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How do you feel about tax breaks for business? Would you vote for a candidate that was for it or against it?

Would you rather give a large corporation a tax break or would you make them pay the same taxes as everyone else?

If you give them the tax break you would not earn any tax revenue from that company but it would bring 5,000 new jobs to your town. That would mean more service industry jobs, more new homes, and more new businesses for your town.

If you don't give them the tax break, they will take their business somewhere that they will get the tax break and you will lose out on the economic growth from the support industry. But, everyone will be treated equally and you will have kept the moral high ground.

Which would you do? I ask because people keep talking about tax breaks for big business like it's a bad thing. In the town that I live in, we had a company that wanted to move in, but with tax breaks. They were denied. This company went elsewhere and we lost more jobs than we have people to fill, and all of the revenue from the supporting industries and commuters.


The company that we lost out on would have offered employees $2.00 more per hour than the average wage of the town. Other companies would have had to raise their pay to keep employees. It would have been good for everyone. The county would have lost out on property taxes from the company but would have gained it from new home buyers, new car buyers, and sales tax.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If tax breaks for business will keep the businesses at home, why not give it to them. If we do that, then we need to tax the #$%^ out of imports so that people will actually buy American products. We need to have heavy penalties for American companies that send jobs overseas.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you tax them, the tax is passed through to the purchasing public anyway. It might be better to vote for the guy that will help to bring jobs to the area.

    This is a problem with high tax areas. Businesses can up and move giving the tax and spend politician nothing but empty words when he says business doesn't contribute it's fair share.

  • 5 years ago

    All candidates seem, to me, a bit weak. Overall, I believe Romney and Santorum are the cream that's risen to the top - it's honestly going to be between those two - but let's just say that the cow wasn't very healthy and gave us some crappy milk. For me, Romney has more of the same values I do, both politically and religiously, even though he's still a little too "big government" for me (considering his support for the bank bailouts). But there doesn't seem to be any legitimate reason for him to be ineligible for president. And the same goes for Santorum. While Santorum is a close second for me, he just doesn't seem very presidential. His demeanor and style simply doesn't hit the right tone with me. And while both candidates contain hypocrisy and - in my opinion - too much of a desire to launch venom out of their mouths, I'd go with Romney. But DON'T go Newt. Think about how long that man's been in Congress. ANYBODY that's been in there THAT long receives some kind of a taint. Let me put it this way: The man doesn't smell right.

  • Ali
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Tax breaks for small businesses definitely... but big business? No way! They already make enough profit without the government adding to it. Also, the way that large corporations treat their customers/employees generally sickens me... but that's a different rant.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Not certain where I fall on this. Tax breaks for companies might be a good thing but as long as it actually worked for the good welfare of the place it's located in.

    democrats '08

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is a very smart thought on your part. I try to explain the same idea to others, but they are caught up in the "stick it to the man" mantra.

    If you raise taxes on McDonalds, or raise minimum wage, the price of the hamburger goes up to cover it. In fact, they usually raise it more. So the minimum wage goes up, but the worker is worse off because his buying power is reduced. The rest of us making more than minimum wage actually end up making less do to our reduced buying power.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No tax for U.S companies or tarrifs for U.S comapnies so buisneess can expand and reinvest in economy. It will bring jobs to america becuase they dont have to pay no taxes

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's fine to give businesses a tax break as long as they don't send those jobs overseas, which the Republicans have been doing.

    Obama for America!

  • cdguy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    They should but tax breaks should go to small buissnesses as well not just big buissness

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i would vote for one that would give tax breaks to small business owners and farmers. unfortunately mcpain wants to give a 2 billion dollar tax break to exxon mobile.

    OBAMA '08

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