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Would you like to see the tax changes the candidates propose?

McCain's cuts are for everyone.

Obama's cuts are for the poor and midlle class. He raises them on the wealthy.

I NEVER thought I'd say it, but Obama's tax plan is BETTER than McCain's. Now if we can just get him to quit trying to socialize medicine, ditch the racist and anti American buddies, and send illegals back to their countries.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    EXACTLY! Barack Obama will give 80+% of American's a bigger tax cut then McCain would. He will only raises taxes on the top 1% of Americans who can easily afford a tax increase. Under Obama, the average cut will equal $1000 - $1290 annually. Under McCain, the average cut will equal $319 annually.

    Republicans continue to deny this and ignore it and say Obama's lying. Whose the real maverick of his party? Obama a Democrat who wants to lower taxes for the vast majority of Americans or McCain a Republican who admits global warming is real?

  • 1 decade ago

    As I have said before, there are not enough Americans making $200 k per year to support all of Obama's proposed solutions. I am of the middle class, and if universal health-care is established here in America, you can bet your life that we'll be paying for it.

    "Oh but Obama promised that only the rich will receive higher taxes."

    What a bunch of crap... Because there aren't enough uber-rich citizens to support his health-care program, the next logical target is the middle class. "Rich" is relative anyway. The Middle class is "richer" than the lower class... so by that reasoning, we will be taxed.

    More taxes + rising gas prices? If you are fine with that, then you must be really rich, Really blind, or really dumb.

    Democrats never initiate tax cuts, they only raise them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is a huge increase on the rich and everyone else is pretty much the same. also you should look into his plans on capital gains tax not just his federal income tax plan he will raise taxes for everyone in many area's. also most people in the 20 to 30k range get money back from the government anyways

  • 1 decade ago

    Tax the rich and cut my taxes is very old democratic political dogma and anyone that buys the concept is very uninformed.

    Jimmie Carters plan to create a windfall profit tax was a disaster.

    All taxes are regressive one way or another. Raising taxes to reduce prices is idiotic.

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  • 5 years ago

    He realizes that low tax expenditures in the main suitable sectors actual advise greater tax sales. it is been shown time and time lower back. Too undesirable the liberals are too busy with their "type war" Marxism to ascertain certainty.

  • 1 decade ago

    WOW I cant believe someone actually opened their eye's to the truth. Now you need to see how much better social medicine would be. He does need to choose his friends better in his line of work. But the McCain, Kennedy bill shows neither are going to do the last point, but I agree we need someone who will.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow. You're right. But it's not going to effect my decision on voting, they were too close to really change my opinion for my group. Still like McCain better...

  • 1 decade ago

    No, i would like to see the IRS abolished. I won't support any candidate that wants to keep that criminal organization running.

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