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  • Do liberals really want Democracy?

    In Egypt they want the voice of the people heard and obeyed. So out with Mubarak and in with who ever happens to be most popular at the time regardless of the effect on the world as a whole. However right here in America the gay marriage issue was put on a state ballot and was voted down, but because the answer they got was not the one they wanted they then drag it into court and so on. So what do liberals really want? You can't call for Democracy some of the time and then fight against it at other times.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Does Gloria Allred have any legal standing that would warrant her involvement?

    I am not sure I understand why she is even involved in the Meg Whitman issue. Yes, Meg did hire an illegal alien to do work, however the maid falsified documents. Even when they where informed by the SSA they legally can not fire the maid or use that document against the maid in any way. So why is Gloria Allred even involved? If she is just doing it to interfere with an election can she be punished in some way? Sorry I don't think my last question was worded properly.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why is Gloria Allred even involved?

    I am not sure I understand why she is even involved in the Meg Whitman issue. Yes, Meg did hire an illegal alien to do work, however the maid falsified documents. Even when they where informed by the SSA they legally can not fire the maid or use that document against the maid in any way. So why is Gloria Allred even involved? If she is just doing it to interfere with an election can she be punished in some way?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Free will or genetic?

    Is homosexuality a product of choice or genetics? I ask because if it is a choice then I don't understand the desire to be married. Marriage is a product of the church after all. If it is genetic then would it be considered a defect because of the inability to reproduce naturally. If it is in fact a genetic defect then can it really be considered sinful. If it is a choice can anyone really expect to be accepted by anyone outside of that specific group? Does anyone have any proof if one way or the other.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What happened to that "white" guy who planted the car bomb in NYC yesterday?

    Where are all the people from yesterday claiming that the New York City car bomb suspect was a white Tea Party activist? Funny how fast the media outlets jumped to the conclusion that it was a white guy based on a grainy video feed.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Ok, time out, are the left and right ready to stop?

    Ok, time out, are the left and right ready to stop all the domestic bickering and deal with the real threat. Radical Muslims are now forcing censorship onto anything and anyone who dares to speak out against their deity. South Park is a cartoon who has always made fun of everyone regardless of race, religion, sex, or any other little political topic they choose. The cartoon can be vulgar and disgusting while putting an entertaining spin on how silly it is that we all take ourselves so seriously. So now we are being censored by threats to not say anything about one religious deity. Everyone else's are ok but not the Muslims. It would have been different if had seen one, just one muslim stand up and speak against the threat, but that hasn't happened. This leads one to believe that if you stand by and allow it to happen then you are approving of it. America needs to wake up and see who is really threatening our freedoms right now. So the question is simple, is the left and right of this nation ready to come together if only for a moment and deal with this issue?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How can we end world hunger?

    How can we end world hunger while we keep legislating food sources away? We pay farmers to not produce crops in order to keep the price of the crops high. We place bans of all sorts of fish, birds, and anything else that someone deems at risk. We turn corn into fuel (and not even a very efficient fuel at that) to jack the price up on corn even more. It seems that we are doing everything possible to ensure there is a food shortage.

    I am starting to think I am going crazy. I feel like I am becoming one of those conspiracy nuts.

    Our economy is in the tank and unemployment is up, but it doesn't really effect our government because most of those people now unemployed never paid taxes anyway. The real tax payers haven't missed a step. It is like a big joke on middle america. They go off and have these hearings on capital hill and talk smack to these top level executives yet nothing ever really changes. The executives turn around and hold a fund raiser and get some new tax break and they are all friends again. Meanwhile Obama says the economy is getting better and everything is going to be fine yet people are still loosing houses and more and more people are getting on welfare. Then they are caught. Our government doesn't give a darn about the economy because they are still collecting taxes from the top tax payers.

    Our whole system seems to be a house of cards one lie built on another.

    So how can we really expect to feed the hungry?

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Government mandated purchases?

    1) Has the government ever in the past mandated that its citizens purchase a private sector product? If so what and when?

    2) Would the reaction of the public be different if the government mandated its citizen to purchase a firearm for the purpose of national defense?

