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Lv 610,960 points

Veteran Voter

Favorite Answers26%

I grew up in Lawrence, KS. I'm an Army Veteran and I am once again attending Wichita State University. My wife and I live in Wichita, KS and have two sons. I tutor and mentor special needs students. I'm back in college to earn my teaching certificate in History/Government. My hobbies are art, politics, and US history. My guilty pleasure is pro-wrestling...yes I know the outcomes of the matches are pre-deturmined, but it's still fun to watch. I'm a bit of a Star Wars geek. Not so bad that I would dress up for a movie, but bad enough that as a kid, I could recite all three movies. My favorite quote: "People sleep peacefully in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." ~George Orwell

  • Do you support or oppose the death penalty? This is a three part question.?

    I'm writing an opinion piece for my Criminal Justice class. I would like to know opinions on the death penalty. I encourage anyone to answer. The more answers I get, the better data I can obtain. Even if you are unsure or just don't care, please state that. I am asking that everyone be respectful of others opinions. I'm only asking for opinion and not for debate. This question is being posed here, on Facebook, and on Twitter. As such, I expect at least anywhere from a few hundred to a thousand combined replies. If anyone wants to know the results, I will post them when I choose a best answer in 7 days. Thank you to all that help.

    1~Are you in favor of the death penalty, yes or no?

    2~If yes, under what circumstances?

    3~if yes or no, why?



    2-Only in cases of Treason, Sedition, Espionage, or Military Desertion.

    3-Most of the data that I have compiled shows an increase in violent crime immediately after executions. Death penalty trials are more expensive than cases seeking life without parole combined with the cost of housing and feeding an inmate for life. I favor executing traitors, spies, and deserters, because those acts can lead to the death of dozens, to hundreds, or even thousands.

    14 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • Do you support or oppose the death penalty? This is a three part question.?

    I'm writing an opinion piece for my Criminal Justice class. I would like to know opinions on the death penalty. I encourage anyone to answer. The more answers I get, the better data I can obtain. Even if you are unsure or just don't care, please state that. I am asking that everyone be respectful of others opinions. I'm only asking for opinion and not for debate. This question is being posed here, on Facebook, and on Twitter. As such, I expect at least anywhere from a few hundred to a thousand combined replies. If anyone wants to know the results, I will post them when I choose a best answer in 7 days. Thank you to all that help.

    1~Are you in favor of the death penalty, yes or no?

    2~If yes, under what circumstances?

    3~if yes or no, why?



    2-Only in cases of Treason, Sedition, Espionage, or Military Desertion.

    3-Most of the data that I have compiled shows an increase in violent crime immediately after executions. Death penalty trials are more expensive than cases seeking life without parole combined with the cost of housing and feeding an inmate for life. I favor executing traitors, spies, and deserters, because those acts can lead to the death of dozens, to hundreds, or even thousands.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Are you for or against the death penalty? 3 part question.?

    I'm writing an opinion piece for my Criminal Justice class. I would like to know opinions on the death penalty. I encourage anyone to answer. The more answers I get, the better data I can obtain. Even if you are unsure or just don't care, please state that. I am asking that everyone be respectful of others opinions. I'm only asking for opinion and not for debate. This question is being posed here, on Facebook, and on Twitter. As such, I expect at least anywhere from a few hundred to a thousand combined replies. If anyone wants to know the results, I will post them when I choose a best answer in 7 days. Thank you to all that help.

    1~Are you in favor of the death penalty, yes or no?

    2~If yes, under what circumstances?

    3~if yes or no, why?



    2-Only in cases of Treason, Sedition, Espionage, or Military Desertion.

    3-Most of the data that I have compiled shows an increase in violent crime immediately after executions. Death penalty trials are more expensive than cases seeking life without parole combined with the cost of housing and feeding an inmate for life. I favor executing traitors, spies, and deserters, because those acts can lead to the death of dozens, to hundreds, or even thousands.

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Are you liberal, moderate, or conservative? Where are your votes going, and why?

    I am a Moderate who votes Libertarian unless there is a better candidate in one of the other parties.

