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Why do people choose candidates based solely on such non-issues as abortion and gay marriage??

Both sides of this are absolute morons for choosing a candidate based on an issue such as abortion.... it's been legal for 40 some years and is going absolutely nowhere nobody's going to overturn it if you don't like it don't do it if you do like it do it.... come on people choose candidates for issues that mean something!!

same with gay marriage who gives a damn if it's legal or not we have a lot bigger issues to worry about!.... if it's legal great they can suffer with the rest of us if it's not legal fine you can still freaking live together like you're married who needs a gov't blessing......


ok I feel better now just ranting and raving =)


yea sorry about the if you like it do it comment I was just typing and not really reading what all I said.... I think people know what I really meant though

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Pure ignorance and homophobia.

  • fdm215
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't. I choose based on the candidates platform primarily. However, if a candidate takes a position that is in opposition to my interests, I'm likely to note that. Particularly so when the candidate tries to hide that position as McCain does with women's health issues generally and the right to choose specifically. He's against the right to choose and he tries to fudge the issue to make people think otherwise.

    Democrats 2008

  • 1 decade ago

    Homosexual marriage condones homosexuality to children.

    Gay is not OK.

    People firmly believe abortion is murder.

    As for your important issues that is what presidents have cabinets for.

    The first candidate that actively criticizes Gay Marriage has my vote!!

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, Roe v. Wade was 1973 and if my math serves me right thats not 40 years ago. Also, states have gone back and forth on the types of abortion including during of pregnancy allowable. Also, if you "like abortion then do it". Thats sick. I would say that abortion is on the minds of a lot of people but I guess your opinion trumps the rest so we should put it to bed.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The real reason is that the REAL issues that really affect us are not as easy to talk about. It's much easier for a candidate to get up and talk about gay marriage or abortion. And I think people don't want to hear about the economy either, or education, or health care, etc.

    The real issues are riskier to talk about because they involve asking the American people to make sacrifices. They involve our realizing that we can't have everything, that we have to make choices, sometimes hard choices. That makes them risky to talk about. For instance, you can't have tax cuts and increased spending AND a balanced budget. Nobody wants to hear that, and any politician who dares say it will get bashed by his opponents.

    So politicians come up with 'distractive' issues to avoid having to talk about real issues. Weapons of mass distraction, you might call them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes in this case. I would of voted for McCain but McCain has gone to far to the right and wants to take away the women's rights to decide what is best for herself. I will not vote for McCain because he is trying to over turn Roe V's Wade. That's the right of a women and Dr to decide what is best for her. No birth control pills, no life saving measure for her in case her pregnancy goes wrong.

    That is a real issue for all Women.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you're not Gay or a Women I guess these issues wouldn't mean anything to you. But there are millions of voters that those issues affect. So you vote on your issues and leave the rest of the nation to vote on theirs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do vote on the economy, foriegn policy and Iraq policy first but I am still pro-choice and pro-gay marriage.

    I guess for people who vote on only those issues, it does seem silly. But more logical than voting on lapel pins, or McCain leaving his wife 20 years ago to be honest.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe if you were gay, or a woman, those issues would be big in your mind. That does not mean those are the only issues they consider, or even the main issues they consider, but they certainly are a consideration for some.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with you. We have so many more pressing problems that involve the destruction of this wonderful country. Besides, those two issues are strictly personal and will not affeck the safety of this country!

  • LA
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Well what's important to you might not be important to them and that's o.k. Never the less I agree w/you but I also know and "respect" people like the ones you describe and they just don't see the big picture like we do because those issues are not what matters to them.

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