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What if Al Gore had won the 2000 election?

What if the thrown-out votes in Florida were counted and Al Gore won in 2000?

For AP US History we are suppose to create a counter factual newspaper front page from today’s, or a relatively recent, date and we have to base the “news” on how the world would have changed if the given event had taken place. Can someone create a counter factual front page...

Best answer wins!!!

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They were counted, then recounted, recounted again and the Supreme Court finally put an end to it when Al tried to discount military votes.

  • 1 decade ago

    The GOP had strong court challenges ready for the Democratic voter fraud in at LEAST three other States that had more electoral votes than Florida.

    That was the fall-back position.

    It was easier to win a clear cut victory in one State - Florida.

    Gore made the fatal mistake of asking for the re-count of only a few counties that he had cherry-picked because they were controlled by Democrats.

    Then when he lost the case in a really bad decision by a Democrat-packed Florida Supreme Court which he thought he had wired, he wanted it taken to the US Supreme Court.

    The decision that killed him was 7-2 with even the liberal justices voting against him.

    The second vote was a formality.

    The world would have changed for the worse because Al Gore showed a record of incredibly bad judgment as a vice-president and as a candidate.

    God protected the US and the free world.

    There is no telling what would have happened if our freedom and security had depended on the judgment of Al Gore.

  • 1 decade ago

    I suspect that we might have still had 9/11 because it was something that few people could have envisioned. But, perhaps he would have taken the warnings more seriously.

    I do not think we would be embroiled in the war in Iraq. I think the economy would be much stronger and gasoline would not be as high as it is. I'm sure more would have been done to address global warming.

    We certainly would not have had the almost 8 years of corrupt leadership that we've experienced under the Bush-Cheney fiasco administration. We would still have respect as a world power.

    I think we would be a lot better off than we are now.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    The White living house would be lit up like a Christmas tree day and night, Air rigidity a million and the White living house limos would be idling 24/7, or hauling enormous Al around on pointless journeys on the same time as he instructed something human beings to stay interior the ineffective of night and walk. style of like the way he's doing now.

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  • 1 decade ago

    George Bush seeks second term 2008 after soundly defeating incumbent Al Gore in the 2004 election. Vows to defeat the terrorists behind 9/11/01 and 4/20/03. House Minority leader Hillary Clinton backs proposal to allow the President to use force against Saddam Hussein and other rogue nations.

    Little changes, I fear.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Today would be a glourious time to be alive, no 9/11, no war in Iraq, no war in Afghanistan, a successful economy, perhaps gas would be at 2.50 a gallon and this would be one of our biggest woes.

    Ahhh what could've been! I just hope the people who voted for bush won;t have to spend too much time in the sink washing the blood off there hands!

  • 1 decade ago

    Thank God he didn't!

    His record of inventing the internet, being the role model for "Love Story," and creating the Global Warming imbroglio, we would probably have seen a headline such as this"

    President Violates Campaign Law Says there is no controlling legal authority. Oh, no, I am sorry. He actually did that during his Vice Presidency.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Al Gore would had to deal with a republican house so the economy would be par and not much would be passed as far as that concerned. We would have not signed Kyoto agreement, and we would not be in Iraq. We would have more alleys. The combination of more alleys and Iraq would probably allow us to keep gas prices down and would allow us to have better economy. We would probably have some legislation passed for alternative energy infrastructure but not that much being that their is a republican house.

  • 1 decade ago

    Instead of the newspaper's reading, "Mission Accomplished", thousands of days prior to anything STILL being accomplished, it would have read, "Gore chops bin Laden's head with a hatchet."

    Source(s): Gruesome, but true.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He probably would have done exactly what Bush did without the needless excises in Iraq.Our dollar would hence have remained strong and oil would have remained more affordable.He would have also expanded alternative energy development.

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