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Why is there such cynicism regarding our democracy?

Some of the answers I read here demonstrate a total lack of how our government works. Do they still teach Civics in school? --if not, they should because it shows. Elections are held by the electoral college (i.e.) because we do not want the entire country controlled by the largest populated states on either coast. What about the regular guy who lives in the middle--shouldn't he have a say as well? If you distrust the folks in the government--stop voting for them because you believe they will give you something free. It doesn't work that way. You will pay for it, we will pay for it, and the politician will give you back very little. Remember, "Ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country." This is still the BEST country in the world.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think a lot of the cynicism stems from promises that are made by candidates, but never kept, and the feeling that regardless of how we vote, both political parties have agendas that they are pursuing.

    Also, I think a lot of it can be traced to a lack of understanding of how the government works. I've been out of high school about 10 years now and never had a "Civics" Class there. I did take a few political science classes in college, so I have a better understanding of the system than a lot of people my age. It's frustrating tyring to tell them why certain aspects of the government work the way they do, and frankly, a lot of the time, they think I'm just making things up. For instance the purpose of electoral college, proportional representation and why the popular vote doesn't count.

    This is a great question, by the way.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    So a "electoral college" system where 30% of the population votes for canidate "A" and 70% vote for canidate "B" and canidate "A" becomes president is a good thing? This is possible with the present system. Also the electoral college was set up to "protect the US voter from being scammed by someone as the US voter is too stupid to be entrusted with an actual election". The "controlled by the largest populated states" came later as a reason. Why don't they teach that in Civics class?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because it takes time to learn about how people say it's supposed to work and how it really works. People get worked up on their high ideals and they get sucked in. Along will come a political figure, who, in wanting to further their career will promise to change things for the better. Then, after its all over and their "savior" is in office, they become privvy to information that isnt in the public sphere and they realize that they could never dream to actually do the things that they promised. And the people end up jaded because they put their faith in this person, they feel like all politicians are liars. It's true they lie, but its because so many people take part in it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with everything you said up until the last statement, where you say "This is still the best country in the world". Yes we have freedoms, but it isn't as good as it once was. Anyway, I agree with you that people complain about how they get treated yet they contribute to their own demise. Either they don't vote because they feel that things won't get any better, or they vote out of ignorance for the wrong reasons. You see, people aren't doing themselves any favors by not voting. Like you said, we will pay for it either way. If we don't vote then whoever we get in office will be because we choose not to stand up and let our voices be heard. Our country has been sliding down the slopes because of the people in it. Some of it is corruption in high places, but a lot of it has to do with us as individuals. We are not willing to take responsibility to make things better, and if we continue down the path of being neglectful of our civic duties then we have no one else to blame but ourselves for our own demise.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When you attended the civics courses you missed out on the reality check and psychology courses. Cynicism is an instrument for intellectuals to make a point, however, it is lost with the imbeciles.

  • 1 decade ago

    The cynicism comes from facts. Our govt does very little "for the people", and everything for the big money and the corporations.

    plus look at our govt's record in regards to handling situations as they occur. Look at govt agencies and offices. How effective are they at handling day to day tasks. Govt offices are almost always slow and inefficient. They always have been as long as I can remember.

  • 1 decade ago



    But then again you state that.

    It's not a democracy. Don't call it such!

  • 1 decade ago

    Because there's a double-standard.

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