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Is it conspiratorial to think the government lied about something that most just take as truth?

Is it wrong to second guess the govt? If the mainstream media doesn't report it or cover it are we supposed to accept the reported story?

I know there is plenty of nonsense out there...but it can't ALL be nonsense.

What are some trustworthy news outlets? How do we know they are trustworthy? Infowars seems to find the "smoking gun" with very obscure evidence.

Please mind your manners...I am desperately seeking truth.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The real tragic issue is the public response to news stories. No one questions the mainstream media. I am a skeptic and that is a good thing; everything should be checked out and proved correct over and over again; never accept something just because it is delivered to you in a nice soothing voice with flawless delivery.

  • Ranger
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Ever know a friend that can keep a secret? When people are involved, there can't be any secrecy.

    Remember, when the governments most Top Secret project, Stealth Planes, were being developed? Toy model makers had copies on the shelves selling them, and Popular Mechanics had a drawing of one on the cover, while the government was denying they were being developed.

    Soldiers get discharged and or come home on leave and talk about their jobs and what they have seen. Same with workers that leave factories, or talk with spouses while the kids listen, and everything gets repeated at the PTA meeting or in friends homes.

    If the government does something, it becomes common knowledge in very little time. The proof the government did it is laid bare for the world to see. So most of the conspiracy theorist who base their theory on little or no evidence are suffering from a mental disorder called "Institutional Paranoia".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." that was a lie. he lied to you.

    " I was shot at by snipper fire when I got off the plane". that was a lie. she lied to you. (No excuse me.. when they lie they call it "I mis-spoke". Their so high and mighty their lies are not lies.)

    I could go on and on forever with more examples, the Vietnam war, the war we are in now, the economy, gas prices, etc. but I just don't have the time.

    If you think the government or our elected officials tell you the truth you are sadly mistaken. If the don't come right out and lie about it, they will put their own SPIN on it which is a half lie.

    I'm not into conspiracy's. You simply do not have to look hard to start to see all the lies they spew out to the gullable american public each and everyday.

    Yes....America... the land of the not so free and the home of the government that is all lies.

    Hope you have a nice day.

  • 1 decade ago

    Business as usual I'm afraid. I just browse and try to find something that seems normal. I think the BBC isn't too bad, but even then they have a little governmental heavyhandedness. Just treat it like being an old time explorer. You'll never find what you're looking for if you stop looking for it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's not conspiratorial to second guess the government, but it is conspiratorial to automatically assume that the government is lying to you and the media are covering up the story. Sometimes the prevailing wisdom is the prevailing wisdom because it's true. Conspiracy theory nuts always get to me because they're so paranoid and they're always willing to believe the most outlandish, ridiculous explanation instead of the most obvious one, as if most of us are just too retarded to see the truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would say you have a point to a degree. Most media outlets are looking for this to be the first to report it. Some news is withheld for other reasons as National Security, etc. which at a later date is reported when it isn't a security question...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Conspiratorial"? I think you need to look up the definition of that word. To be conspiratorial means that you are engaging in a conspiracy. Conspiracy theorists are often too stupid to engage in conspiracy - they merely speculate about other people doing it.

    Is it wrong to second guess the government? Absolutely not. It is, however, wrong to deliberately spread false information in an attempt to get people to believe that their government, which is sworn to protect them, is actually attacking them. It's not only wrong... it's dangerous and spiteful.

    Most conspiracy theorists are people who feel they've been wronged in some way by the government and are attempting to feel better by getting other people angry with our political leaders.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No it is seeking the TRUTH.....and the TRUTH will set you FREE!

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