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Do you think the newspaper, TV and radio media are biased for liberals or conservatives and why?


I have seen a few answers tonight that some have suggested that the media is biased for the right.

Update 2:

Little minds care you say? I care because I am a citizen of this country! I care because of what is going on in this country... friend who answered my question with that snide comment. So, if I am concerned with what spin the media puts on truth to cause it to be an untruth and leans to whatever side and I care..that makes me one of a little mind? If the media takes a fact...and makes it an untruth in favor of one particular persuation to further their agenda..don't you care? If you don't I would suggest woe unto you of "little mind".

Update 3:

Is Rush Limbaugh biased?

Update 4:

wigginsr...Me thinks you are of a little mind

Update 5:

angelwit...on D-Day June 6...we had more servicemen killed on 1 day than all the Iraq war..and yet we liberated people back then..we have liberated many from the rule of a tyrant...history shows that to be a great liberals berate Bush and our servicemen for what they are doing!

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Most media outlets are in the tank for the liberals. I mean CNN made sure it's democratic debates tilted in favor of Hillary. MSNBC has no problem opening up about the fact that they are in love with Barack Obama. Anytime a Christian has an opinion, they are labeled as bigots and haters. But a liberal can spue hate at Christians and nothing is said or done about it. If that isn't biased, I don't know what is. And... by the way, all Barack Obama gets from liberal media ia softball questions.

    Source(s): I watch Fox news. Even Hillary Clinton and Ed Rendell have said that their coverage has been fair.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The media is biased towards stupidity, slander, salacious gossip and spectacle. It liked the spectacle of Obama's speeches, but also loved the crash and burn of Wright's Youtube expose. Although another answerer said that one network 'supports Obama', it really does him a dis-service by simply admiring his style and not engaging him or anyone else on his platform or issues.

    In the long run, the effect that the Media no longer truly investigate and act as a referee of fact, mainly benefits the right, or rather the conservatives. For example, the media failed in it's job of investigating claims made by the administration and hence the whole country went off to war (killing thousands/millions take your pick) against a nation that was not a threat to us. The Bush example is the best example of how lies he advocates, propagates through the media and is accepted as substantial truth. 75% conservatives who voted for Bush in 2004 thought that Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9-11. When a recent congressional report found that Bush lied to the public regarding this and other facts to get the country to go to war, the New York Times did not say the president lied, but rather he 'mis-characterized' the situation.

    A more current example is McCain. Because the media will not report that McCain is a corrupt liar, and instead repeat his talking points that he is a 'Maverick' and a 'straight talker', we might have another Bush on our hands that will cause millions of deaths in Iran.

  • bsound
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago


    Fox news =Conservatives

    ABC news= Conservatives

    MS NBC = Liberals

    CNN more moderate

    CBS not to sure of.

    I would assume newspapers and radio are like that to. I know that the NY times are for Liberals.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most media tends to be liberal and completely unfair...for the fairest news coverage, Fox News is the winner!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Please! It's totally pro-Obama

    abc news had 12 stories about him today, 1 for mccain and it was an older story!

    msnbc needs a lobotomy it's so totally obamafied

    yahoo makes me sick i am d'cing my mail account i cannot stand the news always pro obama

    they photograph him from underneath to show his boogers and nose hairs, the "messiah angle", on his website his pix have a freeking halo!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The media is a near-100% titanic lib institution. The reason is lots of libs couldn't hold down real jobs, so they become media slugs.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't see why anyone cares if they're biased. If you are intelligent and up on current events, make up your own mind. Anyone that trusts one source of news, or one source of commentary is by nature not intelligent. I can watch a broadcast from CBS or FOX and clearly see the angle. There is bias, but I really don't find it offensive.

    Little minds care.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is definitely biased towards the left.

  • 1 decade ago





    Do the math.

    Anybody who says it is right leaning is a fool or a liar.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they want to end this useless War that is bankrupting America and killing innocent people. They don't want to have to walk to work. They like eating food every day. They don't want to die because they can't afford Health Care.

    Short answer: They don't want McBush for a third term.

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