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vampires or vampire believers only read!?

I am having weird things happen to me right now, I am expecting alot of rude comments about this post, but its my last resort...If you feel a tug within toward me, please let me know...I need help...

Blood cravings...weird dreams....could it be in my head, or am i..awakening..... (o,O)


Do you feel better now that you have made someone feel bad about themselves? If you have nothing nice of helpful to say dont read this. Like i said vampires or believers.. dont be rude at someones beliefes. Respect it, as i respect yours. thanks.

Update 2:

There are alot of weird things...too long to write

Update 3:

Want to know the funny thing, i have been a christian longer then you have been do not pull that on ME. aND IF Your a good person why in heavens name are you judging me!

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What is "Awakening?"

    The term "awakening" is commonly used in the vampire community as a way to describe the onslaught of symptoms associated with vampirism (see, Vampire Guide 301: General Info for general physical information on vampires). Awakening generally happens between the ages of 17-24 and is different for each person. There is no checklist of signs, nor guaranteed order of events. Some people experience a change in sleep patterns (often times going from sleeping nights to sleeping - or wanting to sleep - days); some people experience a change in eating habits (some people experience a decrease in appetite, others an increase especially in high-iron content food like red meat and nuts, or a change in thirst); some people experience changes in light sensitivity and general sensory awareness (things can suddenly seem too loud, or too bright). As each person is unique, so to is each person's awakening. The largest obvious change is the introduction to the "thirst" or "hunger" which defines a vampire's condition (see "Alone" for a personal look at fighting hunger).

    There are several things to keep in mind however. No one online can tell you if you are awakening or not. No one online can tell if you are a vampire or not. Beware of those who claim they can, most likely they are role-players at best, and dangerous internet predators at worst (see "Preventing Tragedy: Safety, the Internet, and Vampires"). It's not that people do not care or do not want to help you understand if you are or are not, it's simply that we do not know you. And, there are many people who are out there who will try to confuse and possibly harm someone in the vulnerable state of mind (whether an awakening vampire or just a changing adolescent), so it's very important to never give out too much personal information to anyone on the net - be it a message board, an email, or a chat. You don't know who the person on the other side is, so be safe.

    Also, make sure you read the "Am I a Vampire?" article. It goes into good details on common, confusing and often times conflicting things you may be thinking during this time. Realize that everyone goes through changes in their lives and many times, they are perfectly normal. Don't be afraid to ever see a doctor if you are concerned about your health, or suddenly do not "feel" yourself. It's easy enough to just avoid mentioning the "V-word" - give the doctor your symptoms only. Leave the diagnosing to them. Make sure to insist on blood work to look for things like anemia.

    Feel free to read through the site and join the forum to look at other's people's experiences and to learn more. You're welcome to share your personal experiences, however, as I stated before, we can not and will not tell you if you are a vampire. It's not possible for us to know (no matter how many "facts" you give us about yourself), so please keep that in mind. Also, read through the thousands of previous topics because anything worth learning about, is worth reading about and it's worth your time to go through the older topics and archives. Read, read, and read some more.

    Keep an open mind either way - it's perfectly ok, if you thought you might be a vampire, but now realize you're not - and allow yourself to be happy with who and what you are. There is no right or wrong way to be. Being a vampire will solve nothing in your life, nor make you a better person. It is fine to be "normal" and you are exactly how you are supposed to be, don't ever think you need to change that by becoming something else. You must learn to love, respect and accept yourself as you are because nothing can make you do so.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a friend who is a vampire.

    Now i have a question.

    Have you ever had a near death experience?

    and then like tasted blood and liked it and slowly began eating more and more till finally if you didnt drink it, you could be considered going through insanity and not knowing what you're doing?

    well actually doctors are now considering it a disease. Which we all know isnt.

    I believe you are becoming a vampire. If you would like more information email me at

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok so...Vampirism is a disease.So YES I believe you,but don't just stay there waiting for it to become more severe...Go to a doctor ASAP and tell him all about it,he'll know what to do and you'll get better...I mean are you willing to become uncontrollable and go hurt people to have some blood??

  • 1 decade ago

    Awakening is a possibility, but it's not one you should really consider unless you've been to a doctor (do yourself a favour and list symptoms, don't say "I think I might be a vampire") Make sure you've exhausted all the medical reasons for these things before you look toward the not-so-mundane.

    This isn't something other people can tell you, but if you need someone to talk too, feel free to message me.

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  • 1 decade ago

    We all love and or admire thought of being an immortal being,Yet lots of people around the world are obsessed with the the whole Dracula/ Vampire them, some even take it to the next level of acting out this fantasy by acting or actually believing that they are Vampires, in the early Centuries the was a wealthy man by the name Vlad who would seduce beautiful young women, with the ending resulted in drinking their blood, this was a documentary that I caught on the History Ch.Maybe you should google it to find out more. So to sum it all up, it could be that you maybe so deeply in to it, you actually think your in transitioning to a Vampire. So it's OK to fantasize. I hope this helped you!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • No one over the internet can tell you if you are or not but first look at the mundane reasons before jumping to a conclusion. If you are have health problems see a doctor. It is very unlikely you are. I am a hybrid and would be happy to help you where I can but this is something you can only answer.

  • 1 decade ago


    but i doubt you are

    i mean maybe you're like me and have read too many books that you start to imagine things

    im not saying you're crazy or anything im just saying that it's not so likely.

    but hey you never know

    but if you are please don't hesitate to talk to me

    im a vampire, supernatural fan imm in love with them

    and if you are one(which i doubt it but you never know) it would be cool to talk to you my email is on my profile.

    blessed be. )o(

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lots of blood disorders cause a craving for blood. When you you aren't feeling well it can cause weird dreams. See a doctor who specializes in blood disorders, he's heard it all before. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's time to accept what you are. Come home. We will protect you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Check out Otherkin on the net. Blessed be.

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