he has a problem, or try to get him to admit he has a problem, because then you could both tackle this new hurdle in life together. Also try the bobfrankerber's comment.

    Good Luck and hope life become better for you.

    Source(s): using resources
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  • 1 decade ago

    I encourage you to suggest to him, and allow for him to get the help he needs to get back to where you guys were having a great relationship. In fact , that should be one of your stipulations on getting back together.Even though you don't fear him, you are in danger of losing respect for him, in which case if that happens, then he will always seem like that same person that you hate so much, even though he may have changed genuinely. You may want to consider going to counseling as well. for both of yours sake. good luk

  • 1 decade ago

    If you continue to get restraiing orders then its not doing you any good. So my suggestion to you is to file for divorce.

  • 1 decade ago

    if you feel he isnt capable of really hurting you and you think that he wouldnt have gone past a certain point that night, I say you let it go, it will be easier to put it behind you.

  • 1 decade ago

    try speaking to him and if he hasn't changed renew the restraining order.

  • 1 decade ago

    i would try to continue it... sometimes they may not if there hasn't been any sign of him showing any violence tendencies to you... i hope you get over him soon.. there are better guys out there.

  • 1 decade ago

    let him go

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