    I like the Libertarian party in-part because I think we need to stop wasting time on Democrats and Republicans. They don't care about us. They only care about keeping the wheels greased on their political machines. I think It's time for a third party to take over.

    The other reason I like the Libertarian party better is because we have all of the social justice of the left and the financial responsibility of the right. We are the only party of compromise and the only TRUE progressives.

    I'm voting Gary Johnson, Libertarian for President.

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why do middle income union members still side with the Democratic party?

    The reason I ask this is because the Democratic Party seems to be detrimental to labor union members and their families.

    Democrats tend to support free trade, which sends American labor jobs oversees.

    Democrats supports raising taxes on the middle class earners predominately found in labor unions.

    Democrats support raising taxes on investments, which are the retirement programs for most labor union members.

    Democrats support the inheritance/death tax, which severely penalizes your family for your hard work by taking a chunk of what you choose to leave them when you die.

    Democrats support lackadaisical immigration policies, which drive down the living wage for all American workers. They also drag on the education system used by the children of most labor union members.

    Democrats believe in favored nation trading status to China, the main competitor to American manufacturing.

    The Democratic Congress passed the "Cash for Clunkers Program" without any requirement that the automobiles purchased be manufactured by American Labor. This program severely bolstered foreign car sales and did very little in comparison for American car sales. It also took many mid-level cars off of the road forcing the destruction of any car traded in. This effectively drove up the value of used cars making it more difficult for many middle income Americans to purchase cars after the program ended.

    Democrats support hyper-intensive ecological restrictionson bbusinessesthat also send many American jobs to other countries.

    Democrats support revoking/suppressing 2nd Amendment rights. Many Union members are hunters, gun owners, and enjoy the right to defend their families.

    5 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Who likes this idea, Wrestlemania Legends Event?

    Every Wrestlemania has a WWE Legends match. Make it official. That way we don't have to waste valuable time watching feuds that are going no where just to find a way to get legend pop. The matches already happen, the Rock and Cena, McMahon vs Hart, Jerhico vs Steamboat, Lawler vs dumba$$(Cole) etc.

    Announce the policy, have some build-up, but don't waste as much time as they do now. I think that's going to be the only way we can see legends who've never performed at Mania get to do it. How cool would it be to see guys like Sting, some of the ECW or WCW guys at Mania

    1 AnswerWrestling10 years ago
  • In the upcoming POUTS Election, who do you support most and why? Who do like least and why?

    Eligible answers are the current President and any of the opposition fielded.

    Please use only one person for each, supported and dislike.

    As much as I hate political correctness, I hate racism more. Please don't answer with racial hatred. I have no problem with political hatred.

    2 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Does anyone know a good online poker site.?

    I'm looking for virus / trojan safe, free, and legal in the US.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Why do people call me racist because I don't support the President's every decision?

    I would have voted for Colin Powell or Alan Keys if either of them were to win the GOP nod. I don't believe that dislike of political issues warrants being labeled racist.

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Obama, McCain, and other elected officails are ripping us off - Will you help stop it?

    Elected officials should return all of their earnings from the taxpayers for the days that they were campaigning for President. They should also return all funds received for days spend campaigning for Senator McCain or Senator Obama. Taxpayers need to send a clear message to our elected officials, "We pay you to govern, not to campaign." The Governors earns almost $300.00 per day, and Senators earn almost $500.00 per day. Do you earn that in a week? More than 60% of Americans don't. Please call your elected officials and demand action.

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • Moms, please help. How can my wife ditch her strechmarks.?

    She's paranoid about them. I don't care much, but man does she. She has dark red strechmarks on her hips. She also has them on the belly from the lady parts to above her navel.

    6 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Will we have the first non-male VP, or the first non-white President?

    Either way, this is the most historically significant general election ever in terms of breaking down barriers.

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • I hate Wal-Mart, but only mildly dislike Obama. In this case, is the enemy of my enemy my friend?

    I am a Libertarian and tend to vote that way. I dislike McCain and Obama equally.

    Will Wal-Mart haters vote Obama? I don't know if I can bring myself to vote for a Communist, but my hatred of Wal-Mart and distaste for McCain's socio-ecenomic ideals might just make me pull the trigger.

