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2 year old not drinking milk, any tips?

My 2 year old has stopped drinking milk! I have tried to give him milk shakes, hot chocolate, warm milk etc but he takes a few sips then says 'gone' which normally means he doesn't want it. I give him cereal with milk and he eats that ok, but always leaves the milk. I give him at least one yogurt/fromage frais a day and cheese, but are there any other ways to get calcium into him as I am worried that he is not getting enough? I don't want to give him suppliments because of all the bad press that they have been getting lately.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    make dinners with milk in it e.g. macaroni and cheese the cheese sauce has alot of milk in it. good luck. but dont worry to much i was allergic to milk when i was young and i dont like the taste of it so i havent ever really drunk alot of milk and i dont like yougurt or cream. and i'm a very healthy teenager of 15

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi there!

    Please stop giving your child dairy products and cheese and milk! They are incredibly bad for him.

    People and researchers have known this for ages but it's hard to get the word out because advertising has brain-washed into thinking they are good for us.

    The truth is cow's milk is very bad for humans (we are not cows!). It's designed for a completely differerent digestive system and it's a different growth rate. It also produces mucos which stops us from being able to absorb any nutrients.

    It doesnt give us calcium, it actually leaches calcium from our bones because it causes acidity so the body has to over-compensate. Also, there is mouch more calcium in greens (broccoli, spinach, cauliflower) than there is in milk (it's grass that cows get calcium from in the first place!).

    My guess is that your son might have a runny nose quite often and little chesty coughs.

    Try going dairy free and watch his health blossom.

    My twin were permanently ill from birth to about 7 months old (coughs, runny noses, fevers, infections, etc....). From the very day we went vegan (and you dont have to go so extreme, but at least get rid of dairy which is SO BAD for him), they havent had a cold, a runny nose, NOTHING, not even the sniffles and they are now 3 and a half. We just cant get them to catch a cold no matter how many sick children we throw them in with.

    Seriously, it's hard to believe because we have been brainwashed by advertising beacuse milk makes money, but it's bad for us.

    Think about it, if someone fed dog's milk to cats, and monkey milk o kangaroos and giraffe milk to bears, would that sound right???

    The only milk that's good for us is mother's milk and when that runs out, that's it, we dont need any more.

    If you still want to give your boy milk, then try soya milk (the unsweetend additive free kind), almond milk or even rice milk which is very healthy and tastes yummy.

    I hope this helps, good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well children go through many stages of like and dislike, so dont over worry about this. In another 6 months he may be gulping it down. You sound like you are giving him plenty. Remember there are vegetables that are high in calcium, like brodcoli for instance. Also mashing potatoes with milk, or putting milk in pancakes, is good. Ice cream will always work, of course, or if he likes yoghurt, give it after his evening meal.

    You could try smoothies - using honey instead of sugar for sweetening . Mostly I would say relax - he is fine and in the next few months will change and refuse to eat something else. It is normal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yeah, i haven't been able to stand milk from an early age which i sometimes hate when people are asking if you want a hot drink, and you always say no.

    choose foods high in milk or calcium, he is sure to like chocolate, and suppliments aren't a bad thing, the bad press is when people think they dont need to exercise or watch what they eat.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Make some beef broth with some good stock bones.Strain and divide into small containers to freeze. Whenever you want to cook anything for him take one portion and use that to boil potatoes, pasta, rice, eggs, whatever. Mash up the vegetable with the broth. Milk is by no means the most calcium rich food on the planet, its all propoganda. I understand beans have a higher calcium content. Search calcium rich foods-- you will find plenty

    Source(s): mother of 6
  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe give him two yogurts a day. Will he eat veggies? Spinach, broccoli, brussel sprouts and collard greens all have some calcium in them. Also, rhubarb, almonds, baked beans and white beans have calcium. You can also look for calcium fortified breads and cereals. It's not a perfect solution, but hopefully this will help.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no need for your child to drink milk.

    He might be refusing it due to lactose intolerance. Sometimes kids with lactose intolerance develop an aversion for milk and/or other dairy products.

    There are many other forms of "milk," such as soy, rice, and almond milk, all of which are fortified with calcium.

    Check out this website for more info:

  • 1 decade ago

    Its not vital for a 2yr old to drink milk as they get calcium from yougurts, breakfast etc etc. Try him on juice or drinking tea. Dont worry as he will be getting plenty of calcium from foods, if you are really worried go and see your Dr.

    Source(s): Mummy of two.
  • 1 decade ago

    Dont worry to much I have,nt drank milk in over 40 years and have had a healthy life.

  • 1 decade ago

    don't make him drink it if he doesn't want/like it. It will do him no harm. My sister wouldn't touch it from being 8mths old. She's 55 now and fit and healthy. Get him to drink pure juices, as long as he has fluids, he's ok. Perhaps give him fruit for breakfast instead of porridge etc

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