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Lv 6
$ asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Which would you prefer? Socialism or Democracy?

He is the deal. It seems like a constant bashing of the liberals, Right wing, big buisness, oil, energy, wages, taxes, healthcare. ect. So what would you really prefer? A government similar to China or a government that lets all the people vote and the majority rules. (I don't want to hear from any of the conspiracy people who say voting is rigged and that thier votes don't count becuase the Dems are going to use the super delegates to steal the vote)

12 Answers

  • LeAnne
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Personally, I prefer democracy.

    However, I suspect it depends entirely on the individual - if you are self reliant and like the idea of reaping the benefits from your hard work, democracy is the way to go.

    On the other hand, if you like the idea of slacking off and loafing all day because in the end everything gets divided up evenly anyway - than socialism is the ticket for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are contrasting two systems that are not in opposition to one another. Socialism is an economic system that politically can be a democratic one or an undemocratic one such as a dictatorship. A government can be a socialist democracy.

    As for majority rule, Gore received more votes than Bush in 2000 but a lot of good it did him. The Electoral College votes decide, for instance, who becomes president and not majority rule. Of course, even under the Electoral College system, Gore would still have been president if a statewide recount of the Florida votes had occurred---but I digress.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am amazed and shocked that no one ever mentions


    Go over the pledge of allegiance to our flag--

    ...and to the Republic for which it stands.

    How old is this?

    Our founding fathers had good reason to warn us

    against democracy which is the system of socialism.

    I'm an old guy and I'm convinced the the early socialists

    in the U.S. started using the term "democracy" in order

    to replace the idea of the Constitutional Republic in the

    minds of all of our citizens.

    Restore the Republic and keep the USA free and independent.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, socialism does not exclude democracy.

    Second, although China claims to be socialist, it is not. I can claim to be the king of China, does not mean I am.

    So I, a person living in a democracy governed by a socialist party, want both.

    Source(s): - compare candidates and libertarianism
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  • 1 decade ago

    I prefer a Democracy such as the USA, but I don't have to like the things my elected officials do such as, senseless war , earmarks, drug company kick backs to members of congress. I think that everyone should have the same health care as our elected officials. The people on the forum don't seem to know what socialism is. I am really tired of being called a socialist because I an a democrat and I dislike being threatened for supporting Obama by racists on this Y/A . Their opinion means nothing to me because I just consider the source. I simply don't care.

    I am a liberal democrat and I am voting , supporting and promoting Obama and those who don't like it can bite me.

    Vote for Obama 2008

    Source(s): Outrage by Dick Morris
  • 1 decade ago

    Democracy, by far. Recent history teaches us that socialism, by its very nature, places far too much authority and control into the hands of the government. In socialism, the people are placed into the hands of the government, whereas in democracy, the government is placed into the hands of the people.

    Many would argue that in the U.S.A., the government DOES have the people in their hands...well, we have a long way to go before our government even resembles the Chinese communist government. We still have our basic freedoms, one of the most important of which is the right to protest and criticize our government.

  • 1 decade ago

    None. They both have something in common, the majority wins, and rules.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    The Goal of the Democrat Party is to create a "SOCIALIST PARADISE".

    Similar to that of North Korea.

    North Korea is the Most Successful Socialist State in the History of the World.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Neither. Communism or anarchy. Democracies and Socialist countries waste huge amounts of resources. They do this in order for their economies to flourish. They are greedy and petulant and think that their way of life will continue forever, well I have news for you, it won't.

  • alex c
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    many people dont know the value of democracy

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