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Lv 6
$ asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

CEO of Freddie Mac suicide?

Interesting, Does this look familiar? Say back in the Clinton years when seemingly stable people would strangely come up dead? If I had to bet this will be the first of many to come. Watch the news for these kinds of deaths. I predict that anyone who might stand in the way of this administration with real and creditable information will end up dead. This was the Clinton trick.


CFO sorry fingers are not playing well together this morning.

Update 2:

U.S. Vet ???? Ex V.P.???? Sorry your off topic. Please remove your post.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People who commit suicide usually have a history of mental illness or substance abuse. To become a high-ranking corporate officer leads me to believe that we can rule out those two possible causes.

    The other people who commit suicide have typically had major life changes happen in a short period of time--a divorce coupled with loss of a job, that sort of thing. Although I haven't heard information to the contrary, I highly doubt this happened here--no indications of divorce and, in fact, not only was his job situation stable he was set to receive an $850,000 bonus *and* had an agreement in place that guaranteed him from suffering any financial liabilty due to lawsuits. The only thing against which he was not protected was willful criminal conduct.

    Since we can rule out mental illness, substance abuse (pending the medical examiner's report), family problems (neighbors cite no known problems with the family), and job stress (seriously, how bad can it be when you make a salary and 6-figure bonuses?) that leaves us with a man choosing to hang himself, perhaps? Autoerotic asphyxiation? Highly unlikely.

    Although police are saying they do not suspect foul play, they *have* to suspect it. There is no other reason for Mr. Kellerman to have hung himself.

    In short, he didn't commit suicide. He was silenced. As CFO, he had access to *all* the financials at Freddie Mac. Perhaps he was considering going to Congress to discuss things.

    Generally, corporate executives do not commit suicide. Ivan Boesky didn't. Neither did Michael Millken, Kenneth Lay, Bernie Madoff, and neither have any of the executives from AIG, Lehman Brothers, Citigroup, Wachovia, etc. The only case I can recall is a Senior VP from Enron back in 2001.

    No. This definitely was not a suicide.

  • 1 decade ago

    He was the acting CFO.

    [Kellermann was named acting chief financial officer in September 2008, after the resignation of Anthony "Buddy" Piszel, who stepped down after the September 2008 government takeover. The chief financial officer is responsible for the company's financial controls, financial reporting and oversight of the company's budget and financial planning.

    Before taking that job, Kellerman served as senior vice president, corporate controller and principal accounting officer. He was with Freddie Mac for more than 16 years.]

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Slick Willie and The MUTT have more skeletons in their closet than a boneyard.

    Obama won his first election by having the other three opponents disqualified.

    What does it tell you?

  • 1 decade ago

    Very interesting point. I agree with you about this administration. There is no telling what they will do to silence the truth about them

    Source(s): Obama, the most corrupt administration in history.
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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, what I don't understand is why Dick Cheney has not seen one day of justice after shooting his friend in the face while drunk and using an expired hunting license.

    If this was you or me we would have been sent up the river and never heard from again.


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