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Anyone willing to answer questions about being a Jehovah Witness?

I am not here to mock anyone's belief system, but there are things that I would really like to know about being a Jehovah Witness, seperate fact from fiction so to speak. My husband and I just got custody of his son, and the mother of the child claims to be a Jehovah Witness. She is very hostile about loosing her son, which had nothing to do with her faith, and everything to do with her ignoring him and his school work. However, having said that, this is still a hard time for her and I am trying my best to not do things that are against her relegion or encourage my step-son to do things that are against her relegion. However, due to the hostile nature of the custody battle she is unwilling to talk about her relegion with us, but is quick to point out when we do things wrong according to her relegion. We need help, we need people that are willing to answer questions about being a Witness and the internet is very conflicting on what it really is to be a Witness. Can anyone help?


I acknowledge that there are people out there that consider being a JW akin to being in a cult or undergoing brainwashing. YOU ARE NOT BEING HELPFUL! So please stop posting these remarks. The fact is that the only thing the mother asked for was final say on all matters religious, and then we threw in "As long as it does not interfere with any school activity". She agreed. My husband and I are not very religious, but we are both Christians, and while we both believe in God and say our blessings before every meal and thank Jesus Christ, we do not attend church, nor do we plan on being hypocrites by trying to attend church to try and over-rule his mother's religion. She gave up her son without a trial, and this was all that she asked for, so we are trying to teach my step-son differences between JW and Christianity without being mean or saying one is right. When he is with us he is Christian, with her a JW, he is only 5, I am trying to find out information to make this easier onall

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Jw are a Cult. They are brain washed into thinking that if anyone (adult or Child) that separates from the Cult then they will go to hell and they are a Apostate.

    The JW is taught that the organization is the "mother," and that Jehovah is the Father. Since Jehovah does not speak directly to the JW, he must rely on the organization for guidance and instruction. The JW is reminded over and over how trustworthy the "mother" is and how he cannot get along without her. Anyone else who tries to help the JW is viewed as "of the devil" and is considered dangerous. Since the JW is part of a family with its normal amount of brotherhood and togetherness (five meetings a week), the feeling of being safe and even "loved" reinforces what the "mother" is saying. The "mother" has taught him not to listen to anything critical of her, calling it satanic; thereby preventing the JW from thinking objectively and causing him to react with strong emotions whenever he senses a critical spirit towards the Watchtower. The JW will simply not question the motives or truthfulness of the "mother." Only if he begins to lose faith in the claims or nurturing ability of the mother (thereby breaking the emotional bond) will he start to think a little more objectively.

    I have studied and taught about the Jw cult. I can give you all the information you need about them.

  • Diane
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Why do you say the mother "claims to be a JW?" She is either a witness or not. Her husband would surely know about this. You do realise that that is the first thing to find out about. We ARE Christians by the way - you say you are christians, "but not religious" :) that just about sums up christendom. Did you know Jehovah is God's name? Do you know what the kingdom is, that Jesus told us to preach to all about? Do you realise that the trinity, which you are supposed to believe in is a pagan doctrine that was only adopted 300 years after Jesus died?

    Believe me, JWs are Christians, closer to the first century congregations than any mainstream church.

    Meanwhile the first thing you need to find out is if she really is a JW because apart from anything else, a JW is very keen to speak about our beliefs. There are those who are delusional and move from religion to religion - there are some on here - who then berate the JWs because we run a tight ship.

    The best place to go for the real information on JWs is - if she is a JW, the child will be very aware of the cartoons we have on there - it would be worth asking him if he watches Caleb cartoons.

  • 1 decade ago

    I find this question very hard to answer. You say she is hostile and will not answer your questions about her religion but is quick to tell you that you are wrong. If she truly wanted her son to know and be a part of her religion she would grow up and do whats best for the child and I think and true Jw would do the same thing.

    Here is what I know....they do not celebrate any holidays or birthdays at all. Basically since you are not a JW that is about all that is important in your house in regards to the child. Do you plan to take him to the hall and become a JW if not then you really do not have to teach him anything.....that would be his mothers responsibility not yours.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    "Why have there been changes over the years in the teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses? The Bible shows that Jehovah enables his servants to understand his purpose in a progressive manner. (Prov. 4:18; John 16:12) Thus, the prophets who were divinely inspired to write portions of the Bible did not understand the meaning of everything that they wrote. (Dan. 12:8, 9; 1 Pet. 1:10-12) The apostles of Jesus Christ realized that there was much they did not understand in their time. (Acts 1:6, 7; 1 Cor. 13:9-12) The Bible shows that there would be a great increase in knowledge of the truth during “the time of the end.” (Dan. 12:4) Increased knowledge often requires adjustments in one’s thinking. Jehovah’s Witnesses are willing humbly to make such adjustments" God's Truth does not change, but understanding of it may. Colors and shapes you see at night and daybreak can be very different from those you see at mid-day. Which is more accurate?

