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Would god convert more people if he wrote re-wrote genesis something like this?

IN THE beginning G-d created the singularity and the universe

Now the universe was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of G-d hovered over the face of the inflation.

And G-d said: 'Let there be energy.' And there was energy

And G-d saw the energy, that it was good; and G-d divided the quarks from the electrons

And G-d called the light atoms, and the darkness He called cosmic background radiation. And there was hydrogen and there was helium, three hundred thousand years.


Yes I do know this does not follow the exact timeline or sequence of events of the Big Bang.

Update 2:

She said-The Quran explains no such thing, just more wishfuk thinking on your part.

Update 3:

She said-Your link lost me when it claimed the Earth was 200 times bigger tan it is today. You Quran science is complete garbage that will only convince the weak minded.

Update 4:

louisa-actually I am a science geek, I have in fact read answers in genesis and it is such offensive pseudoscience. The 6 day creation is so absurd I find it embarassing that anyone over 7 years old takes it seriously. Oh I think your caps lock must be stuck.

Update 5:

Rocky Squirrel-The first thing god created according to genesis was the heavens and the Earth. Light was not in genesis or in the universe the first thing created. But that is some fancy mental gymnastic you are attempting.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In the beginning there was a false vaccuum and a fluction in scalar fields, leading forth to an energy imbalance which expanded in 10 dimensions,and there was time, and it was good.

    Immediately thereafter the universe began expanding into four dimensional spacetime while the other 6 dimensions curled up very small and that was the Planck Time, and it was good.

    And thereupon came inflation that lasted briefly but sufficiently to explain the horizon problem, and it was good.

    And thereafter, quarks assumed their rightful place bound up as protons and neutrons, and there was dark, for the photons knew it not, and it lasteth for 300,000 years until photon decoupling and neutrino referigeration taketh place, and there was light, and it was good.

    In the first million years the top down large scale structure of the universe progresseth and there were superclusters of billions upon billions of galaxies, containing incredible high energy cores that will one day be called quasars, and it was good.

    And thereon the universe progresseth for 8 billion years, whereupon a large Expanding Gaseous Globule many light years across that consisteth of population two star elements, collaspeth in the vicinity of Ursa Major, and a new star was born with a planetary nebulae shroud. And it was good.

    And lo, after hundred of millions of years, the Earth, moon, and planets formeth and it was called a Solar System and it was good.

    And many ages passeth and life crept upon the face of the Earth, and it was okey dokey.

    And thereafter such self aware sentient creatures evolveth and spawneth, and determineth that all these high energy physics from time zero happeneth and worketh without any interference or guiding hand, and it was truly a miracle.

    And it came to pass that a creator was not only not seen and unneccessary, the universe showeth itself as it would appear were there no creator. And it was still good goddamit.

  • 1 decade ago

    Cosmodot . . . Genesis, though a poem, is like what you just said. Genesis starts with:

    God said, "Let there be light."

    Now out of all the billions of things God could have created first, God choose to first create "light". God did not create the scarab beetle first. He did not create a pantheon of lesser gods first. He did not create the earth first. He did not create the sun first. He did not create the universe first. God created light first.

    E = mc^2

    And from light, came all the matter in the universe.

    That should impress you. Of all the religions in the world, Genesis provides the only accurate description of the cosmological origins of the universe. The only other source to repeat the decree was 20th century science.

    Cosmodot, Genesis doesn't stop with that 1 profound science concept.

    Read Genesis in context of the Hebrew thought rhyme which Moses wrote it. Note the rhyme: Three days of formation parallel three days of filling. This time, Genesis infers the geological time table.

    Day 4 follows day 1 in the thought rhyme: After God created energy, then God created stars and planets.

    And then day 2 followed by day 5:

    water, then sky, then fish, then insects.

    And then day 3 followed by day 6:

    Dry ground, then land animals. And lastly man.

    The problem is, Cosmodot, is not with the Bible, but with your mind. You like many others, have the condition St. Paul calls "mind blindness." Though the words of the Bible are right in front of your eyes, you do not mentally see them. You assume that the words are written by a moron. You believe the words are there only to scoff at. But the person who wrote Genesis not only was a Prince of Egypt, but also the lawgiver to the nation of Israel--America's ally even today. Would you be as quick to scoff at a book written by George Washington or Abraham Lincoln?

