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Lv 5
Dan asked in SportsAuto RacingFormula One · 1 decade ago

2009 F1 car shapes?

Does anyone have any ideas (pics.. drawings...photoshopped pics... anything!!!) on what next years F1 cars will look like...

I'm hoping they look like either the early 90's cars (ideally), or the 99 cars (very angular and compact)...

Any ideas and links etc. will be very gratefully received!!!


I understand that the actual teams designs are under wraps... but I meant other ideas that are floating around the net...

4 Answers

  • rosbif
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here is a concept car for next season (the plan for these rear wings has been binned, thankfully, the rest of the car is to the new rules - see below):

    And here is this year's McLaren rigged for 2009 rules:

    And a photshopped Ferrari:

    The technical directors agreed to proposals which are as follows:

    - Front wing width increased to 180 instead of 140 cm.

    - Front wing height decreased to 7.5 instead of 15 cm.

    - The middle section over a width of 40 cm has to be a standard part.

    - The driver may adjust the front wing flaps from the cockpit twice a lap by an angle of a maximum 6 degrees.

    - Rear wing width 75 instead of 100 cm

    - Rear wing height 95 instead of 80 cm.

    The diffusor then starts from the centre of the rear axle rather than from the front end of the rear wheels. It may raise to 17.5 instead of 12.5 cm. The bodywork has to be clean. That means no barge boards, no winglets, no chimneys, no flipups.

    Windtunnel research has shown that with the new rules the overall downforce loss will be 50 percent compared to the 2006 aero. If you follow another car within half a car length you will only lose 25 instead of 46 percent of the downforce and the balance shift will be 1 percent to the front rather than 4 percent to the back as it is now…sounds good.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i did not like each and every of the winglets and viking horns on the automobiles over the stunning 3 years. truly i could opt for the 2009 automobiles to look like the 08 variations, minus the winglets and barge forums, yet that does no longer help our lack of overtaking difficulty in any respect could it? I nonetheless imagine the suitable looking automobiles were from that 1986-ninety 2 or ninety 3 era, so notwithstanding the automobiles look now they'll in no way look sturdy adequate for me.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'll be happy just to see the barge boards, chimneys, and ESPECIALLY the gazillion winglets going away. Sorry BMW....Just please for the love of God, DON'T bring back the walrus tusk nose....

  • 1 decade ago

    havent been released yet, otherwise competitors would steal their ideas

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