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Lv 6

Free will or genetic?

Is homosexuality a product of choice or genetics? I ask because if it is a choice then I don't understand the desire to be married. Marriage is a product of the church after all. If it is genetic then would it be considered a defect because of the inability to reproduce naturally. If it is in fact a genetic defect then can it really be considered sinful. If it is a choice can anyone really expect to be accepted by anyone outside of that specific group? Does anyone have any proof if one way or the other.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think this is the first time I've ever heard this thought into so deeply. Whether that's due to me not going into this topic and being naive or what have you.

    From what I've heard it hasn't been determined whether it's free will or genetics. The desire to be married I think is more along the lines of being or showing that you're committed solely to each other, not necessarily because of the church factor.

    As far as if it were a genetic defect, or if it's sinful... I wouldn't think of it as a defect, just because they are still the same as everyone else. It being sinful depends on your religious views. I was raised lds, which leads us to believe it's completely by choice. That it's their trial, or "natural man" and that they need to learn to overcome it, so it would be sinful to follow it.

    If it really is a choice, then they shouldn't necessarily expect to be accepted, but they shouldn't expect to be outcasted either. It's the same as making any other choice in your life.

    But again, as I said in the beginning I haven't seen any proof for either side of it.

    My personal opinion... Even if it's genetic it's still a choice whether you follow it or not, and a lot of it is influenced by surroundings.

  • 1 decade ago

    First: Just because "marriage" is a "product of the church" it doesn't make the idea of legally binding commitment under the eyes of god any less desirable to a homosexual. Most American Atheists still celebrate Christmas. It's a tradition that some people want to be a part of.

    Second: In a scientific sense for the sake of reproduction, homosexuality could be called a defect...technically. However there are other examples such as mental retardation that technically qualify as defects but I don't see bans on them in society. But thanks to our growing morality (hopefully) and technology to make the ability of reproduction not binded to male/female intercourse, we should not be confound to the requirements of a less scientifically progressed society. The human population does not DEPEND on heterosexuality anymore. So in a realistic sense, considering modern capabilities, I do NOT see homosexuality as a defect.

    Third: People tend to forget that almost everything WE do is a choice. Genetic/Choice argument doesn't matter. Vegetarians may not respect the lifestyle of an omnivore, but they are still willing to share their health stores without question. It seems silly to even imagine the vegetarians trying to BAN the use of their stores because they were founded on vegetarian principles. Regardless of respect, homosexuals (just like anyone else) are entitled to expect others to AT LEAST accept they choice to live the way they do.

    Side note: Separation of church and state...I love how America is constantly contradicting itself...NOT

    Source(s): Common sense
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Free will doesn't exist. Everyone is a direct product of their environment and internal, as well as external experiences, thoughts, and actions. These things, that you cannot change, make you up. Free will is never an option.

    There is no proof that homosexuality is genetic, and there is no proof that it isn't. It could be entirely nurture, entirely nature, or a mixture of the two, but it is never a choice.

    And marriage is not a product of the church, it is a legal term that is used to describe a union that predates Christianity, Judaism, and Sumerian folklore.

    Source(s): Determinist
  • 1 decade ago

    Free will is an illusion of the mind to keep you sane. We live in a deterministic universe. Every event is caused by a chain of prior occurrences. Therefore, to answer your question, homosexuality is actually an inherent trait. not sure if its genetic, but tyou have no choice in your sexuality or in anything else for that matter.

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