    Cosmodot, I am not calling you stupid or ignorant. Whether or not you understand the Bible has nothing to do with your IQ. One cannot fault a blind man for not being able to describe the stars in the sky.

    Cosmodot, whether or not you believe it, you have a supernatural enemy. Paul's description of mind-blindness in 2 Co 4:4 and its perpetrator is very accurate. You have a case of it. I hope one day that you will begin to realize it, and want to cure it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well at least the basic order for life on earth is correct in genesis...





    animals, starting in the sea.


    A Day (with a capital D) without an earth is undefined.

    What good would it do people to hear things from God if they couldn't understand any of it? So it's put in parable and myth form.

    It happens like this: God sends one person to teach a ready generation, then says basically "Alright, now I've taught you all you can benefit by right now, so now teach your children and your neighbors, but be warned - I'm gonna come back with a new message when you ceased to grow understanding. If you reject that new understanding you may as well have not believed at all except for those few descendants of yours who will - the next ready generation."

    165 yrs ago, the most recent version of this came, it teaches the universe has always been, but it evolves. It teaches not every species has always existed on the earth, but the reality of them has always existed potentially, whether in first principles, or other worlds manifest. It teaches that every star has its own worlds, and every world has its own life, starting with the mineral and then evolving to the world's own potential. It teaches every thing in the universe comes from a single force acting upon itself. It requires religion conform with science, or it is superstition, not religion of God.

    God bless.

    Source(s): Baha'i Faith
  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Actually, didn't the Quran having something significant in it's holy book? Something about an expanding Universe and that it rests on pillars...anyways, I don't know if that tactic works. I was certainly interested in reading the Quran because of that but I don't know about converting into their religion based on that. Maybe we're supposed to discover how great God's creation is instead of flat out revealing it to us through a book that is biased against other religions and beliefs (I'm sorry if I offended any Jews and/or Christians).

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    answer: You can BEGIN learning about Judaism and begin working towards conversion. You will need parental permission. Most rabbis won't convert someone under the age of 16, some 17. There is a lot to learn about Judaism but you've got an advantage with a Jewish father. Would BOTH parents agree to you beginning to work towards conversion?

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think it would go nicely as 'God created Nature, and in turn, the energy that is Nature brought about many wondrous things.'

    It makes more sense that way. All energy is Natural energy, and energy cannot be created or destroyed, so Nature cannot be created or destroyed. Presuming God can (and did) create energy, He created Nature.

    Through studying energy, and its functions, it's simple enough to understand that everything begins as energy, thrives on energy, and ends up being consumed by energy.

    Therefore, I believe that Nature brought about the Earth, and all life upon it, and the Sun, the stars and the Moon, along with everything else in existence. Whether God had any part in it, or even exists, I cannot know.


    ~Loving Light~

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Works for me. But as mentioned above, we may learn more in the future that makes even this obsolete.

    I don't think Genesis converts anyone...people innately believe there is a higher being or not. Someone who doesn't believe will not be convinced by reading the Bible.

    Someone who does will say either, logically, "They wrote things to the best of their understanding at that time--which, admittedly, was limited" or, on faith, "I choose to believe that it happened exactly like this."

    It's an Insider book.

    Source(s): agnostic/deist
  • 1 decade ago

    interesting alternative, creative. Converts are not gotten through Genesis. Converts are enlightened by the gospels or good news. Genesis is a book of history.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd be more likely to believe if the creation story and subsequent ones actually matched reality. Or, the more they match reality the more likely I'd be to believe.


    The point is if a holy text pointed out solid "scientific" truth before we discovered it, and didn't have to be "stretched" to fit; it would be a very good indication or truth. But both the Bible and the Quran, propose "scientific" truths in them but these are clearly not referring to the concept claimed or are easily observable.

    While our concept of a singularity may change, the nature and expansion will not change, or if it does it will change very slightly. It seems we're about to change our concept of gravity due to recent finding but this will not change the basic understanding.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure that works for me, but in time, it'll just have to be rewritten again.

    Probably best just to leave the scientific discoveries up to the scientific community. If you have a problem with how it works perhaps you could educate yourself (not you personally) and do something to change it.

    If you can't beat 'em, join 'em and if they laugh at you, plug your ears and hum loudly.

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