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jody c asked in SportsMotorcycle Racing · 1 decade ago

Rossi and mugello?

Will vale be able to keep up his amazing run at his favourite track, as he is hitting form again i cant see anybody getting close this weekend

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi Jody C. At first glance it looks like another win at what must be his favourite track. But saying that. looking at a few statistics on the MotoGp web site. I see its been 17 yrs since a non Michelin Winner at Mugello. and that was on Dunlops. So Bridgestone either Due a win or cant win here. That pulls Lorenzo up to a Race with pedrossa. and Edwards biting at the bit. Toesland wanting a result too. and as Dingo said last time out. the Yamaha's are on fire. I'm curious to see what Tady okada does on the long awaited Pneumatic air valve Honda. All this going on and you still have to think Rossi.

    Tipping has never be as hard..............Great.

  • depace
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    hi Proc, i'm finding forward to work out the "07 Stoner" lower back yet i think of it quite is rather good to end 2d at Mugello if Rossi is interior the race :) i in my view have self belief Rossi will win at Mugello, because of the fact he's at homestead, having gained it 7 years in a row. And given his final race effect, i think of he will quite be committed :) Pedrosa has for sure been recuperating his overall performance, and Lorenzo is on fire, so i think of it quite is going to likely be a hell of a combat. it may be quite exciting to work out Melandri on the front lower back! concerning to Elias, I nonetheless have not watched qualifying :) Le Mans replaced into quite a disaster for Rossi, Caladora. What a nightmare! replaced into that basically a chilly tyre or nonetheless too moist for slicks? :P

  • 1 decade ago

    I am hoping that he does win. I think the only things that can stop him this weekend is a technical fault or Lorenzo. Last years race was excellent with Pedrosa and Rossi battling and Barros getting third ahead of Stoner. Would love to see Melandri hitting the podium too - but sincerely doubt it. Think it will be Rossi, Lorenzo and Pedrosa.

    Source(s): Waiting for the weekend....!!!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i am loving the resurgance of Rossi. The only thing that would keep him off the top spot would be the long straight, but Rossi has got to be the presumed favorite.

    cant wait, Mugello is always a great event.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Rossi all the way.

    He is the master at Mugello.

  • 1 decade ago

    i reckon rossi in with a chance

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