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What would it take to get upset Hillary supporters to back Obama?

If Hillary were the VP choice, would that change your mind?

Is there anything Hillary herself could say to change your mind if she was not VP?

Is there any VP choice that would change your mind (an independent like Bloomberg, a Republican like Hagel, an Edwards or Richardson or Gore or Jim Webb or Wesley Clarke?)


Heisenberg- Gore and Dean, huh? Interesting choices, care to elaborate?

Update 2:

The Hillary folk are not evil or hateful, not at all. I'm just interested in finding out what, if anything, it would take to get them to vote for Democratic policies this November. There is going to be some talk of the "dream" ticket in the next few weeks and I'm curious if there are die-hard Hillary supporters who would vote for the ticket even if Hillary was "only" VP.

Heisenberg appears to be one Hillary supporter who would not vote for Obama/Hillary. Anyone else?

Update 3:

bekindtoanimals22 - doesn't policy matter more than process? I couldn't care less how a party picks a nominee - heck, if Hillary "stole" the election I would still vote for her in the general.

I'm sorry you have become disillusioned with the flawed Democratic Party, but ultimately isn't it better to try to change it from within than to withdraw from the whole process? Becoming a party activist and working for reform of the primary system seems like a better alternative than voting for Nader or another third party (don't get me wrong, I like Nader, but I'm a realist in politics).

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. think of having McBush for another 4 to 8 years.

    2. think of hillary ever having a chance to run again AND WIN.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. No. Furthermore, if she did win the nomination and picked Obama for VP, that would change my mind about her.

    2. No. Hillary is not in charge of my values

    3. No. And certainly not Bloomberg, Edwards, etc. The only two people who might sway my opinion in any way would be Gore or Howard Dean but, Gore wouldn't take the job and Dean likely doesnt want anything to do with Obama.

    My issues with Obama have nothing to do with him running against Hillary. My issues with Obama are with his character, his inexperience and his values. He does not repressent me, my concerns or my values and he does not have the experience I feel a President needs to have.

    It's not about making friends or picking a running mate.

  • 1 decade ago

    My problem is with the DNC itself. They have made such a fiasco of the whole primary that I no longer trust them to run the country. They do not value their voters. They cut out 1.2 million voters because of the date of their primary. Then they gave 5 other states waivers for breaking the same rule.

    Caucuses are completely undemocratic and unverifiable. They are strongly promoting a candidate who has no resume to be running for president in the first place. He has never managed anything in his whole life. These people are total manipulative, authoritarian, air heads having no respect for the very people who can restore the power they so desperately want to regain.

    After 40 years of being a democrat, I can no longer support the party. I don't support the republican party either. Their all lost in their own power play and the well being of the country has nothing to do with it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nothing. Hillary's supporters will back Obama come election time, as most Republicans upset with McCain will vote for him.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Baracka and his supporters can never un say all the vile character assassinations they gave Clinton. I wouldn't vote for him even if she were stupid enough to accept the VP. I have never voted for a Repubic before. This time I will.


  • 1 decade ago

    maybe tell them the devil will give them tickets too the VIP room in hell. hear obama is tight with satin.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    a third term of bush politics.

  • xyz
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I will vote for Hillary one way or another..

  • Moiko
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    He don't need her people to vote for him to win. They are hateful, and she has set the tone. They are not needed, he will win with out the evil.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    an electable alternative without racist viewpoints.

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