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Did Peter preach the same thing that Paul did? What do YOU say after reading the facts?

PETER'S goal was to bring all Israel to repentance

Galatians 2:9 And when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship; that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision.

PAUL'S goal was that all men (Jew & Gentile) might see the fellowship of the mystery

Ephesians 3:9 And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:

Do YOU know what the "preaching of Jesus Christ ACCORDING to the revelation of the Mystery ..." is????


Obviously no one DOES know! Isn't this sad when God has REVEALED a Mystery to us and NO ONE KNOWS what it IS?????

Jesus Christ ISN'T a MYSTERY folks....He HAS given us a body of truth that WAS a MYSTERY He tells us it was HID IN GOD UNTIL due time. Paul was the due time testifier and it was revealed TO him by the Risen Christ, a NEW gospel (the gospel of the GRACE of God), for a NEW CREATION, for a NEW destination, with a NEW apostle.

God isn't hiding anything today. His LAST instructions to mankind which are still in effect today, were given to Paul specifically for those who would believe the gospel PAUL alone preached.

Peters gospel was the gospel of the CIRCUMCISION, and had to do with the Nation Israel/ ie: JUDAISM and the law of Moses.

Pauls gospel had to do with the UNcircumcision, a NEW CREATION which was the beginning of the BODY of Christ, Christianity.

Prophecy vs Mystery is the issue folks.

STUDY STUDY STUDY....rightly divide your Bible.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What if paul was a deciever?

  • 1 decade ago

    St. Peter, originally known as Simon, was the son of a man named John, and his brother's name was Andrew. We also know that he was married, since Jesus cured his mother-in-law at the family home at Bethsaida in Gallilee (Mark 11:30). A fisherman by trade, Jesus was to call Peter, along with his brother and James and John, to leave everything behind to become His followers and to catch people's souls in their nets (Matthew 4:19).

    It is because of Peter's confession of faith in Jesus as Messiah that Jesus gave him the nickname of "rock" and stated that it was upon the rock of Peter's faith that the Church would rise (Matthew 16:18). All the Gospel writers list Peter first when naming the apostles of Jesus, and there is no doubt that Peter was the "first among equals" in the minds of the earliest Christians. Time and again in the Gospels, however, Peter demonstrates that his faith is imperfect, but growing. He says things that make Jesus react strongly: he denies that Jesus' coming death should ever be allowed to happen (Matthew 16:22), tells Jesus at the last supper that He will never wash his feet (John 13:8), and denies association with Jesus three times, even after Jesus predicted that he would do so (Luke 22:61) . St. Peter can show us how difficult discipleship can truly be, but is also an example of the Lord choosing the weak and making them strong in bearing witness to Him.

    St. Paul's background and journey of faith is somewhat different from St. Peter's. Paul, who was originally known as Saul, was an educated Jew and a member of the Pharisee party, as well as being a Roman citizen. He first appears in the pages of Scripture in Acts 7:58, as being present at the martyrdom of St. Stephen, the first of Jesus' followers to be put to death because of his faith in Jesus. Saul persecuted the Christians savagely, but was dramatically converted to the very One he had been persecuting after seeing Jesus in a vision (Acts 9:4). From that time on, Saul, who was now known as Paul, poured the same energy with which he persecuted Christ's followers into bringing the Gospel of Jesus to as many people as he could.

    Paul traveled around most of what was the Roman Empire, establishing Christian communities and witnessing to the Risen Jesus, while asserting that he, too, was one of the Apostles, although "one born out of the normal course" (1 Corintheans 15:8). In his many letters to the various Christian communities he established (or those written by others with his approval), today, form the bulk of the writings of the New Testament. Paul was also martyred at Rome, three years after St. Peter, in the year 67 AD, by being beheaded (his Roman citizenship would not permit his being crucified). The feast commemorating his conversion is kept on January 25.

    It doesn't say "revelation of the mystery..." it says "fellowship of the mystery".

    A mystery is not some spooky puzzle you can't figure it, it is something that transcends our understanding. Jesus always was...that is a mystery.

  • Of course not. Acts even records a dispute between the two.

    Jesus chilled with Peter.

    Paul shaped it to fit his goals.

    Big difference, at least historically.

  • 1 decade ago

    So, I'm confused. It appears you worship Peter and Paul rather than Jesus. Are you a PeterPaulist?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is a lame attempt to proselytize. You have not presented a single fact.

  • Don't know.

    Don't care.

    Don't read the bible.

    Won't read the bible.

    God's got my back.

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