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Clinton Supporters: Are you REALLY going to vote McCain?!?!?!?

I understand that this process has left many of you with a bad taste in your mouth, but look at the facts for one moment, please:

There will be at least one if not two or three Supreme Court vacancies in the next four years. A McCain presidency will set the Court on a rightward tilt for 20 years!

John McCain is dead wrong on Iraq (when he can be bothered to remember pithy details like troop levels and who is fighting who in between shopping trips with the 87th Airborne and five Apaches covering him), the economy, health care, the GI Bill. . . he is the second coming of Bush!

John McCain is not the guy who ran in 2000 anymore. He has toed the party line along with Bush/Cheney and Karl Rove- selling his soul for the nomination.

Are you really going to promote more of the same from the GOP out of spite? Because your candidate didn't win?


If McCain wins because you throw your vote away or don't vote, won't you be just as complicit?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    LOL....the BS is flying today.

    Hillary will run as an independent.......BS

    Hillary supporters will vote for McCain.........BS

    Are Republicans that distressed that McCain is their candidate that they are grasping at straws? I think so.

    Do Republicans know that McCain will be easily defeated by Obama? A 10 to 15% victory for the Dems.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most will not I believe. On policy, ideology and the issues Obama and her are much closer. The only reason for a Hillary supporter to go to McCain is emotional. Could and probably will in a few cases happen but not substantial enough to risk Obama's chances.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wondering why Obama would be preferable to McCain. Obama thinks judges should act as referees in cases to help the little guy, and McCain thinks judges should read the law and apply it to the case. Obama wants huge government spending programs and McCain wants to eleminate pork barrel spending. Obama is ok with sitting down without preconditions and talking to nutjobs who run other countries. McCain is wise enough to know you can't negotiate unless you have some leverage. Otherwise you are begging. Obama leans toward collectivism, McCain leans toward individualism. Obama hung out with Marxist professors in college, according to his own book. Sorry, but Marxism and Collectivism are not what America is all about.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I wouldn't vote for McCain at the point of a gun. I support the Democratic nominee.

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  • phil
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    i know 5 democrats that will vote for mccain.they didn't like their votes stolen and then given to obama,they liked edwards,if edwards not in the picture they would vote clinton,no clinton then mccain.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They won't have to. Hillary will go independent and split the Democrat vote. She's not going to give this to Obama. Besides she will want to run as a Democrat in 2012.

  • 1 decade ago

    A lot of them will either vote for McCain or not vote at all

    Can you get a message to Obama for me

    Tell him Bush is not running in the election

    He seems to be campaigning against Bush

  • 1 decade ago


    If you could define "patriotism" as: what you were willing to sacrifice for your country, who then would you say of the three candidates is the most patriotic?

    Something to think about

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I am voting for McCain.

    McCain is moderate - center to right, and not center to far left...

    If Democratic Senators has a guts to stand-up for their beliefs and if they think that there will be no backlash from this undemocratic primary, than you don't have to worry about supreme court judges as they can block them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    most clinton supporters will support obama in the GE.

    people on here ignore reality.

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