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Who will you vote for in November?

Since half ot the country hates Oprahma and half of the country hates McLame, we should choose two new candidates.

The election should be held during American Idol, because more people vote on that show than in the GE.

The debates should be on Comedy Central, since that's where most Americans get their news.

I'm voting for Robin Williams/Charles Barkley as President and VP. At least they would be funny on purpose.

What two celebrities would you endorce and why?

NOTE: as this is a satirical question, I will give a thumbs down to serious answers and hope that all others will do the same.

Please son't make fun of the real candidates. We know you hate them.


Armyguy- you had me at Vince McMahon, you lost me at Rambo. I've seen those movies, and I was in the Army. Stalone knows NOTHING about the military.

Update 2:

Stewart and Colbert are out. They would be the moderators since the debate is on their network. Otherwise I'd go for it.

Update 3:

Shrek and Donkey... I would support Shrek for common sense purposes. That is lacking in DC. And I would support a different Eddie Murphy character, Axle Foley. Not donkey. We already had two bubling VP's in Ford and Quail.

Update 4:

Soprano and Vader, two guys who try to do the right thing even though they have been corupted beyond reproach...Were they the last two Presidents?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    I want Jim Carrey as president--and as his entrance for giving speeches I want him to come out of a rhino's *** just like he did in ace ventura 2...

    for his VP I want Adam Sandler--and I want him to always speak in the voice he used for the waterboy--

  • 1 decade ago

    Vince McMahon (WWE) for Pres

    Knows how to run a business and gets things done. Not affraid to take a risk(XFL).

    Stalone for VP.

    Made enough Rambo movies, he should know something about the military by now, right?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I will vote for Tony Soprano and his running mate Darth Vader.

  • 1 decade ago

    Shrek (Michael Myers) Donkey (Eddie Murphy) They would have the world straight in 2 Hours................

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert because they are freaking hilarious.

  • 1 decade ago

    I second Mew Mew

  • 1 decade ago


  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Ron Paul.

    Up to you if you think that is satirical.

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