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Why are people blaming Pres Bush for the high prices for fuel and gas?

Pres Bush has for years trying to get the Congress and Senate to approve bills that would allow drilling on just a few thousand acres out of several hundred thousand acres in Alaska where there is enough oil to last our country over 100 years, But it`s the democrats that keep blocking the passage of those bills. We need to get Control of both those Houses back in Republican hands, within months we can be back to less than $ 2.00 per gallon.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That would not have worked for at least 10 years, and estimates actually put it closer to 20 years. We cannot wait that long to fix this.

    Besides, supply isn't really the problem. The two major problems are demand and the value of the dollar. President Bush can't do that much about demand. India and China went way up with it, so did we. But even when the prices went up we still kept demanding more, so the prices stay up. And he has no control over India and China and how they use their energy.

    The value of the dollar, on the other hand, can be laid directly at his doorstep. Bush got into two wars but maintained his tax cuts; which means he has almost nothing to pay for these wars.

    Initially he got what he could out of us, especially the middle class. When they got a little angry about that, he had to go somewhere else to get that money. He chose to borrow the money from other countries; mostly China. When we borrow money, that raises the national debt. The higher it goes, the less the dollar is worth because other countries own our dollars first. They must be paid off before that money can be used for us again.

    That is what is causing the drop in the dollar, all the borrowing. Since oil is valued in dollars and dollars are losing value, each barrel of oil requires more dollars to equal the same value per barrel of oil. When more dollars go into the price of trading in oil, it raises the price of gasoline extracted from that oil.

    Bush may not be able to handle this immediately, and he cannot fix everything. But if he gets out of this costly and so far pretty ineffective war, he can stop having to borrow money. He can then use incoming taxes to pay down the National Debt. This will raise the value of the dollar, and combined with us lowering our own demand for oil, will lower the price of oil and by extension the price of gasoline.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm sure you have done geological surveys to identify which "few acres" to drill first at... you know to last the entire country for 10 years. Keep dreaming, allowing drilling in Alaska would just open the flood gates and allow the Alaskan wilderness to be raped by big oil. Of course we should drill rather than waste time trying to learn a long term solution like better technology. You think that Republican control of both branches of the legislature would get gas prices down to $2/gal? Why would republicans want that anyway, they all take bribes from big oil companies. Nothing will reduce gas prices to $2/gal again. We blame Bush because he illegally invaded Iraq and irritated the middle east oil giants who want to teach America a lesson while also getting richer at the same time.

    Also, it's politics. Since the president vetoes every bill that congress proposes before even reading it, why should congress help him to look any better?

    Bring on the thumbs down, ignorance is bliss

  • Adam C
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Jas G is spot on...

    There are about ten billion barrels of recoverable oil in Alaska. US consumption is about twenty million barrels per day (and growing!). This means that Alaskan oil would supply 500 days of consumption - under two years. This may be a low estimation but 100 years is definitley out and the impact upon prices will be negligible...

    Of course, denying many future generations the pleasure of unspoilt wilderness in order to let one generation drive to the 7/11 for a few extra years does seem very short-sighted

    Anyway, to answer your question re Bush.

    1) Due to poor financial administration of this presidency (domestic expenditure exceeding savings, poor controls and oversight of markets, tax cuts on the back of hugely increased national debt, etc) the US$ has sunk dramatically thus the price of oil, in $ terms, would have gone up even if the price of oil, in C$, € or ₤ had remained stable.

    2) A too-cozy relationship between Bush (and friends) and big oil lead to a lack of control on profit making and an emphasis on benefits to the oil industry not the American people

    3) Denial of climate change et al meaning minimal (or no!) investment in alternative energy sources (bio-fuels are a big red herring and don't count), conservation efforts and public transportation has led to continued demand and dependency (thus vulnerability)

    4) Arrogant and dogmatic politics instead of pragmatic diplomacy has led to some oil-producing countries (e.g. Venezuela) being unreceptive to discussions about tackling high oil prices

    5) Destabilising production by attacking Iraq

    That should do for a start...!

  • 1 decade ago

    ok, within months you would get back to $2.00 per gallon? i think not, it would take a lot longer than that to build the equiptment needed for extraciton and refining the oil, and then you have to roll it out. it woudl take a lot longer than a few months. But the oil companies will probably just sell it to the highest bidder, which means prices will stay high.

    Yes bush isn't himself to blame for the high oil prices, but his invasion of Iraq, and the way he has allowed the value of the dollar to fall are to blame.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Here in Queensland Australia we are now paying $1.40 a litre for petrol. All I can say is that I feel a lot of this has to do with the conflict over in Iraq. Whether President Bush is to blame for that, I guess that is up to your individual political views. But I am sure there are lots of other countries in the world that are doing it a lot harder than here in Australia or in the U.S.A.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because He's become a "Dart Board" for ALL the stuff that's going Wrong in the Country today... People don't WANT TO HEAR anything Else about Bush, anymore... They just want Him GONE... (WHY do you think the Primaries have been so "Interesting" this time? - & it's STILL 6 months until the Election !!! :0 ). :(

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    never write until it rather is shown. the two events are too blame. pay attention to how they decide on their nominees. those on the two who dare to question the corporate international and business-Complexes from defense force to others are pushed aside. GW Bush is in part accountable yet vp Cheney is greater in charge when you consider that he had a secretive 2001 US potential coverage convention that maintains to be categorised. Whoever you vote for I recommend which you write them a letter and contract that in the event that they do no longer save their delivers,then they could desire to be answerable for proceedings to comprise incarceration. companies that wreck the guidelines get punished so could desire to politicans. help whistle-blowers of all types rather US defense force, CIA,and FBI Whistle-blower protections have been weakened rather by way of GW Bush. undergo in innovations which you will write-interior the candidate you help. believe your integrity and ethical values. i became inpired by way of President Theodore Roosevelt who stood as much as his Repiblican party on corruption even before he became US President. yet another is the overdue Barry Morris Goldwater(1909-1998) who became a Conservative Libertarian,a retired 4-movie star US Air rigidity typical and Arizona US Senator until 1986. interior the 1964 US Presidential election he envisioned that he could be seen as a Liberal and this predicition has come real. study a e book by way of his son who became a Congressman BM Goldwater Jr approximately Senator McCain who took over Senator Goldwater. Watch the video by way of CC Goldwater study books approximately them and by way of them to settle on. do no longer enable my answer to impression you purely study with skepticism.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    And we'd also spend the est of our lives ..FREEING IRAQ from itself.

    bush is in his last year in office ... the DECIDER has just admitted we might be in a recession . He also has the lowest ratings of any president in my life time ...Yeah , the republicans will fix things . they've done enough damage.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    President Bush is the source of all evil.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's because his tanks that are used to invade other countries are wasting much needed gas for everyday people's cars:)

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