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Lv 6
$ asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Are you better or worse off?

I would like specific examples of how you are doing better or worse based on who is elected as president. By specific I mean real in your life things. I will go first.

My personal life has yet to change. I still have a job, house, car, ect. I have been making more money each and every year since I started working in 1994. I can't really say that I noticed much of a difference regardless who the president was.

My only real concern with the present administration is over gun rights because I rather enjoy collecting and shooting guns of all ages and designs. Not some sort of extremist just an engineer with a hobby.


Hoopkid: You have failed to answer my question. I did not ask for information regarding the number of NRA members who support Oboma. Further more my concern has more to do with the fact that I question if Oboma would stand up to his party and veto legislation that would infringe on gun rights.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unlike many people in this country, I don't base my ups and downs on people who are put in the White House. Unfortunately, most people who vote in this day and age do. That's why we always get **** in the Oval Office.

  • 1 decade ago

    Although my life has remained the same since President Obama's election, I would just like to inform you that even if Obama does tighten gun control, it will in no way be outright outlawing the sale of guns. Instead, maybe there would be a limit of buying just one gun a month. This would eliminate the HUGE problem of people buying many guns, and selling illegally them to convicted felons. So, you would still completly be able to keep up with your gun collection, just not buy a million guns every month.

  • 1 decade ago

    My life has not changed as of today. My concern with the administration today is the growing power of government. Have you ever seen or lived in government housing? Are we sure we want the government to oversee how our cars are made or be in charge of healthcare? That is what the free market is for. I agree there need to be some changes but government control is not the answer.

    Source(s): opinion
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm doing much better off, when the oil man was in the White House I paid over $4.00 a gallon for gas now that the Enviromentalist is in the White House it is under $2.00 a gallon. I'm in the entertainment industry. When people were paying $4.00+ for gas they were not buying my CD or attending concerts. Now that gas has come back down they are, and thus my income gone up. I have already made more in the first quarter of this year than all of last year.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Directly after Obama was elected my work decided to layoff about 230 of us out of 300. He got rid of almost every 10 yr or above employee. So I would say worse off. And to make matters worse it happened about 1 week after I told my supervisor my wife was pregnant with our second child.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You did some some difference, you just may have not realized it.

    Bush Tax Cuts were Real Tax Cuts.

    They helped All of us Working People that paid Taxes.

    Keep hanging in.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why in the world would there be any concern over this administration and gun ownership? No one, nowhere, has indicated that they are going to ban folks from owning guns. This only exists in the small, ignorant minds of the ever shrinking GOP.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    been laid off since November, and strangely enough am better off

    but that is because I look ahead and not to the past, and don't bother with all the BS here by both parties

  • 1 decade ago

    You do know that a large number of Obama's supporters were NRA members right?

    Source(s): Communist
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