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slap_shot69 asked in SportsHockey · 1 decade ago

On a scale of one to ten, ten being the classiest, where do the Penguins stand?

What do you think after seeing the kind of class they exhibited in game 2?

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Minus 14. And then Theirren whines about obstruction. He must've been hanging around Crosby too much.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Roberts sucker punch to Franzen, then Malone's elbow to Franzen's head were classless. But Roberts has never been known as a Lady Byng candidate. And, if Therrien is stupid enough to send Roberts out on the ice near the end of a settled game, well, the Wings have guys who can take care of him and show what men do face-to-face.

    The rest of the Pens didn't resort to cheap shots except for running at Osgood but that's part of hockey.

    I give them a 7. Frustration can cause you to do stupid things, like when Holmstrom punched the Dallas player who was on the bench. That was also classless.

    As for being a bandwagoner, I've been a Red Wings fan longer than you've been alive, oh expansion franchise supporter. I was 44 when they finally won in 1997, grew up in Detroit and lived through the dark ages of the Norris kids ruining their father's franchise.

    The Red Wings are the most popular team in the country. Go cry in your Iron City swill or whatever it is you brew there.

    Source(s): Lifelong Red Wings fan
  • 1 decade ago

    For tonight's game, I would give them not even 1,

    probably 1/4. Yes, there were some cheap shots, but its the Stanley Cup, what do you expect? I think as the team the are very young, so they might not know so much about class, but they are frustrated and they lost they're cool. I would say most teams do that. I think the Wings are one of the classiest, not because I'm a fan, but they are older, they are not really into fighting. They just want to win the cup.


  • 1 decade ago

    Well I would not even begin to go there.

    I said at the beginning of this series that the coaching and goalie would be the key factors. Babcock and Ozzie have shown that the leadership at the top flows down........we have an excellent team and I am proud to be a fan of the Detroit Redwings since the eighties.

  • you
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    as some have said, this is typical playoff hockey. nothing that the wings haven't seen from other teams who have experienced the same type of frustration. if the wings are on their game, successfully playing their style, it is INTENDED to frustrate the opponent.

    frankly, the Penguins have no idea what has hit them. they are still grasping for straws when it comes to explaining what happened, and what they will change to fix it. look at the comments:

    - before game 1

    - after game 1, and before game 2 (line changes and replacing Laraque w/ Roberts)

    - after game 2 ("obstruction" and "diving", and "hit the post")

    (see how Crosby doesn't mention changing style, but instead says "we need to execute"? if you keep trying the same things over and over, you shouldn't expect different results).

    they keep looking for answers. obviously, their "master plan" to switch linemates on all 4 lines, not only was ineffective, but it didn't even make a dent, in making a difference. Gary Roberts displayed HIS style of leadership to the youth of the team, by showing how NOT to show your frustration. they aren't looking at themselves and taking responsibility. they are blaming refs, posts, and the wings.

    if Therrien was smart, he'd look at how the Ducks dismantled the Wings last year. but even if he did, unfortunately his team isn't structured to play Ducks style. but you can't blame him. they're an Eastern Conf team.

    the beauty about the Western Conf is that you have numerous teams who can play more than one style of hockey ... because they HAVE to. to survive.

    that's why the following teams really give Detroit a hard time:

    Ducks, Sharks, Stars (kinda), Flames, Hawks.

    Frankly, if the first 3 teams in that list were in the SCF right now, it would be the same result: 2-0. maybe not the shutouts, but the Pens can't handle puck possession, "defense - first", Western Conf hockey, cuz all they know how to play is offense.

    that's why Therrien won't play Malkin or Crosby on the PK. When asked, he said something along the lines of "they're young. they'll learn defense later". obviously he doesn't see the value in teaching your stars the power of defensive offense. that's why he has no Selke Finalists.

    PLAYOFF (not regular season) +/-:

    Crosby: +5

    Malkin: +2

    Datsyuk: +13

    Zetterberg: +16

    yet both pairs have a relatively equal # of points. HMM.

    Pens, this is your leader speaking:

    this is the wings' leader:

    one is taking responsibility and looking for improvement. the other is looking for excuses, and isn't used to adversity. (some GREAT answers by Babcock, btw. just plain out - coaching Therrien)

    who would YOU rather follow?

    enough said

  • 1 decade ago

    Well after game one i would've said about a 7 after game 2 i say definatly no higher than a 3. they are just making them selves out to be sore losers their coach the same. It's just pathetic some of the comments crosby said at the end. poor sports.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i would give them a 4 because it was only about 5 of there players taking cheap shots and they were frustrated that the wings are beating them and there young and dont know of what else to do beside taking cheap hits to injure someone and change momentum. i think that shot taken on ozzie by malone was ordered by the coach however which fully discredits the teams leadership and standards so if that is true then id downgrade them to a 2

    Source(s): i was at that game and i could see stuff happening not next to the puck which the cameras cannot show you all the time
  • 1 decade ago

    After last night, about a 7

  • 1 decade ago

    The actions of a couple players while playing in such a disappointed and important series should not completely discredit them. Not much about what they did was dirty. Head hunting Franzen was, but thats about it. Bumping Ozzy isnt that big of a deal. Niether is getting a little rough with the opposing team. This is playoff hockey.

  • 1 decade ago

    around an 8

  • 1 decade ago

    After the **** they pulled tonight I give them a 1. Hopefully they will now show up to play the game and turn this series into something great like everyone was hoping for.

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