    3) Are such mandates in any way, shape, or form legal? If so what gives our government this power?

    Save the hate mail, I would like real answers from both sides of the issue please.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • What if the top ten percent of income earners all decided to move away?

    If less than 10 percent of the population pay 80 percent of the taxes, what would happen if they finally said enough is enough and packed up and moved away?

    Yea, I already know about the going away party and bla bla bla. What I am asking is a true assessment of economic impact. Would others simply step in and fill those positions and become the new 10 percent? What about all those businesses associated with that 10 percent, business is not really specific to any nation due to the global community. What would government do with an almost instant loss of 80 percent of its budget. Would our government even be able to function?

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Is ACORN biting the hand that feeds them?

    As shown by the link, a large portion of the money that ACORN receives comes from the very banks that they are now protesting against. ACORN had made huge pushes to get banks to make higher risk loans. Now that those loans have gone into default and the banks are foreclosing ACORN is screaming foul. By all rights ACORN helped to create the housing bubble, and now that it has burst they are blaming the evil banks. So is ACORN biting the hand that feeds them?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are you better or worse off?

    I would like specific examples of how you are doing better or worse based on who is elected as president. By specific I mean real in your life things. I will go first.

    My personal life has yet to change. I still have a job, house, car, ect. I have been making more money each and every year since I started working in 1994. I can't really say that I noticed much of a difference regardless who the president was.

    My only real concern with the present administration is over gun rights because I rather enjoy collecting and shooting guns of all ages and designs. Not some sort of extremist just an engineer with a hobby.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Torture Vs. Safety, you decide?

    Ok then this is the debate. Which one would you rather have.

    a) A terrorist get tortured so you can protect the lives of your children.

    b) Your child get killed in a bombing because no one wanted to torture the terrorist to get him to tell you about it before it happened.

    Go ahead and answer away. I don't want any of the BS answers about torture not being effective, because that has been proved to be false. This is a simple multiple choice question.

    13 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • CEO of Freddie Mac suicide?

    Interesting, Does this look familiar? Say back in the Clinton years when seemingly stable people would strangely come up dead? If I had to bet this will be the first of many to come. Watch the news for these kinds of deaths. I predict that anyone who might stand in the way of this administration with real and creditable information will end up dead. This was the Clinton trick.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • At what point can we start to fix this?

    I have been watching this thing unfold like most everyone else. It would appear to me that we are trying to pull off a really wild stunt. If you can imagine trying to repair a machine while it is running, say a blender for example. It seems that with the housing market, stock market, and overall economy crashing, we might need to let if stop moving before we do something that might get us hurt even more, or make the thing even worse. For example using a wrench to fix a blender makes sense, but not while the blade is still spinning. I know hitting the bottom would be painful, but haven't we been there before and came out of it? Some of the stuff our elected officials are doing in an attempt to fix this is really scary. At the end of all this might we ask ourselves if we wouldn't have been better of to hit bottom than to have our lives run by the government. Even in the face of less tax collection due to fewer taxable citizens, due to job losses, our government is increasing spending on our yearly budget? Even if you can rationalize the stimulus bill you certainly can not rationalize increases in a yearly budget. The math just does not add up.

    Is my logic flawed in some way?

    I don't want to talk about who is at fault or who is to blame. The fact is that we are right here right now, and who or what got use here is irrelevant.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Where do I find the free stuff forms?

    Ok, I looked all over the internet for the forms to fill out to get free gas, money, ect from the government now that Oboma is President. I heard the woman on the radio saying that Oboma was going to pay for gas, mortgage payments, ect. but I can't find where to sign up. PLEASE HELP, I want some free stuff too, before it all runs out. FREE FREE FREE! SHOW ME THE MONEY!

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Which would you prefer? Socialism or Democracy?

    He is the deal. It seems like a constant bashing of the liberals, Right wing, big buisness, oil, energy, wages, taxes, healthcare. ect. So what would you really prefer? A government similar to China or a government that lets all the people vote and the majority rules. (I don't want to hear from any of the conspiracy people who say voting is rigged and that thier votes don't count becuase the Dems are going to use the super delegates to steal the vote)

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago