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Torture Vs. Safety, you decide?

Ok then this is the debate. Which one would you rather have.

a) A terrorist get tortured so you can protect the lives of your children.

b) Your child get killed in a bombing because no one wanted to torture the terrorist to get him to tell you about it before it happened.

Go ahead and answer away. I don't want any of the BS answers about torture not being effective, because that has been proved to be false. This is a simple multiple choice question.


Morality you say? What is more moral. Protecting your children, or protecting an immoral terrorist?

Update 2:

Razawire: That book would be no help. Try a minor or major in psychology it works a bit better. The fact is that a vast majority of people will give a true answer do to the inability to come up with a lie under extreme stress. Most can't even make up a simple lie to a question like what is your name. Most of you have been watching too much TV. to even understand what happens during torture.

Update 3:

End the Fed: How likely was 911 prior to it happening. How likely is another attack considering we are fighting an enemy who thinks killing a westerner is a free ticket to heaven with 72 virgins.

Update 4:

Eric your promise is worthless. Messing with my family has nothing to do with torture. I wouldn't waste my time doing that to you. There are much faster ways to deal with threats.

Update 5:

Helios: Thanks to torture everything in America is up for debate. That is what makes us a great nation. I don't have to like what you say and you don't have to like what I say. However we both have the right to say it. (Torture has kind of ensured our rights actually)

Update 6:

Pelosi: you always make me laugh, oink oink (don't give her a thumbs down, she is being sarcastic)

Update 7:

William S: You are either in the service or have a relative in the service. You simply know too much. Speaking the truth will only make them hate you more.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My answer is A all the way

    Just a foot note, unlawful combatants are not covered under the Geneva convention on purpose. Those who would use terrorist attacks are not apart of any uniformed army that has signed up for the Geneva convention therefore are not protected under the Geneva Convention.

    Furthermore I wouldn't call what we do torture, it is done to the US soldiers and to persons that may have to us such methods. In other words they were tortured by America Government seeking to train them on how to protect America. Read the new army interrogation manuel, if you applied it to how the US government treats the very service men and women, they would in fact be torturing the people who serve our country. But that doesn't empower the liberal party, so they don't care about it. I find it really funny that the democrats are claiming ignorance, but when you go to these meetings they are recorded and you sign a statement of receiving such a brief.

    Honestly you can't demonize the United States for using restrained torture methods, it has saved lives and we do not torture for pleasure as our enemies have. Politicians make the worst soldiers.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    i'm with mm up there, that's persistent gvhd. The tell-tale signs and indications are there. The rash you reported above is gvhd and so ought to each little thing else be. properly, the an infection isnt gvhd, yet she DOES have gvhd. Her meds would desire to have been adjusted whilst the rash appeared and then there after for this reason. She additionally must be checked for infections. The drugs she remains on at around one 12 months after transplant are harsh and stop her physique from scuffling with an infection. The medical medical doctors would desire to be putting her on extreme does anti each little thing for infections and could probable be giving her something like neupogin to advance her white blood cellular count extensive style. became into she in septic marvel?? the way you communicate approximately her being sedated and violent desires, and that she has an infection appears like septic marvel.

  • 1 decade ago

    "I don't want any of the BS answers about torture not being effective, because that has been proved to be false."

    WRONG. If it's so effective, then why did they have to dunk KSM 283 times just to hear him confirm what the CIA already said 'was true'?

    And I'll chose c) No one wants to torture a SUSPECTED terrorist and he lives in a third world country 5,000 miles away so the likelihood of b) actually happening has very little chance.

    ADD: You think torture would have prevented 9/11? Who did we have in custody that would have broke if we only waterboarded them 200+ times?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I can take the high road on this one, since I live in a gated community, with armed guards around me 24/7 I am rich enough to be safe, since only other people are in danger not me or mine, we should not torture anyone.

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  • 1 decade ago

    this isnt a question,its a statement and a transparent one at that,i mean bringing kids into it,thats a bit pathetic and torture has been proven to be ineffective but im not allowed to say that as its "bs"

    do you study the fox book of interviewing or something?

    --again with the children,i know what happens next,you shout loudly then get the mic cut---

    --you do work for fox,you even tried to patronise me with arrogance and faux intellectuality and i used a french word because i know you love them--

  • Helios
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No... this is not open for debate. Torture is against the law - all over the world. No civilized people does it except "Lord of Flies" republicans and third world dictatorships.

    Torture is illegal - it is now - it was then Bush was doing it.

    This isn't a matter for debate.

  • 1 decade ago

    Torture the terrorist.

    The terrorists want to murdere millions of people at a time. When they get nuclear/biological weapons they will use them.

    I don't understand why some think it is moral to let your kid or millions of Amreicans to die instead of making a terrorist uncomfortable.

    Is it immoral to shoot someone who has a gun pointed at you? Terrorists have lots of guns pointed at us.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Stop torturing us with your idiocy and I promise to leave your family alone.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would like morality over torture.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    a) without hesitation.

    The failure to protect innocents is a far worse outcome than to feel guilty about having mistreating evil murderers.

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