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Why do middle income union members still side with the Democratic party?

The reason I ask this is because the Democratic Party seems to be detrimental to labor union members and their families.

Democrats tend to support free trade, which sends American labor jobs oversees.

Democrats supports raising taxes on the middle class earners predominately found in labor unions.

Democrats support raising taxes on investments, which are the retirement programs for most labor union members.

Democrats support the inheritance/death tax, which severely penalizes your family for your hard work by taking a chunk of what you choose to leave them when you die.

Democrats support lackadaisical immigration policies, which drive down the living wage for all American workers. They also drag on the education system used by the children of most labor union members.

Democrats believe in favored nation trading status to China, the main competitor to American manufacturing.

The Democratic Congress passed the "Cash for Clunkers Program" without any requirement that the automobiles purchased be manufactured by American Labor. This program severely bolstered foreign car sales and did very little in comparison for American car sales. It also took many mid-level cars off of the road forcing the destruction of any car traded in. This effectively drove up the value of used cars making it more difficult for many middle income Americans to purchase cars after the program ended.

Democrats support hyper-intensive ecological restrictionson bbusinessesthat also send many American jobs to other countries.

Democrats support revoking/suppressing 2nd Amendment rights. Many Union members are hunters, gun owners, and enjoy the right to defend their families.

5 Answers

  • Nomad
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sigh. Let's correct your mistakes.

    1. SOME Democrats support free trade. Some don't. Pretty much ALL Republicans (that get elected) support free trade.

    2. Dems support raising taxes on people making over $250k per year. That's hardly middle class, and hardly labor union wages.

    3. Raising taxes on investments does absolutely NOTHING to retirement programs since the income is tax deferred. You only pay taxes on the investments when you cash them out. So, you'd pay higher taxes on a 401k. You would NOT however, pay any higher taxes on a defined benefits package (a pension) because that is NOT investment income.

    4. Inheritance taxes have thresholds below which there is no tax required. (At one point recently it was $1 million. It was raised to $5 million some time in the past decade.) It's highly unlikely that any middle class families have estates valuing $5 million.

    5. It's not at all clear that immigration (legal or otherwise) drags down wages for Americans. Not at ALL clear. There is some burden on the educational system. But it's hardly the right thing to ask children about their immigration status, and punish them for wanting to live with their parents. So yeah. Dems don't like the idea of deporting kids.

    6. EVERYONE that gets elected supports trade relations with China. Dems are hardly the only ones to point fingers at. (Just like the free trade argument.)

    7. Cash for Clunkers wasn't really a raging success. Admitted. It's hardly the basis for making a decision between Republicans and Dems though. Especially when you've got abysmal foreign policy objectives, and proven economic policy failures to point out on the Republican side.

    8. What? Did your meds just run out? What are you trying to say here?

    9. Nope. Dems don't support revoking 2nd amendment rights by and large. (Yes. There are a few gun extremists. But the claim that all Republicans are birthers has about as much validity as this claim.) Dems do tend to favor restricting gun ownership to people who have proven themselves responsible, and gun registration, and not allowing private ownership of certain types of weapons. But no one is trying to take away shotguns and hunting rifles.

    I hope that clears things up for you.

  • 5 years ago

    i don't look after unions because of the fact they have stopped representing the rank and document. on the 2nd they're not extra perfect than p.c... Oh and that i'm a member of the midsection type and in my opinion liberals and their working canines interior the Unions have executed extra to smash the midsection type than something a Republican has executed interior the final 40 years. while my Union took us out on strike, we had a seventy two hour "cooling off" era imposed with the aid of the government. Our Union reps used the time to fly all the way down to Disney international and take a trip. on the rank and document's dime. We have been getting a hundred and twenty money a week in strike pay, collectively as the Union employer reps and their acquaintances have been given finished pay. tell me returned how magnificent unions are, i choose a giggle.

  • 9 years ago

    As opposed to conservatives, who are supported by the people in charge of these companies and really don't give a flying **** about middle-income union members.

  • 9 years ago

    because they are stupid?



    or ignorant?

    or lack any sort of working brain material at all?

    one of those is the answer

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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    all unionis side w/ libs.

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