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  • J R
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    JW's very much believe in Jesus. Jesus is going to bust a move very soon and rid this world of Satan and his suffering. Jesus is not God. He is second in command in the spiritual world and has been given a task to rid the world of evil which he will soon. JW's do not believe in Santa Clause or bunny rabbits and Easter eggs, birthdays or all such mess. These are the things of the world. They do not even believe in being wealthy. They basically have a mission to preach a message about God's coming kingdom. The good news that many people welcome. What would happen if everyone in the world refused to go to the military to do the bidding of whoever is in charge? Does anyone on earth have the ability to set up a government that will make the world peaceful? Do you really want to save your life by getting a blood transfusion so that you could live a few more years on this world that Satan rules and give up the chance to live in a peaceful world free of the misery we all face today? Jesus saved us all from our sins and he wants us to spread the news of his coming Kingdom. Would you be willing to give up a chance at living the REAL LIFE on a clean beautiful peaceful earth just because you want a few Christmas gifts or a birthday gift? None of which you can take with you when you die. Everyone cannot be a witness that truth is evident by the answers written beforehand. The real issue here is are you going to let that child grow up to be a follower of Jehovah? Or are you just going to allow him to become another victim of Satan?The purpose of being a JW is that you may walk in the way of good people and that the paths of the righteous ones you may keep. For the upright are the ones that will reside in the earth, and the blameless are the ones that will be left over in it. As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth; and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it. In proportion as each one has received a gift, use it in ministering to one another as fine stewards of God’s undeserved kindness expressed in various ways. If anyone speaks, let him speak as it were the sacred pronouncements of God; if anyone ministers, let him minister as dependent on the strength that God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. The glory and the might are his forever and ever. Amen.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    (1) They believe that only their church members will be saved, The Watchtower, Feb, 15, 1979, p. 30.

    (2) They do not believe in the Trinity.

    (3) They believe Jesus is the archangel Michael.

    (4) They believed that Jesus began his invisible rule over the earth in 1914, The Truth Shall Make You Free, p. 300.

    (5) They believe The Holy Spirit is a force, not alive, Reasoning from the Scriptures, 1985, pp. 406-407."

    (6) The Witnesses believe that Jesus was resurrected, but only "as a spirit creature". They are taught that God disposed of Jesus' earthly body so no one else could see it.

    (7) They believe that the unsaved do not go to a place of eternal punishment, but cease to exist.

    (8) They believe that only 144,000 of the saved will go to heaven. All the other JW's that are faithful to the WT will live in a new paradise on earth under God's reign.

    (9) They prohibit blood transfusions no matter how ill their family member is.

    They set their beliefs on whatever the Watchtower says. . . In my opinion, you did a disservice to this child by promising the mother that he would be brought up as a JW (Hopefully you had your fingers crossed when you said this :D). God wiling he will drift away from this dangerous religion on his own.

  • I have many people in my family are are Jehovah's Witnesses and this is what I have understood from them over the years:

    - They do not celebrate holidays

    - They do not believe in taking blood transfusions

    - The believe in God but do not believe in the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Ghost)

    - Their place of worship is called the Kingdom Hall

    - They do not salute the flag or sing the star spangled banner

    - The do not believe in the cross (they believe that Jesus was impaled rather than crucified)

    - They read the Watchtower

    - They DO go door to door and talk to people, they're in subway stations, etc.

    - I think they believe only 144,000 will make it into Heaven

    They don't have any restrictions on what they wear and eat like many other religions. Hopefully this helps some.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is almost impossible to overstate how disrespectful it is to pretend that Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians. The formal name of the religion is Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, and they are very much 'followers of Christ'.

    Regarding school, there are two restrictions that students among Jehovah's Witnesses repeatedly confront.. ..

    Jehovah's Witnesses do not pledge allegiance to any flag, considering it idol worship. The questioner may be surprised that several other respected (but minority) religions agree, including Quakers. A Jehovah's Witness may choose to stand for but does not sing any national anthem, because that implies nationalism (a Witness considers his primary allegiance to be to God's Messianic Kingdom).

    Jehovah's Witnesses do not join in celebrations of birthdays or holidays, since these typically have nationalistic, pagan, or unwholesome roots and associations.

    The official websites of Jehovah's Witnesses are good resources regarding the actual beliefs and practices of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    There are dozens of articles in spoken word available in MP3 format at a third official website:

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't worry about her religious belief. You and your husband now have custody of this boy and his religious training is you responsibility. She has shown that she is not responsible to care for him.

    I got the impression that you are not really founded in a religion. I suggest that you really research to see if you want him to continue in this cult of Jehovah Witness. While there are many conflicting things there are some that you must remember.

    They claim to be Christian but they deny that Jesus is the only begotten son of God. That is not what the Bible teaches. Therefore they are not true Christians.

    Their leaders have had several false prophesies. The Bible says to stay away from anyone who claims to be a prophet, if their prophesies are not 100% true.

    The have a form of godliness but the truth is not in them.

    Whether you like it or not, it is now your responsibility to see that this child gets correct religious training. Research will show you that they are wrong.

    May I give you a word of advice, do not allow a Jehovah Witness to teach you their ways unless you have someone from a different denomination who really knows the Bible with you at that time. They can and will twist the truth when speaking to people without Bible knowledge.

    I am convinced that if you pray in earnest and ask God to help you sort this out, He will.

  • 1 decade ago

    I feel for you, and I respect you. Thank you for being fair.

    You agreed to her terms, and now you are willing to abide by them. Good for you.

    I can understand why she is being hostile, a mother would be upon losing a child, but that doesn't help you.

    To understand what Jehovah's Witnesses teach? You need to go to "the horse's mouth". THIS is the only official "horse's mouth" about What Jehovah's Witnesses believe. When you get there click on beliefs and it will bring up this link:

    And this one:

    There are other links you can click on at this site and it will give you further information. By the way we ARE Christian.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a Christian, one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Sadly many IDs on here are more than willing to give misleading answers about what I supposedly believe.

    I think your best bet is to find a local congregation, and let them know your situation. Tell them you need some help, and ask away.

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