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I have plenty of reasons not to vote for McCain, but why should I vote for Obama?

All I know about him is that he wants to be president. And that words like "protean" and "impute" slip off his tongue more easily than they do from most people. Give me something positive, not the negatives, please.

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hmm....If he puts Hillary on the ticket, I give you permission to vote for him. That would be a definite positive. If he doesn't, I have nothing to say.

  • 1 decade ago

    - He didn't just oppose the Iraq War (any bonehead could do that). He opposed it for several carefully laid out reasons that turned out to be absolutely true.

    - His past makes him a candidate with a wide range of experiences. He's been to one of the most famous universities in the world, but was also a community organizer in a part of Chicago that is basically an urban ghetto. His travels, both in youth and in adulthood, have taken him to many places in the world. Most politicians on the national stage can say that they've visited many places around the globe, but Obama has truly lived there.

    - He has an impressive resume beyond just the political sphere. He was the president of the Harvard Law Review and a senior lecture (aka professor) for constitutional law at University of Chicago.

    - One of the biggest reasons that he won the nomination is that he planned his strategy extremely well. Hillary was going for a knockout on February 5th, but Obama planned months in advance in states that most people thought would be irrelevant to the primary.

    - I know it is cliche by now to say this, but I think that there's a good chance that his "hope" rhetoric won't be too badly damaged by the realities of Washington. There might be some very positive change coming from that direction.

    - For the gay rights people, he has given support to most gay rights proposals (same-sex marriage being the notable exception). The Republican Party is out of step with the nation on several gay rights changes such as civil unions, anti-job discrimination laws for sexual orientation, and hate crime legislation for sexual orientation. All of these have either a solid majority (civil unions) or an overwhelming majority (anti-discrimination, hate crime). I heavily doubt that Barack Obama can't get these changes through Congress.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You ask a stright forward question and get the usual Obama "spin" from his supporters.......avoid FACTS.

    Lack of any political experience that would make him the best President. Lack of any military or Foreign Relations, in a world atmosphere that is becoming more "confrontational".

    constantly changes his mind on Issues, makes promises he can't possibly deliver on and like EVERY other politician, "sticks" it to the taxpayer, while talking the talk.

    He slipped an 18 million dollar piece of "personal" pork into the Fed Budget for 2009. Money for the Shed Aquarium, in CHICAGO. This aquarium had an 8 million dollar surplus budget for 2007.

    Why? The great "change" man is wasting taxpayers money.

    Surprise. But, he'll "clarify" this just like all his others and his cult will fall into step.

    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Obama is an example of what you can do with a really good education. One of his grand causes is education--not necessarily spending more money on it, but being more discerning about how we spend that money. The current NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND is leaving many children behind. Depending on where you're looking at on the map 25 to 75% of high school students fail to graduate. The kids that don't do well on the tests are forced out so that the schools' scores don't reflect their failure.

    Obama would reward good teachers and hold all teachers accountable. He knows why the prisons in this country are bursting at the seams. 80% of all prisoners are high school drop-outs, and our privatized prisons no longer encourage inmates to obtain their GED's like they once did. We have gone from a justice system that rehabilitates to one that just punishes.

    That's just one of the reasons why I'm voting for Obama. For more visit

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    he had the judgement to oppose the war.

    he wants to punish al qaeda and afghanistan for 9/11, not iraq

    he is pro-choice

    he is against violating the 2nd amendment

    he has a better healthcare plan than mccain

    he plans to make college more affordable

    he will reduce carbon emissions by 80% by 2050

    he will invest in a clean energy future

    he supports biofuels

    he will provide middle class tax relief

    he will reform bankruptcy laws

    he will close guantanamo

    he will secure the borders and improve the immigration system

  • 1 decade ago

    I think this is going to be the worst election ever. It's a clear case of tossing the dice. The only thing that I think I'm sure of is that McCain has consistently voted in favor of Bush policies for the past 4 years and that he is the main architect of the troop surge in Iraq. Those are a couple of pretty good reasons for not voting for McCain.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Learn about Obama at his website. He goes into a lot of detail of where he stands, the issues that face America, etc. Once you get educated, then look up his political record, all of it, from his days at state politics, to today.

    You'll find, as well as a lot of partisans will find, that Obama is nowhere near what the smear artist paint him as.


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  • 1 decade ago

    For one right in front of you is to look at how well his campaign did especially going against the Clinton Machine.

    He was energetic, delivered his message and won the primary of his party. That in itself should show you something.

    He was able to do this by putting together a great staff, something a president needs to do. He raised record $$$$ and will most likely forego federal campaign funds opting to generate likely 3 times as much from private donations. He has a gift called charisma, unlike his rival. If he can get the support of this nation then he can accomplish wonders.

  • 1 decade ago

    You would be giving a certain"race" not to complain anymore that they cant be anything or that"THE MAN" is holding them down..he would be the most powerful man in the world

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    HE Hopes to Change this country like the homeless person on the corner HOPES somebody will give him a beer.

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