    Would you vote for someone that you don't like because of the opposition?

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Could this year be any better for Paul Pierce?

    His college (KU) won the Orange Bowl in Football, and the National Championship in Basketball. His pro team (Celtics) won the NBA Championship, and he was the MVP of the Finals. He's a lock now to get his jersey retired in the Garden and in Allen Feild House. He's now a strong candidate for the NBA Hall of Fame. Short of getting married and having a kid this year, I doubt it could get any better for him.

    11 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Would you like to see the tax changes the candidates propose?

    McCain's cuts are for everyone.

    Obama's cuts are for the poor and midlle class. He raises them on the wealthy.

    I NEVER thought I'd say it, but Obama's tax plan is BETTER than McCain's. Now if we can just get him to quit trying to socialize medicine, ditch the racist and anti American buddies, and send illegals back to their countries.

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else sick of this yet, or am I the only one?

    I am sick of the anti-Obama and anti-McCain crowds.

    The anti-Obama crowd simply bashes his personal life, and race. The anti-McCain crowd simply bashes his personal life, and age.

    The only things that the bashers will do is name calling, making up lies, making racial/age references, Bush and Carter (inaccurate) comparisons, and bash the oppositions supporters.

    Neither group has any stand on issues, or if they do they are not presented.

    I'm not telling you who to support or why to support them, I would just like to see some truth in advertising. If you think that you and your guy are better, prove it.

    The McCain supporters and the Obama supporters are being drowned out and undermined by all of the bashers.

    Are you sick of having your legitimate answers/views silenced by stupidity?

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • A few months ago, the candidates talked about their "guilty pleasures." What is yours?

    What are you guilty pleasures and would a candidate's guilty pleasure effect your vote?

    18 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why would anyone earning less than $100,000 per year support a flat tax candidate?

    Flat taxes are nice to hear, but are a joke in real life. People say that they are fair taxes. They are only fair to the wealthy.

    We have a tiered tax now and the highest earners pay the majority of the tax burden.

    It would be nice to have a flat tax and not penalize people for being successful, but the math does not work.

    The tax burden for the lower and middle class would have to rise to such levels as to increase poverty in order to make up for the losses incurred by cutting the tax burden from the over-privileged.

    A person earning $12,000 per year can not afford $1,200 in flat/fair taxes. A faimily of 4 earning $25,000 per year can not afford $2,500 in flat/fair taxes. But, a person earning $250,000 per year can afford $25,000in flat/fair taxes. They currently pay $100,000 per year in tiered taxes.

    Do you want the $12,000 per year single moms to make up the difference?

    A National sales tax, instead of income tax, might work. It works in several states.

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about tax breaks for business? Would you vote for a candidate that was for it or against it?

    Would you rather give a large corporation a tax break or would you make them pay the same taxes as everyone else?

    If you give them the tax break you would not earn any tax revenue from that company but it would bring 5,000 new jobs to your town. That would mean more service industry jobs, more new homes, and more new businesses for your town.

    If you don't give them the tax break, they will take their business somewhere that they will get the tax break and you will lose out on the economic growth from the support industry. But, everyone will be treated equally and you will have kept the moral high ground.

    Which would you do? I ask because people keep talking about tax breaks for big business like it's a bad thing. In the town that I live in, we had a company that wanted to move in, but with tax breaks. They were denied. This company went elsewhere and we lost more jobs than we have people to fill, and all of the revenue from the supporting industries and commuters.

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Who will you vote for in November?

    Since half ot the country hates Oprahma and half of the country hates McLame, we should choose two new candidates.

    The election should be held during American Idol, because more people vote on that show than in the GE.

    The debates should be on Comedy Central, since that's where most Americans get their news.

    I'm voting for Robin Williams/Charles Barkley as President and VP. At least they would be funny on purpose.

    What two celebrities would you endorce and why?

    NOTE: as this is a satirical question, I will give a thumbs down to serious answers and hope that all others will do the same.

    Please son't make fun of the real candidates. We know you hate them.

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago