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Lv 5
VAgirl asked in Home & GardenGarden & Landscape · 1 decade ago

Ornamental grasses-question?

I have a window in the living room that is a tad larger than a patio door-huge window. I love it and it was a great feature but now the heat coming in is unreal. I have a sheer and a heavy curtain over it, we have planted a tree in te front yard to block out the sun but that won't help for the next year or two. So I am thinking of taking an existing planting bed in the front and pushing it out a bit to make it follow the curve of the window (it is built into the design of the house-kind of like a huge bow window) and planting some ornamental grasses that will offer some shade and can then be moved out once the tree is better established. What grasses would you suggest? I need some that will get tall and some that will stay shorter so that I can make as attractive a display as I can.


I think I want to stay in the 5 foot range for the tallest plant. It is a one story house and I have pompass grass on one side of the house. The area will get full sun from around 1 pm till sunset so needs to be harty and drought tolerant.

Update 2:

Zebra sounds nice. One other thing to add-is it too late to plant now in VA (central area) do I need to wait till fall to do this?

4 Answers

  • booboo
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here are some suggestions:

    Miscanthus sinensis (Eulalia grass)-many different kinds, all have same flower but foliage differs-very cool when flowering

    Calamagrostis (Reed grass)-good ones are 'Karl Foerster' and 'Overdam'

    Carex (Sedge)-many different kinds, lots of foliage options

    Festuca (fescue)-tufting and some have blue foliage

    Hakonechloa (Japanese forest grass)-if you have part shade, you have to have this one-a beauty

    Muhlenbergia capillaris (hairy awn muhly)-sooo pretty in flower

    Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Moudry'-has black plumes, really neat; other Pennisetums are nice too

    Check out this link for information and photos, it probably has the largest selection for information that I've seen.

    Good luck! :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Zebra grass is a beautiful green colour with stripes of white. It grows approximately 10 - 12 feet tall and comes back every year bigger and bigger. Make sure the grasses that you buy are hardy for your area. Zebra grass will make a beautiful addition to your home.

    Source(s): My garden
  • 1 decade ago

    Pompas grass will grow up to 12' look for a larger one they will almost double in size in a year, they look good all winter long too. as for smaller grass I like the red grasses

  • 1 decade ago

    i was gonna say what zoo keeper did...zebra grass.its spotted or lined kinda like a can cut it down if it gets too big..i had this grass in my flower garden before i moved..i would keep it cut and trimmed to make it not so snaky

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